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About subject666

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  • Country
    United Kingdom
  • Currently Playing
    Far cry 2
  • Favourite Game
    Fallout 3, Far cry 2, Saints row 2

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  1. Fallout: New Vegas The new COD- supposed to be set in vietnam, lets hope they don't mess it up. Heavy Rain- Turned out amazing. Fable 3
  2. ps1: Crash Bandicoot ps2: Fifa 08 ps3: Cod4 or Fallout 3 psp: Football Manager handheldn 2009 PC: Fallout 3 xbox: Forza 1 :P
  3. i told you GAME has bundles :)
  4. you can get premium bundles at GAME.co.uk. :)nn keep the ps3 plz :)
  5. off:sorry about this but ive been busy over the weekend and would like to know whats happening
  6. "i would never sell someone out so dont worry"i say to flogging and caliton
  7. after seeing to men walk into a store, recognising one" isnt he the barkeep of the pub down the road" i think to myself. me being nosey i head over to the shop and say in a sarcastic voice "ooooooh, wel arent you 2 clever people"
  8. "japan no chance, canada yea, thats not bad is it. you never know we might find some people on the way"i say to everyone. i then head to my room and start packing my stuff in a suitcase.
  9. off: hangadog you could call it something like a nickname of yours or something and just put some numbers at the end
  10. "ermm, any free room you may find" i say to caliton. i then head to my workbench. 3 hours later: i have finished making the main body of the gun. now alls i need to do is find some decent ammo that could go with my gun. i then try out many different kinds of ammunition looking for the right one.
  11. "ermm, any free room you may find" i say to caliton. i then head to my workbench. 3 hours later: i have finished making the main body of the gun. now alls i need to do is find some decent ammo that could go with my gun. i then try out many different kinds of ammunition looking for the right one.
  12. you dont really need to do anything, just use your where you can.
  13. "ive got a bottle here"i say to caliton as i lob him the bottle." theres more further down the hallways"
  14. "oh hello hangadog, can u get me some bottled water please"i say to hangadog. i then try to stand up and say "so whats ben happening while i was knocked out"
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