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  1. No, I think we should criticize them for selling out. If they want to get paid for their work, they're choosing the wrong career Modding started out as a hobby, if you make a mod fully expecting yourself to be paid, then you should never start modding, you should be a professional, licensed content creator. A certain degree of support is expected from a paid product, something a modder can never provide. Multi-billion dollar company like Valve has a legendary infamously bad customer service, how are paid mod authors going to guarantee support for their product? With free mods, incompatibilities can be sorted out, with paid mods, you need to buy mods you probably will never use simply for incompatibility issues This is the time to act, we need to protect modding, we need to keep it safe under the warm blanket of community project, not greed-laden industry, and those who sold out think only of money instead of dignity and the future
  2. In response to post #22523104. #22523319, #22528234, #22528984 are all replies on the same post. I wouldn't bet on it. AAA developers(or rather, the managers)' line of thinking basically go like: 1) Do we have enough resources? Yes: put the feature in No: replace it with a compromise 2) Have we got enough resources now? Yes: put in the compromise feature, only multiples of them No: put in the compromise feature If they have more RAM, they'll use it to make more closed cities instead of opening what few cities they currently have.
  3. Anyone ever managed to do this? Especially for faces with ECE? I'm trying to get the face of Lydia from SBF for my character, but I just can't make it work. I've installed ECE by the way. I tried to do it via CK: I modified a preset and replicated everything: TextureSet, HeadPart, face tint, everything, including the sliders. Face preview in CK looks similar to the face preview of modded Lydia, exported FaceGenData mesh also looks similar to the mod's FaceGenData. But in-game it looks very different, and when I summon the original Lydia, she has the correct ECE-d face I tried to directly put Lydia in Nord's race preset, but I only get the hair, the face looks very different. I also tried RaceMenu's mimic plugin, same as above. At this point, I think I've exhausted everything. Is there something else I can try?
  4. Well, catching up with consoles in terms of processing power isn't that hard, I was talking about any special features that they'd have, which is to say, so far none lol. I mean, Since PS4 and XBONE don't actually use standard PC hardware, if any of their features are proprietary/exclusive to that hardware, PC gamers will never see it. Still, so, I should just wait on the GPU? I don't really know about that, since exciting new features usually equals not-so-exciting higher price, especially when it's just out, kind of like USB 3.0 motherboards. is OpenCL even that new? I mean, surely hardwares available today is capable of running OpenCL? Or are you saying that PS4 will have a newer version of OpenCL that today's hardware do not support?
  5. PhysX at its core is a physics simulation software with intentional botched versions released for non-nVIDIA hardwares. I forgot where, but I read about a chart that shows how much x87 instructions CPU PhysX use, and the result was stunningly very much. I don't know about PhysX dying tho. nVIDIA kept on developing PhysX and adding new features (IIRC they developed new cloth simulation technique, wall-splintering effects, stuff like that, I forgot the actual names)
  6. Would it give you higher fps somewhere (where exactly?) or just a fuller sense of satisfaction? Don't forget that they've all got narrow memory buses. One of the reasons large amounts of RAM remain poorly used is bus width. GTX680 had a bandwidth of 192 GB/s and responded well to overclocking. Per frame, 192 GB/s is 3.2 GB. At the same time, 680 responds poorly to extra RAM. PS4's bandwidth is even lower, which means the chip will have an even more limited response in this regard. The purpose of this much unified ram is computing. What's more important is that any card you buy today will be somewhat outdated when PS4 comes out. It won't support the OpenCL code required for the compute operations PS4's and Xbone's chips are meant to do. So don't bother chasing PS4; you'll be able to catch up in full when it comes out and then new cards that support the new code come out. More VRAM would allow you to use higher resolution textures, use higher level of anti-aliasing, and generally load more content. It has more to do with stuttering and less with general fps (that's what the processors are dealing with). And yes, the narrow bus-width is a problem too. That's why I decided not to get a GTX 650Ti: it sounds like a good deal until I realized it has 128bit bus. That's a downgrade from my 9800GT (256 bit), and that thing is just old tech rebranded. I don't think catching up with console technology is possible. XBOX One, for example, already uses a custom CPU and PS4 utilizes a semi-custom GPU. Any feature developers use would be cross-platform, methinks. It's perhaps why nobody has utilized nVIDIA PhsyX on console yet lol
  7. Yeah, PS4 and XBOX One both has similar setup, which in turn is similar to generic PC setup. I think the CPU bound issue of current gen is because of PS3. i5 has quite a few varieties, which one do you recommend? Also, what GPU do you think I should get? PhysX seems to be not important in most video games, so I suppose it's not going to matter much between brands
  8. I'd recommend you to just stick to W@W for the Nazi-butt-kicking. I had Call of Duty 2, it's just... well... a downgrade, from your current experience
  9. There are tons of ENB around, what version did you download and from where?
  10. My current specs: MB: ASUS P5GC-MX/GBL CPU: Intel E4600 [email protected] RAM: DDR2 2GB @ 667MHz GPU: GeForce 9800GT 512MB Display: 1280x1024 As you can see, it's... well, it's sub-par even for the past 2 years' title. Of course, I can run them, but the experience simply isn't fantastic. Low texture resolution, stutters, lags during heavy combat, stuff like that. I'm thinking of an overhaul. I tested a GTX 460 to replace my 9800GT and the upgrade is beyond stunning, but looking back, I think GPU is the least of my concern right now (relative to other parts) I want to get a rig that can play intensive games for the next 3-4 years, with high settings. My budget isn't fantastic either (currently hovering around $1000) but can be negotiated So, what kind of specs do you people recommend? Preferably something that fits my initial budget I also need to buy a new tower to house the new stuff, as my current one barely fits my 9800GT I don't intend to use SLI/Crossfire I don't intend to run RAMDISK I don't intend to get an SSD I don't intend to have 1080p display I don't intend to run 3D vision or multi-monitor setup I do intend to get a wide-screen display, although it's pretty much the one part I can always do without. If I do, I think about 1366x768 would work just fine I do intend to get about 8GB of RAM I do intend to get a GPU with 2GB VRAM or more. I took a look at GTX 650Ti, but its bus is only 128bit But that's about as far as my knowledge of PC parts go. I especially can't judge CPUs and RAM, I'm a sucker at those
  11. With a mod list that big, incompatibilities is not a matter of "if", it's a matter of "when". I had a crashing problem before at a very specific area in Riften. Had to disassemble about 50 mods that I have to find out that the problem stems from the fact that I cleaned Dawnguard.esm with TES5Edit... (others do not seem to have this issue, so it's probably related to my machine) I had a crashing problem before even during Helgen breakout. Hours upon hours of watching a trigger happy Stormcloak getting cut off and idiotic Imperial General sounding all gung-ho again and again in an attempt to have a perfectly clean save. Turns out the problem is the mod I didn't want to let go. It's always the one mod you don't wanna let go. I do not know about your current load order, but the general rules: DO NOT install mods that pretty much do the same thing in different ways (overlapping). It's challenging Trouble. The last load order you post (that I managed to read) indicates you have multiple lighting/weather overhaul mods that overlap. That's not good. I also see a few mods that alter followers (especially Serana) so maybe they're conflicting I do not know how you actually test the mods, but if you want to play your Skyrim, you really need to drop a few or more of your mods. Most of your mods are armor mods. They, too, usually modify things that other mods rely. If anything, a good start is to play Skyrim with only unofficial patches first. After you get a stable game, add other mods one at a time. IF you find a specific way to crash your game, stick to that and disassemble your load order until your game no longer crashes
  12. YES! STICKY COMMENT! NO EXCUSE NOW YOU COMMENT REPEATERS! Btw, nested comment is all well and good, but new posts usually have informations needed, and if the post you're replying to is already buried in page 2, nobody else will read it (usually)
  13. I didn't know that CPM style of ads exist! I thought pay-per-click is the only style of ads! Good thing I don't use AdBlocker. And keep the Forest Fire Bear coming! Also, does the new system require us to at least download one mod every 30 days?
  14. I want to make a script that nullifies all incoming damage if it's below the armor's DT, the armor's condition will be reduced instead. This will only apply to select armors, so changing the bleedthrough setting is not the solution. I can get the armor's DT just fine with GetArmorUpperBody, but how do I obtain the incoming damage value? Especially from thrown explosives (which I assume is orphan?) Also, is there a function to reduce the armor's condition?
  15. I don't know what a "pay chit" is, but is there any terminal that explicitly states that a "pay chit" is, in fact, not a bottle cap?
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