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Everything posted by SadOrigami

  1. Do you have deferred rendering set to true in the ENB ini? Also, this might sound weird, but try to delete enbhelper.dll, it happened to me once and that dll was the cause.
  2. As long as the time used to add that exclusive content is not subtracted from the time needed for optimizing the game, do wharever you want with the product, I don't care.
  3. Wait, is your problem framerate or frametime? It's stutter? English is not my first language so I'm kinda confused, but since your system it's much more powerful than mine and I get like 300fps with ENB I assume it's just stutter. If it's just stutter and some framedrops here and there I can make you a list of mods that can mitigate that.
  4. I recently started playing with mods and can recommend these: Necesary for performance and stability reasons: xNVSE (manual installation), NVTF, 4gb Patch (manual installation), UIO.Extra performance: Heap Replacer (makes the game load everything faster), Vulkan injector (can double the performance if your system is compatible).Textures and models: NMCs Texture Pack, Character Overhaul, Weapon mesh improvement, Weapon retexture, Interior overhaul.Extra: BackPacks, Better animations.Graphics: ENB, ReShade.And if you need a little more of performance you can take a look a the Nvidia guide or try Lossless Scaling. Good Luck! PS: If you need help with trying to make the game work with ENB+ReShade+Vulkan just PM me.
  5. Seems like an "eye adaptation" problem you're describing. If you're using an ENB there should be an option called adaptation under "effects". If not, you could go to every ligthing mod you downloaded and read their description in search for anything that changes the game's default adaptation. In case it's the ENB you can PM me and I will gladly guide you on how to adjust those parameters. But since your other playthrough doesn't have that problem I can't think of anything else, so I hope it's just an ENB bug.
  6. Seeing that there's something emanating from the fire (texture or particles) I would try to disable the cinematic fire first, and then see.
  7. 2005 - Shadow of the Colossus 2001 - Silent Hill 2 2000 - The Sims 1999 - Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver
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