I don't feel as though Skyrim, or it's mountains, are big enough. Yes, at the beginning you are greeted with a vast new world, but as you progress and memorize every location, and climb every mountain, it gets dull quickly. Locations are reached too fast as there are so many settlements you have to *try* not to run into them. I want to literally get my character lost in the vastness of Skyrim, wandering the frozen wastes in search of food and shelter. I don't necessarily want new locations, just sort of *stretch* the map out, if that's even feasible, to create more wilderness and more open space. Also, it would be excellent to scale the mountains larger to reflect a realistic mountain size. I was sort of disappointing post-main quest to find out that Skyrim is roughly the size of my small hometown. Maybe this is impossible or too much work, but I think this would make a lot of people happy.