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  1. Never mind, it works now, after hours of research... tipp: i had a problem with the creation kit... it seems like you have to end it before you put in new .nif files, otherwise it loads the .nif file not properly. So i only had to restart it. Greetings -MagicStyle PS: This tutorial helped me a lot: http://tesalliance.org/forums/index.php?/topic/5541-3d-craftworks-from-blender-to-skyrim/&do=findComment&comment=83872
  2. After some research i found out that i have to use a blender version <= 2.62 to create objects, or select the option "Legacy Mesh Format" under Save Options if i use newer verions of blender. Now my object is visible in nifscope and in Blender 2.49b, but now i have another problem. http://s7.directupload.net/images/141001/vc7gnjzf.png There are no entries like "BSXFlags" and "bshCollisionObject". I found out that it is possible to add them manually, so should i add every entry manually ? Thanks for any help!
  3. Hello, i try to add the normal default cube with a wood texture from Blender to Skyrim, but i fail every time. Is there a good tutorial on how to do this or is someone willing to create one ? This would be so nice! Thanks in advance for any one who tries to help!
  4. Hello, i followed many tutorials on how to import/export objects to and from skyrim. i tried it by myself and created a very simple model, a plank. http://s7.directupload.net/images/141001/j5pw7jjc.png After texturing, i saved and loaded it in Blender 2.49b... http://s7.directupload.net/images/141001/g57y2ri2.png ...but it does not show the mesh, even if the mode is at solid, only wireframe ? What was my mistake ? I decided to ignore it and go further... ...and exported it with .nif file format with following settings: http://s7.directupload.net/images/141001/ozogvibk.png After this, i loaded the .nif file with nifskope 1.1.1: But there is no Triangle Symbol as i saw it on tutorials, and my object is not showing up ? http://s7.directupload.net/images/141001/bc2zn2vk.png Can someone tell me what mistakes i made ? I uploaded the blend and niffile. Thanks in advance for any help!! Blend and Niffile: http://www.file-upload.net/download-9602080/Help.rar.html
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