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About Gunslinger074

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Apprentice (3/14)



  1. I'm trying to use the compact crafting nifs in my house mod. Problem is I made a dublicate of a vanilla workbench and replaced the mesh. It looks fine but the nif marker for the player animation is all janky. I fired up the compact crafting mod in the CK and saw that the marker model was labeled Markers\WorkBenchWeaponsMarker.nif Issue is I can't find that file designation in the mods mesh or texture files yet something is there because in preview the station shows up like it should. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Otherwise as it stands my player floats into the workbench and its looks janky.
  2. You need to navmesh the interior, and don't forget to finalize both navmeshes, the interior and the exterior cell containing the exterior door, once you finalize the navmesh you'll see a yellow triangle under the door markers, once you have proper navmesh outside and inside your companions will follow you like any other interior. ~~I have the yellow door/teleport maker under the navmesh same I as I would for FNV. It won't turn yellow. I see what youre talking about in other cells but idk what im not doing.~~ I figured out how do what you mentioned.
  3. So im using some industrial tubes to act as a tunnel. Problem is the player gets stuck mid way through. Lowering the grate doesn't seem to help. Any ideas? Also what sort of marker do I need to place so companions travel into an interior cell?
  4. Every time i try to edit and or create a script I get hit with this Papyrus Compiler Version for Fallout 4 Copyright © ZeniMax Media. All rights reserved. Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files... Compiling "Fragments:Terminals:TERM_DefaultTerminalWall_000D981B_1"... <unknown>(0,0): Unable to find flags file: Institute_Papyrus_Flags.flg C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Scripts\Source\User\Fragments\Terminals\TERM_DefaultTerminalWall_000D981B_1.psc(2,0): Unknown user flag hidden No output generated for Fragments:Terminals:TERM_DefaultTerminalWall_000D981B_1, compilation failed. Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed. Failed on Fragments:Terminals:TERM_DefaultTerminalWall_000D981B_1 anyone have any idea whats going on?
  5. Somehow I enabled a circular movement axis system instead of the normal x,y,z cross thing? How the hell do I get back to that?
  6. Thanks a ton you answered my questions. Its been so long since I've done this I'm half remembering things lol.
  7. So I'm trying to make a bunker/player home and to do so I duplicated a cell, specifically barneys bunker in salem. (in hindsight this may not have been the best idea.) One thing that concerns me is that the location of the cell still lists it as barneys bunkers. How do I change this and also prevent any broken quests from my new cell edit? Lastly how the hell do I refresh the lighting in an interior cell? I know theres a hot key for it but I've forgotten.
  8. I'm looking for an armor mod that looks something that someone who normally travels the wastes would wear. Something between the early stages of the Mercenary armor and the Adventure outfit. Ideally something pratical, has pouches, belts, ect with a bit of armor. I haven't played or kept up with the games for years so Idk if something like this even exists.
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