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Everything posted by kythlyn

  1. Thanks for the reply. Yeah, I've got the control panel and audio center both set to 5.1. GX is disabled and I really don't have any option aside from s/pdif (using an old amplifier). For the most part, Skyrim is performing perfectly through my audio system. It just bugs out occasionally as I start to walk away from talking NPCs. The audio will be playing from the appropriate speaker(s), then it'll suddenly cut out a half a second or so of the NPC's dialogue, before just as suddenly resuming the dialogue. It's bizarre.
  2. This is such an annoying bug... kind of an immersion breaker, you know? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  3. Oddly enough, the objective completed seemingly at random while I was wandering around Skyrim.
  4. So... I married Iona, and eventually asked her to move... got the miscellaneous objective, "Visit your spouse's house," and now it's impossible to complete that objective. I since moved her into a player house, and was able to get Lover's Comfort working, but that entry is still in my quest book. What is the console command to complete the miscellaneous objective, "Visit your spouse's house"?
  5. I have two 560 ti cards and a 2600k processor. I've toggled between using one card and two and have seen a huge improvement in FPS as a result. HOWEVER, you will still experience stuttering and lower framerate when using the official HD DLC or 2K's Skyrim HD (full version). I use Realistic Water, Fire and Embers, Flora Overhaul and have a solid 60fps. But if you want to use all HD textures and advanced lighting effects, you will probably want a better card (or two).
  6. I don't really know much about the inner workings of the game or modding, but this issue eventually resolved itself for me after enough time went by in the game for the area the book was in to reset. Example: There was a skill book sitting on an alter out in the middle of nowhere. It was bugged, but I took some other items off of the alter... after some time went by in game, the items that I took respawned, and once that happened, I was able to pick up the skill book like normal. I still use this mod and haven't had any problems since. As for the bookshelves, I think that bug is still a problem, but I just avoid reading, moving or picking books up off the shelf without using the bookshelf interface. As long as you stick to that interface, you shouldn't have a problem with duplicating books.
  7. I don't really know much about the inner workings of the game or modding, but this issue eventually resolved itself for me after enough time went by in the game for the area the book was in to reset. Example: There was a skill book sitting on an alter out in the middle of nowhere. It was bugged, but I took some other items off of the alter... after some time went by in game, the items that I took respawned, and once that happened, I was able to pick up the skill book like normal. I still use this mod and haven't had any problems since.
  8. Anyone else experienced this kind of bug?
  9. Hi everyone. I've been having a weird bug... I play the game through a 5.1 surround sound amp via a s/pdif cable plugged into my Asus Xonar DX sound card. What happens is when an NPC starts talking, if I turn away from the NPC, a bit of the sound file gets cut out when that person is directly behind me. It's like if I'm turning in 360 degrees, the voice cuts out right at 180, and by the time I've turned another 10 degrees, the sound file resume out of the back left or right speaker (depending on which direction I am spinning). Any ideas? Thanks.
  10. Hi everyone. I'm using the mod below... Improved Skill Books: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=9960 ...and I've come across a couple of issues. The main one that I would really appreciate some help with is that there are certain skill books in the world that I can no longer read or pick up. I am able to move the object by holding E (A on the Xbox controller), but clicking once does nothing. It just beeps at me. This problem is only affecting my most recent save files. I believe the problem started occurring after I had to reinstall the mod. I would like to continue using my most recent saves, so please reply if you have any idea how to fix the issue with those save files or the mod as a whole. The other (possibly related issue) with this mod is that somehow skill books placed on bookshelves can be duplicated... I think it happens when you try to manually pick up a book without using the bookshelf interface, but I am not certain. I have tried some of the other similar mods for renaming skill books and picking up skill books without reading them, so there is a possibility a conflict occurred somewhere along the way that screwed up my save files... but I'm pretty sure it started the first time I reinstalled this mod. (I apologize for the duplicate thread if you saw my post on the technical support forum or on the mod's topic.)
  11. I don't think there is one from Bethesda. I ended up leaving their HD textures disabled and have been enjoying a solid 60FPS ever since. I did experiment with Skyrim HD 2K Textures, but experienced similar stuttering with the full version. My understanding is that their Lite version will perform as well as the original textures from Bethesda, but I've been waiting for a Lite version of 1.5 to try it.
  12. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/568896-frame-rate-drops-when-turning-around/page__p__4610304__fromsearch__1#entry4610304
  13. Hi everyone. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=9960 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=8607 I've been enjoying the above mod, Improved Skill Books. I originally downloaded it from Steam Workshop, but since it's on the site now, I uninstalled that version and reinstalled using NMM. But that's when I ran into some issues. I can no longer pick up or read Skill Books that I find in the world. I can move them around, but that's it. I tried reinstalling the mod, but no luck. I even tried uninstalling completely (something I didn't want to do because I really like the mod when it works), but that also did not solve my problem. I also tried some of the other Skill Book mods on the site, but nothing fixes the issue. Edit1: I've noticed that reverting to an earlier save does solve the problem, but I have no idea how far back I would have to go to find a clean save file... hoping for a fix for my current save. Edit2: For some reason, after reinstalling the mod again, I was able to pick up some of the troublesome books... but others are still stuck. Please help if you can. :)
  14. Looks like it didn't uninstall cleanly. Manually removed some files and solved the problem.
  15. Hi there. I was using http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=9993. I installed and removed it using NMM. Unfortunately, instead of the NPCs getting their original clothes back, they just lost their clothes entirely!! I tried reinstalling the mod, but even with the mod installed again, they're still naked! It's as if the NPC doesn't even have the clothing item anymore. Help? Thanks!
  16. I tried removing all the HD textures and all graphical mods from the game, and now the game is running at a solid 60fps and there are no problems whatsoever. Silky smooth. No glitches or graphical artifacts. But I was able to produce the problem again by enabling the official HD textures and running around in circles after exiting Windhelm (with all graphical mods still disabled). So it's possible my problem is with the official HD textures. I might try Skyrim HD 1.5 and see how that performs. Still... I wonder if there is something wrong with hardware... I've got a pair of MSI N560GTX-TI Twin Frozr II/OC cards and a 2600k... shouldn't this machine be able to handle the texture pack without much trouble? Or am I overestimating my system?
  17. Ugh, don't tell me that! >_< These are a pair of new cards! They shouldn't be overheating... But... hmm... think I'll run to the store and get a can of compressed air and clear out the system today.
  18. So... I've started getting some graphical uh... problems (see pic). And those problems seem to occur at the same moment as the frame rate issues described in this thread. o_O; http://s16.postimage.org/cq1h57wk5/Screen_Shot2.png What you're seeing here is the main gate of Whiterun, right after exiting the city, taking a few steps, and then making a quick 180. The frame rate choked, and what you see above appeared. I was able to turn away from it, back away from Whiterun, and the game looked normal in that direction. But if I faced the same direction as I did in the image, the graphical problem was still there. Blarg.
  19. I also have shadows set to High, but I still get considerable stuttering and low frame spikes.
  20. Haha, nope. I've already made some concessions... only using 4x AA for example. I'd like to think a smoother experience is possible with my rig, even with HD texture packs, etc. I'm wondering if there are some specific tweaks I could do to stop the choppiness. It's okay if the frame rate falls a bit, but the choppiness is really annoying.
  21. Got the new nvidia drivers, but the problem persists. Any help would be appreciated!
  22. Hi everyone. I'm having an issue where whenever I turn around, the frame rate will suddenly (but temporarily) drop drastically. I am running a system with a 2600k processor (at 3.8ghz) and 2x SLI GTX 560ti. Normally I get around 55-60 FPS (after my fair share of tweaking and modding). But whenever I suddenly turn around (doesn't matter if I use xbox 360 controller or mouse), the frame rate falls to 35-40 and it stutters heavily. I even noticed the frame rate drop under 20 for a split second. This occurs more often when there are a lot of NPCs around, but not exclusively. I've noticed it happening regularly both in Whiterun and out in the open with only my companion anywhere close to me. Any suggestions? Thanks!
  23. For some reason I stopped getting XP from new codex entries and updates. I am in the mage's tower now... tons of codex updates, but no XP. Any ideas?
  24. Is there a mod that allows changing of party members at Soldier's Peak? If not... anyone want to make one? Better yet, a mod to make Soldier's Peak behave like Camp in terms of having access to all party members, inventories and status screens. :D -Ari
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