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Posts posted by ilawana

  1. I think you just go to your data files and check the boxes for which two mods you want and select one of them as your active file and do whatever it is you need to do from there. You still need both mods active during gameplay even though you moved the stuff from one mod to the other. If you are talking about stuff from hearthfire to dragonborn, or something like that, then I don't think you can I'm pretty sure you can only have one master file loaded at a time. Let me know if that worked ;)

  2. this one may help with the foliage http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/141/? and/or this one http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/11416/? i'm not sure if there compatible or not. This may help with the sky http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/39799/? as for the armor this one is good http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/19733/? although it adds many new sets of armor so if you're looking for something that doesn't add more armor then i would go to the categories section on the nexus page and here's the link to that http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/categories/? i hope this helps good luck :)

  3. Well my character is a male nord, named Talion. He grew up in Bruma and when he turned 16 his father died. His father had taught Talion everything he needed to know about using a sword and heavy armor. Talion became troubled after the death of his father. He started thieving. One day he stole decided to steal a family ring from the Countess of Bruma. Talion managed to get the ring from the countess' jewelry box. Once he escaped from the castle he was greeted by a man. The man gave him a letter. The letter was from the Grey Fox. Talion joined the thieves guild and did business with them until he turned 18. He left the thieves guild to help his dying mother, but it was not good enough. His mother died. Once he buried his mother he went to skyrim. There he was caught in the crossfire between the Stormcloaks and the Imperial Legion. He was captured by the Imperials and taken to a town called Helgan where he was about to be executed until a dragon attacked the town. Talion managed to escape with a male Nord named Ralof. And we all know what happens then. Not much of a story, and I forgot where I left off with him. I haven't played in awhile.

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