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Everything posted by wolfdogelite

  2. haha, he used the same wallpaper size pic for the oblivion icon, oh well i tried. i think he used the same software for his, maybe not, but i like mine, supported up through the extra large icon size in vista
  3. 7z files don't need winrar, or winzip or 7 zip, they are prepared for obmm already, just go into the obmm, click the create button on the bottom right, it will open a new window and and in the middle it will have three buttons: load files, load folder and load archive, click load archive, then navigate to where you downloaded the file, load it up, and then it will have a place to name the mod at the top left, put its name there, you don't really need the description or author if you know where you got the mod, then click the create omod button and it will start up. once it finishes double click the mod with the green square next to it on the right, it will ask you if you want to activate, yes, then start the game, no need to check data files, already done. EDIT: btw, i'm using vista and windows 7, (not too many problems with 7, none with vista). if you need help with the run as administrator stuff let me know, i could walk you through it.
  4. what about kitchens, no one has a kitchen, i think kvatch had a kitchen, or maybe it was just food storage room, but there is a lot of food in the world and the only one preparing any food is that one goblin in the imperial sewers in the beginning of the game, and he's cooking a rat... does everyone just eat stuff raw or something? even Neanderthals cooked meat
  5. 17, been playing since the day it was released, actually played for like a weekend straight, haha. At first i was a little shocked by how many people were in the 40+ category, but really i shouldn't be, my uncle is 40 and he plays more games than i could in a month every week. he got the game the first day it was released, and that weekend we played through the game almost all the way through the main quest, we only had three days ;). he's played through oblivion like 4 or 5 times by now, and he only has the Xbox version!, and my dad, he's going to be 49 in less than a month, July 7th, and he games more than i do as well. he plays oblivion, mass effect, fallout 3, cod 4, and he's just getting into computer gaming. he played lode runner and marathon, then Diablo 1, and like father, like son, i followed in his footsteps, picked up a controller and i haven't looked back. :D
  6. ok, i guess it's 250kb per post, so here's the one for obmm, just download the files, put them in your pictures folder or somewhere, then rightclick on the oblivion icon, click properties and then change icon, navigate to where you put it and hit apply, bam you've got a high rez icon :)
  7. hey everyone, i had noticed a while back how horrid the icons looked for oblivion and obmm, so i went ahead and made my own, i used a wallpaper and sized it down to fit the icon, so even if you a 42 in 1080p tv for a monitor, like i do, it will look stunning. idk if anyone really cares, but i have them if you're interested, well i could only upload one of them, not enough upload space, i'll email or something if you're interested, just let me know.
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