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Everything posted by jakelad
Hi Does anyone know of a mod that will allow you to remove the incredibly annoying "drum thump" sounds when you're crafting, cooking, etc? It's so painful to hear, especially when you've picked up say 20 salmon steaks and you fast-click to cook them all... I've seen a few sound remover mods, but they all seem to be focussed on the critical hit and/or sneak kill sounds exclusively. Other than that there are a couple of extensive "sound chooser" mods which allow you to turn on or off many sounds, but they are way too extensive for what I need and i don't even kno ifthey cover the crafting sound. Any ideas?
OK thanks both. I increased the pagefile max so it's now 1024-2048MB. Left it on SSD for now as I want the responsiveness of the SSD. I also installed the SafeLoad mod (SKSE plugin). i'm not sure which one of the above was the major solution, but all seems to be working well. Thanks again!
I'm sorry, I don't really understand your last post. Also, how do I run Skyrim without Steam? I use Mod Organiser and run SKSE launcher from there, but it always asks me to log into steam.
Hi, thanks for your reply. I read through that thread: very interesting and potentially a solution, but, I still have a few issues, some of them the same as the person you are trying to help in the other thread (eg: a lot of it is too technical for me). Would appreciate if you could help further. * I also my pagefile low while following guides for setting up Windows on an SSD. IIRC it talked about minimising writing to the SSD to reduce wear and tear. Is this wrong? * I also have OS (Win7) on SSD along with some applications, and Skyrim. I have an HDD for data (music, photos...) So should I move the pagefile to the HDD?? * Is there a way to reduce the amount of memory being used by Steam and CCC during gameplay? * What other things can I do to reduce memory usage in game? I'm assuming that the memory problems are linked to RAM and not VRAM? So would reducing texture quality etc not help at all? Unfortunately i can't get to the PC with Skyrim on right now to test the pagefile thing, so that will have to wait, but if you have any more answers that would be great
Hello After a good few days of solid bug-free gameplay, I now keep getting freezes which are apparently caused by memory leak errors or low memory. This is despite having 4GB of RAM (ie higher than Skyrim's 3.1GB limit, I believe) Sysinfo: EDIT: GPU info added: I'm basically running STEP 2.2.7 mods + a few other minor ones. I would appreciate any help or pointers people could give me to help me to fix the problem. Below is the Windows error message I get (don't know how to post screenshot...). Note that I don't usually CTD, the game just freezes or becomes very unresponsive and I have to quit, and have this message on desktop: "Close programs to prevent information loss Your computer is low on memory, save your files and close these programs: Skyrim" My windows event log says: "Windows successfully diagnosed a low virtual memory condition. The following programs consumed the most virtual memory: TESV.exe (3668) consumed 2249224192 bytes, Steam.exe (1740) consumed 157433856 bytes, and CCC.exe (2992) consumed 113393664 bytes." My papyrus log (I suppose mainly the last few lines are useful but I put it all just in case): Maybe unrelated, but added just in case, my windows event log has the following error just about a minute before the last freezeup: "The Desktop Window Manager has encountered a fatal error (0x8007000e)" If anyone knows enough to be able to interpret any of this it would be great. I just want to play the game!!!
Quickstart issues: HelgenRandomSoundScript.OnUpdate
jakelad replied to jakelad's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Hi Thanks for replying. Would be great if you could find a fix as it's a great mod idea, and sorely needed, but that infinite script problem is literally game-breaking. Maybe you should put a warning also on the nexus mod page? I found it a shame to lose about 4 hours of otherwise flawless gameplay. PS: I tried a "dumb" approach of just overwriting the script with a patch plugin using TES53dit (ie copy the offending record into the patch and remove the refs to the script) but unsurprisingly the game didn't like that. -
Hello I'm having persistent CTDs after a good few hours of stable play. I think I've identified the problem as Dimes Quickstart Mod from googling and my papyrus log. Basically, the quickstart mod allows you to skip the (tediously long) opening sequence, however Skyrim keeps trying to call a script to play a sound which normally occurs during the opening sequence, as (I suppose) it doesn't recognise that it's been skipped. Now of course I could start a new game without the quickstart mod, but I'm really looking for alternative solutions as the thought of starting again makes me very sad... :sad: Is there some way to stop this script from being called? A console command? Overwriting a record using a patch plugin? (I can use TES5Edit) Please help!! last few lines of papyrus log before CTD:
No worries, I appreciate any help. Yes I use BOSS, and I know how to clean with TES5Edit and create and modify merged patches. No issues with BOSS messages I don't think. Here is the mod list from BOSS, it's changed a little since last time I posted it but the problem was occurring before I added the most recent ones anyway. EDIT: OK, so I realise I probably should have done this a long while back (just discovered how to use MO profiles), but just loaded the vanilla game with only a quickstart mod, ran to riverwood, used console to give myself steel smithing perk, and I have the steel option in the left-hand menu at the forge (as well as studded and bonemold??). So, it would seem that it's definitely a mod causing the issue. Going to keep investigating. EDIT2: OK, so I switched back to my fully modded profile, did the same thing as above, and I now have the steel smithing option, minus bonemold/studded, plus falmer... I'm not really sure what is going on there, but i think that the problem seems to have been resolved. Could be as i'm running a new merged patch. I just don't know...
As stated, I have the first perk on the smithing tree, which is steel smithing. I've googled around and it seems that the Falmer shellbug helmet is legit - it's from one of the DLCs (dragonborn or dwanguard, I forget which) I've looked into my mods with TES5Edit and can't see why the ability to forge Steel items would be missing once I've acquired the relevant perk so I'm very confused...
Nope, no Requiem Mod list is below (not in load order, ModOrg export puts it in alphabetical order by default)
UM, wow, okay, it seems that game file verification thing has screwed around with a lot of stuff on my Skyrim installation... I think it reinstalled various files, and now Mod Organiser doesn't recognise anything and even said that it was starting for the first time when I loaded it after the verification... No mods loaded or recognised... Anywho, I decided to load into a previous save game near a forge in this completely unmodded setup, and when I used it the Falmer category had disappeared, and in its place was a "studded" category which used iron ingots, but still no steel. Is this what Vanilla is supposed to be? If so then I suppose one of my mods is causing some issues with smithing, though not sure which one, i'll have to do some testing. In any case, toeclipper, although I know you were trying to help and nobody forced me to do the file verification, i think you should add a disclaimer/warning next time as it seems to have created a bit of a mess, although i'm sure it's nothing I can't sort out. if anyone has any advice that'd be welcome...
No, what might that be? EDIT: OK, just googled. If you mean the Steam game cache verification, I did that, and it didn't find any problems (well, it said 6 files could not be validated, but their support page I was using said that this would happen and was normal)
Sorry to bump, but this is really confusing me. It's my first playthrough, and I'm not sure if this is supposed to happen. For example, I also had access to crafting "Falmer" (??) stuff from the start (although I can't actually craft any of it but the option is there (just for a helmet I think), unlike steel stuff) Any help appreciated
Hi all I have a strange problem. Despite having acquired the Steel smithing perk, I cannot craft steel items at forges - the option doesn't even show in the list (iron, leather, hide, etc). I'm pretty much running core Step 2.2.7 (latest), and the only mod I can think oif which might change smithing behaviour is Ars Metallica - tried disabling this but the problem persists. Any ideas??? I've searched around for this a bit (ie google) - my problem has been mentioned a couple of times, but no luck on finding a resolution.
Thanks very much for such a clear and detailed answer.
Sorry, the title isn't that clear, but i couldn't find a better way to put it shortly. Basically, I want to upgrade my graphics card, however I have already installed, configured, modded, played Skyrim.* My question simply is: what do I need to do to make sure that Skyrim will properly recognise that I've changed my card, especially considering I launch via SKSE via Mod Organiser. Do I need to run the Skyrim launcher again? Or will Skyrim just realise automatically?
Hi, I accidentally used the "zap" command (meant to use "disable") on the dead body of a supermutant hunter (FWE). Does this now mean I've deleted all instances of SM Hunters from my playthrough? Is there a way to reverse this? I'd hate to continue playing knowing for a fact that i'll never see any more of them!
Clean modded setup step-by-step guide
jakelad replied to jakelad's topic in Fallout 3's Mod Troubleshooting
Really? I always install to C:\Games\Fallout 3 and never had any problems with either of those tools you mention -
OK, think I'll hold back on Master Updating unless I get any of the specific problems mentioned (crash at save, navmesh problems...) Thanks!
Clean modded setup step-by-step guide
jakelad replied to jakelad's topic in Fallout 3's Mod Troubleshooting
Easiest is a link to another forum topic I started today: My link Thanks for feedback btw. -
Hello! I'm currently running a fairly stable game (GOTY) with FWE, WMK and 15 or so other mods installed. BUT, being a perfectionist, I am bugged by the fact that I still sometimes get freezes/crashes at seemingly random points. So... I decided that I *might* do a clean install and start all over again using the information I've been picking up by lurking in this forum for the last week or so (wish I'd known it all before I started). So, I put together a step-by-step guide for myself, which is below (the green text is stuff which is specific to my setup/prefs). I'd REALLY appreciate any feedback on this - errors, omissions, etc. or just general comments. Maybe this could even be useful for others starting from scratch? I have found a couple of step-by-step guides already, but found them to be quite confusing in places and wanted to do one for myself. Please read, digest, and comment! 1. Install FO3 into C:\Games\Fallout 3 2. Patch to v1.7 3. Defragment HD if necessary. 4. Set up graphics/performance options using Launcher: Reduce shadow settings Reduce water settings Reduce radial blur settings Reduce/switch off AA 5. Initial .ini tweaks: bShowQuestMarkers=1 - If set to =0, this variable will disable the quest markers which appear at the very bottom of your compass, pointing in the direction of your active quest (FalloutPrefs.ini). bBorderRegionsEnabled=1 - If set to =0, this option removes the invisible barriers around the outer edges of the game world, though not much is beyond (Fallout.ini). bForceFullLOD=0 - If set to =1, this variable increases the visible number of bushes, especially in the distance. The performance impact is minor, so if you want a bit of additional foliage in the game world, enable this setting (Fallout.ini). 6. Disable autosaves from in-game menu. 7. Set key-mapping. 8. Test game (can use ~and TMM 1 and TMM 0 to toggle map markers on/off and fast travel). 9. Other .ini tweaks (to be applied and tested at various stages): All of the below options relate to background loading to attempt to smooth FPS and reduce stutter. I recommend setting them all to =1 if they aren't already. At worst this will do no harm, and at best it may reduce stuttering and improve performance (Fallout.ini). bBackgroundLoadLipFiles=1 bLoadBackgroundFaceGen=1 bBackgroundCellLoads=1 bLoadHelmetsInBackground=1 iBackgroundLoadLoading=1 bBackgroundPathing=1 bBackgroundNavmeshUpdate=1 bCloneModelsInBackground=1 [*]All of the below variables relate to the use of the GameBryo engine's multithreading capabilities. Fallout 3 is already multi-threaded by default, however by enabling all these options you may gain additional performance if you run a multi-core CPU. Note however that I found that setting bMultiThreadAudio=1 would cause a freeze upon exiting the game every time, so you may wish to keep this variable disabled for that reason. (Fallout.ini). bUseThreadedBlood=1 bUseThreadedMorpher=1 bUseThreadedTempEffects=1 bUseThreadedParticleSystem=1 bUseThreadedAI=1 bUseMultiThreadedFaceGen=1 bUseMultiThreadedTrees=1 bMultiThreadAudio=0 iNumHavokThreads=5 [*]Some dual core and quad core CPU users have said that by inserting a new command iNumHWThreads=2 (and bUseThreadedAI=1?) under the General section of Fallout.ini, and setting it to a value of 1, 2 or 4 (typically 2), this prevents freezing at certain points in the game. In practice this setting should not be required, as it appears to restrict the number of threads used by the game, however you can experiment with different values depending on how many cores of your CPU you want the game to use. 10. Test game (can use ~and TMM 1 and TMM 0 to toggle map markers on/off and fast travel). 11. Install tools/utilities: FOMM FOSE BOSS FO3Edit 12. Toggle archive invalidation in FOMM 13. Install mods one by one following logical load order and according to mod-specific instructions, then: Use FO3Edit to check mod conflicts after installing, modify if necessary. Use FO3Edit to clean each mod after installing. Use FO3Edit to create merged patch. Use FO3Edit to check merged patch, modify if necessary. Consider master updating (research more), except for the following mods: FO Remastered Attentator's Wasteland economy Clean Deluxe mods [*]Run game to test. 14. Repeat step 13 until all mods installed and game is stable. 15. Defragment HD if necessary. 16. Play! (about frickin time...) EDIT: credit where credit's due - the .ini tweaks stuff is taken from tweakguides.com
After researching as much as I could on the forums on master updating with FO3Edit, it seems that there is no conclusive consensus as to whether this is a good idea or not, especially since we moved on from official patch v1.5. It's really confusing to see all this conflicting information - it's like reading news articles on what is or isn't good for you (ok I'm exaggerating a bit...) - one day red wine reduces cancer risk, the next day it increases it!! Also, I've read that some mods should not be master updated, e.g.: Fallout Remastered, any of the Clean Deluxe mods, Attentator's Wasteland Economy... Does anyone know if there is now a clear idea on this within the FO3 mod community? Or if not, what are your opinions?
For future reference, I found the culprit: I'd applied the 3.0 Shader tweak recommended by tweakguides.com to force the "best" shaders. I reverted back to the default shaders and the problem is fixed!! Hopefully this will save someone else with the same problem a lot of bother (luckily I found it quite quickly!!)
Hello, I have a really annoying problem and would be massively greatful if anybody can help me fix it. Basically as you can see in the title, all water is missing from my gameworld. At least, it is there, so I can hear the splash when I go in it, I get radiation poisoning from it, but I can't see it at all... I was wondering if it's got something to do with the fact that I'm using Fallout Remastered, cos of the fact that you can't do a Master Update on any of it's files. Because I've done a MU on all my other mods, it means that FO Remastered always loads last, even after my merged patch (which was created with FO Remastered active). I have tried playing without FO Remastered active, but the problem remains. Load order: Can anyone help?
some basic advice for new modded install
jakelad replied to jakelad's topic in Fallout 3's Discussion
Thanks for the replies. Yes I'd already planned to install FWE. I already have BOSS and FO3Edit and more/less know how to use them. M48A5, are you sure I don't need either the UO patch or error correction with FO3 remastered? Just want to be absolutely sure. Also, I wanted BA Wasteland as it adds more trees. AFAIK Fellout does not do this. Am I right?