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  1. Hello, I tried following load order guide because certain mod conflictions and now things are worse. Of course being the dumb ass I am, I didnt back up the load order before following the guide. I usually rely on LOOT, but its got its limits. The mods show up as clean in LOOT, most mod authors are pretty good about this now a days. So I put the load order in chronological order that I installed the mods and then running LOOT again to just get back to the original load order. Helped but still worse than the way I originally had it. So heres my current Load Order after running LOOT, any red flags on certain mods and their order would be appreciated. Thanks. Current Load Order: *SettlementKeywords.esm *Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp *ArmorKeywords.esm *Homemaker.esm *HUDFramework.esm *SimSettlements.esm *TrueStormsFO4.esm *FAR.esl *OVT.esp *CraftingTools.esp *Companion Infinite Ammo.esp *SimpleFusionCoreCrafting.esp *Reverb and Ambiance Overhaul.esp *TrueStormsFO4-FarHarbor.esp *TrueStormsFO4-GlowingSeaExtraRads.esp *TrueStormsFO4-FarHarborExtraRads.esp *BetterSettlersNoLollygagging.esp *EveryonesBestFriend.esp *BetterJunkFences.esp *LongerPowerLines3x.esp *SlowTime.esp *OneThirdExperience.esp *CraftEXPDisabler.esp *Power Radius 20x.esp *Passthrough.esp *BBS000-F04-Ultimate-DEF_UI.esp *Be Exceptional.esp *Unique NPCs - Creatures and Monsters.esp *Armorsmith Extended.esp *Weapon Rebalance.esp *LegendaryModification.esp *Classic Combat Armor.esp *Siles - Connectable Electricpoles.esp *D13SynthSpyDetectionElimination.esp *AutoDoors.esp *DD_Khassar_De_Templari_Increased_build.esp *Provisioner Tracker.esp *LooksMirror.esp *Homemaker - Greenhouse and Bunker Disabler.esp *Homemaker - Streetlights Use Passive Power.esp *Homemaker - Unlocked Institute Objects.esp *3dscopes-replacer.esp *BBS900-COM-AEX-Ultimate-DEF_UI.esp *Unique NPCs.esp *SuperMutantRedux.esp *Live Dismemberment - Insane-o.esp *TerminatorEN.esp *Pip-Boy Flashlight.esp *Eli_Armour_Compendium.esp *Conquest.esp *SimSettlements_MegaPack_YearOne.esp *Sandbag Fortifications - Version 2C.esp *wm chinese assault rifle - standalone.esp *SalvageBeacons.esp *SSEX.esp *def_inv_scrap_en.esp *ImmersiveScrapping_SeasonPass.esp *Snappy_HouseK.esp *CBBE.esp *HeavyGunnerNoExplosive.esp *Fleshy FEV Hounds.esp *Movable Power Armor.esp *PortableRecycler.esp *AzarPonytailHairstyles.esp *The Eyes Of Beauty.esp *SuperMutantRedux_ArmorSmithExtended.esp *BBS950-COM-UCM-Ultimate-DEF_UI.esp *Unique NPCs FarHarbor.esp *Unique NPCs_SpecialSettlers_All.esp *Unique_NPCs_SuperMutantRedux.esp *provisionerguarddog.esp *[xb1]craftingblurremoved.esl.esp *Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp *BetterSettlers.esp *BetterSettlersMortalPack.esp *BetterSettlersCCAPack2.0.esp
  2. Is it ok to delete files out of the Nexus Mod Manager Mod folder to save space on my hard drive. Will it remove the mods files from my Skyrim directory?
  3. I also like the Waypoints in Diablo. http://www.diablowiki.com/images/5/58/Waypoint._(Diablo_II).gif I can't believe no one has implemented this yet
  4. I like more immersive ways of fast travel so I have disabled fast travel permanently with a mod, and use the expanded carriage service mod, so there is a carriage at every hold. But I would like some waypoint portals(like the Diablo games) that could take you different parts of Skyrim instantly, no in game time would pass by like with the carriage system. I would like 4 or 5 of them, one for the north, south, east, west and maybe the center of the map. Bethesda released that video that showed the mods the developers made on there own time, this was one of them. I know some of those mods have made it in the game, but not this one yet.
  5. I've been playing hardcore mode for about 200hrs and I started getting a glitch with primary needs. When I eat, sleep, or drink, instead of stopping at "0", the stats go into the minuses. For example if I kept drinking water I could get -1000 H20. Before anyone starts saying it's probably a mod you installed. Well, I have tried disabling all my mods, but it still happens.
  6. I actually decided to use Radeon Pro. I tested both Radeon Pro, and 4gb loader separately. It seems that I get better frames per second with Radeon Pro, but more random stutters as I explore and as the land loads. Your argument is more for the vanilla version and not so much a modded version with high res texture packs on everything and monster spawn increaser. Can you explain how Steam enhances a game? Its just a interface DRM, browser and a overlay. Sure it doesn't use GFWL, but Steam doesn't enhance games.
  7. Removes warning noise that mines make before going off. Scratch That: I found Silent Mines on the Fallout 3 Nexus, it works with New Vegas. http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/6997
  8. Wouldn't there be away to avoid XP farming? Like when you reset a bear trap, it only gives you XP the first time you disarm it.
  9. He's not the Dragonborn, but the Deathclaw born.
  10. Is there a way I can use the 4gb Loader (http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/35262) with Radeon Pro application? Setting up a Radeon Pro profile with "FalloutNV.exe" or "fnv4gb.exe" does not work. When running New Vegas with the 4gb Loader, my task manager displays two processes related to New Vegas, one is "fnv4gb.exe" and the other is "FalloutNV.4gb". The "FalloutNV.4gb" is the one that is actually using the most resources, while "fnv4gb.exe" isn't using much at all. So I thought that I would just setup a Radeon Pro profile using "FalloutNV.4gb", except it's extension is not .exe but .4gb which Radeon Pro doesn't recognize.
  11. In Fallout 1 and 2 you could not only pick locks, but you could also lock them behind you. It would be a nice feature to have in New Vegas.
  12. I've been playing New Vegas about 200 hours with Hardcore Mode on, but suddenly the primary needs are glitching. When I eat or drink the numbers go into the minus' instead of stopping at zero. So I have turned Hardcore Mode off, but it also turns off all the other features that Hardcore Mode offers(ammo weight, doctors bags for crippled limbs....etc). So if someone could make a mod that removes primary needs from Hardcore Mode, I would be grateful. If someone could tell me how to keep my primary needs from going into the minus' I would be even more grateful. Thanks.
  13. Since patch 1.6 the crosshair is always on. The crosshair use to be only on when I was sneaking or using my bow, but now the crosshair stays on when my weapons are holstered and while I'm using a sword. Anyone else notice this?
  14. Have you modded your game recently? I always find modding is risky business. Sure there is a lot of great content out there, but install it at the risk of stability going to s***. I have another answer that you may not like. There is a lot to Bethesda games, and it could be as simple as something that you did during gameplay that created conflicting scripts. The simplest way to test this is by loading game that was saved hours or days before these CTD's started to occur. If the CTD's stop, then you might just have to start playing from that old save game to maintain stability.
  15. I have recently bought the Ultimate Edition. I turned off all of the "Courier's Stash" .esm's, I did not want those items to load in my previous save game, but they did anyways. So I had a hunch and turned off all the DLC's esm from my load order, and only had the "FalloutNV.esm" enabled, but everything from the other .esm files still loaded. It seems that the Ultimate Edition's "FalloutNV.esm" file has all the DLC's included in it, so there is no way of turning them off individually. Why have the individual .esm files when they are built right in the "FalloutNV.esm" file? If you don't believe, me try it yourself.
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