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About jamesmorlock

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  1. Enemies seem very "spammy" with their grenades. They'll throw grenades at you nonstop, even in close quarters, hitting themselves and their own allies. It also seems like they have way too many in their inventory, infinite maybe? I'd like to see them use grenades in a more intelligent way, like somebody who has a limited amount and needs to use their resources wisely, and not wanting to blow up their friends.
  2. Thank you. Does exactly what I need it to do.
  3. My girlfriend and I share the desktop and like to play Skyrim with different mods. I personally like Requiem, No enemies on compass, Hunger and sleep mods, etc. She likes to play with custom races, hairs, etc that I'd prefer to have absent from my game. I'm wondering if there's something on Nexus that lets you easily switch between mod "profiles" of some sort without manually deactivating/ activating each mod- which is time consuming and seems to mess up stuff/ cause crashes.
  4. I agree. I hate going to the major cities and seeing 3-6 houses, and there are always only like 4 or 5 children per city.
  5. I don't feel as though Skyrim, or it's mountains, are big enough. Yes, at the beginning you are greeted with a vast new world, but as you progress and memorize every location, and climb every mountain, it gets dull quickly. Locations are reached too fast as there are so many settlements you have to *try* not to run into them. I want to literally get my character lost in the vastness of Skyrim, wandering the frozen wastes in search of food and shelter. I don't necessarily want new locations, just sort of *stretch* the map out, if that's even feasible, to create more wilderness and more open space. Also, it would be excellent to scale the mountains larger to reflect a realistic mountain size. I was sort of disappointing post-main quest to find out that Skyrim is roughly the size of my small hometown. Maybe this is impossible or too much work, but I think this would make a lot of people happy.
  6. I'm trying to write a script for a portcullis to open and close on activation by a script, but it's really stumping me. This script is on the switch. Here's my code: scn LOGgateControl01 short open begin onActivate if open == 0 playgroup forward 1 LOGentrance01.playgroup forward 1 set open to 1 else playgroup backward 1 LOGentrance01.playgroup backward 1 set open to 0 endif end The gate raises just fine, but when I lower it, it repeats the lowering animation in an infinite loop. I'm not seeing the logic error here, but I'm sure it's something stupidly simple. Thanks.
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