Strange problem, have searched around but not sure if I am searching for the correct word/phrase. On occasion a delay to things that happen in my inventory, for example: I will rent a room for 10 gold, guys says ok nothing happens. I will get a a key for a quest doesn't show up in inventory. I will read a book to increase a skill nothing happens, I will grab a book for inventory and it wont go into inventory. Now the strange part, i will start up a save game (after all that has happened meaning i save the game after that stuff because it is playable) and all of it will happen, one after the other. I will be told key added to inventory, skill increased, book added, 10 gold removed. Its like it all caught up in the order i did it in. My save files are <9000mb and this only started happening a week or so ago. I am running a good deal of mods, but cannot make any connection to new mods and this. Anyone have any thoughts? thanks