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Everything posted by overlord118

  1. Whenever I create a shortcut for SKSE_Loader (the file to play SSE) on the desktop, SKSE only operates once. I try to click on the desktop shortcut after playing SSE, but I get an error message that SKSE64 is not working. Once that happens, SKYUI and most other mods don't load. Any ideas on solving this issue? It also happens whenever I try to run SSE from Steam. I'm playing on PC with the latest version of SKSE, SSE, and Windows 10. Thanks!
  2. How to get the SSE to open and run with the latest version of SKSE from the Desktop or Steam? When I check that SKSE is running in SSE either either method, (using the console command), I get an error message that SKSE is not there. However, when I play the game by clicking the skse64_loader, it works fine. The directory where this file is located is here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition Thanks!
  3. I thought to try out this mod, but have issues after it's registered in MCM. I can't get the prefs to get accepted after clicking on them. For instance, when I click the 'general' tab, sometimes I can't move to another tab, so have to hit 'esc.' which prevents my choices from getting accepted. I don't have any CTDs w/ it operating and use all the patches. I've used LOOT to ensure the proper load order. Should I move this mod to the bottom of the load order? Between RND and iNeeds not working properly, what others to ty? TIA!
  4. I've flawlessly used this mod since starting the game, but it stopped working over the weekend. Ideas on causes and solutions? I don't get any status msgs about m hunger/thirst/tired levels (yes, that feature is checked). I also don't hear the associated noises about needing food/drink/sleep. I tried to disable and re-enable the mod, but it still is unable to function properly. I have the LE edition with all the patches.
  5. Hello all, I got the quest from the Solitude Jarl to drop off the war horn at the Shrine of Talos, but I don't see the horn in the inventory (to complete the quest Elisif's Tribute). Is it supposed to be there? If I add it (using a console command) would that prevent me from finishing the quest? Odd to get a quest item w/o the item! Tkx!!
  6. He mentions what he needs in the tavern, but I don't see the quest appear in my misc area of the journal. I have all the patches running on the LE edition. Is there a particular patch that solves the issue? TIA!!
  7. Any ideas why these people talk to me, but whenever I try to sell stuff (for reasons i can't mention in this forum), they stare back at me? I don't hear the 'clink' of coins or see any inventory decrease in the specific items. I have the LE edition with all the latest patches. Tkx
  8. Now I can't enter this place b/c the light won't shine from Meridia's beacon. Why?! I activated ALL the beacons in the temple beforehand. I even removed the beacon and added it w/ the console command. When I float above Skyrim, Meridia doesn't appear as just a name and not a ball. This is so frustrating! I have the LE edition w/ all the patches. Can someone pls help?!! TKS!
  9. I got Meridia's beacon and started the quest (lvl 18), but why no lightbeams from her floating beacon down to her temple? After I float above Skyrim to meet her, the quest moves to visiting the nearby ruins. Upon arrival there, I soon see beacons to activate, but no lightbeams touch them. Why not? I have the LE edition w/ all the patches. Here are pictues of the lightbeams that I don't see: http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/The_Break_of_Dawn TKS!
  10. I have the latest v. of safety load mod , which greatly speeds things up and greatly reduces the number of CTDs. I still see 4-6 load screens (where white text appears at the bottom) before the game starts. Any mods to eliminate those issues or reduce the # of load screens further? Thanks for reading and keep up the great work on the mods.
  11. I have the LE edition w/ LOOT and NMM. LOVE the game, but can't get how to reduce the # of load screens (where you see the lvl and white text at the bottom). It takes 2-5 load screens before I get in the game initially. When I restart or recover from a CTD, it takes 2-3 load screns. I have all the latest patches running and safety load (great mod, btw). Thanks!
  12. Running the latest version of Skyrim LE and all patches/updates using NMM. I have about 50 mods running, including Skyui. None of the mods conflict w/ each other to cause a CTD; things change when I get near Windhelm (near the front entrance). I treid the console command to walk through walls, but the game still kicks me out or freezes. Does ETAC cause this issue? If not what to do? I have visited Windhelm before flawlessly. The game runs great until I get there. Thoughts? TIA!!
  13. I've tried so many things to get the game to run using SKSE. I defrag the hard drive, use the skse.ini for the frame rate, and don't have any issues w/ mods (about 60) using LOOT; one of the mods is SSME. The game used to open just fine, but I don't know why having the LE edition, skyUI and all the patches prevent the game from running smoothly. I can literally click the desktop icon and walk away w/o anything happening. Once in the game, it randomly pauses before I can move or do anything. Any ideas on fixing such long load times? As I wrote, the game started acting this way only recently; it used to run much, much smoother.
  14. Any ideas why reading ANY books freezes the game? I have LE with all the latest patches, but can't seem to fix this issue. It's so annoying trying to read a book b/c the game freezes, a black screen appears and I have to restart. This happened twice. I am using about 60 mods and none of them cause the CTD; one of the mods is unread books glow. Pls help!
  15. I noticed that I can pick up stuff in Whiterun despite having the Blocksteal mod active (yes, I checked). Why did the mod author prevents people from downloading new versions? Is there anyway (e.g., another mod) that prevents you from picking up the wrong stuff? It's so annoying when you want to get something but end up picking up so much crap. Tkx!!
  16. I have the LE of Skyrim w/ all the pathes and even SSME. Why does SKSE take so long to load? I frequently get a small black screen open when starting the game, but then it closes without the starting menu appearing. The game worked well before and none of the mods I had ever caused it to CTD; mods aren't the likely culprit. Any ideas on how to easily fix? The game does eventually run, but I don't get why it takes 5-10 minutes of multiple clicks on the SKSE icon for that to happen.
  17. Happy Holidays!! I've had the game since August, and just noticed a lot of issues. The game now stops running w/ and w/o the latest version of SKSE. I can't even get the main main page to appear! I set all the exe (application) files to run w/ me as administrator, but that fails to have the game operate. I'm using the LE edition with all the patches (in the proper load order), including SKYUI. I installed SSME (using LOOT) to address the frequent long load times and freezes. The game simply won't launch. I had it working earlier today without installing any new mods, so I know there isn't a conflict there. interestingly, I noticed that I can't even get Steam to work either! Pls help me get back to enjoying such a dynamic game w/ some non-technical or risky steps!! Here are some of the other things I tried: - Saw of anyone has similar issues for solutions; -Checked the load order and tried to open the game using NMM; - Restarted the computer; and - Tried to run the game from the CD
  18. I killed the main dude and got the fragement, but the objective still remains 'investigate the gauldur legend'. Did I do something wrong? The map also notes that the place is cleared. WIth no monster there, why won't I get the objective removed? I never saw it on my journal. TIA!!
  19. Can someone pls help explain why immersive armour and immersive creatures won't work with the willows bug mod (the one that makes tons of butterflies and other insects appear)? Even with a bash patch, when either one of these operates, I don't see butterflies ANYWHERE. I am using Loot, SKSE, and NMM with all the expansion patches. Is there any way way for all three mods to work together? I would hate to lose any of them! I also attached my load order.
  20. Can anyone explain how the immersive creature mod prevents butterflies and other creatures from appearing? I removed the former and Skyrim was populated by insects! Attached is my load order. How to move any mods around to enjoy the benefits of both mods? TIA!!
  21. What are reputable and accurate sites that lists potion components? I searched online but it seems many places have incorrect component lists (perhaps they copy and paste from other inaccurate sites). Sometimes, the components I use from the sites result in a unintended types of potions or lead to complete failures. TIA
  22. What is your load order for using willow's insect mod (it makes butterflies appear, etc.). I've spent so much time trying to get this mod active. Could you pls provide your load order so I can match the list to get willow's mod to work. Mine is Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp Dawnguard.esm Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp Hearthfires.esm Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp Dragonborn.esm Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp [Your other ESM files] Some of my mods include WATER, but not sure what is preventing the mod from working. TIA!
  23. Here's the list of my mods, but I don't see willow's mod in the game which is supposed to populate Skyrim w/ more insects. I'm running the latest version of Skyrim w/ all the patches and using LOOT for mod order. The mods: Dawnguard HarthFires Dragonborn Unofficial Heartfire Patch Unofficial Dragonborn Patch Unofficial Skyrim Patch SPERG.esm ETac SKYUI towblocksteal unreadbooksglow proper aiming 83willows_101bugs_v4_highres soul gems differ sperg.esp locational damage esp craftingmaterialsrecipes.esp wolfs_advanced_recipes.esp rnd_dawnguard-patch.esp rnd_heartfires-patch.esp rnd_dragonborn-patch-esp rnd_uskp-patch improvedfishbasic.esp kaceautoloot.esp collegeofwinterholdimmersive.esp Any ideas why the willow mod won't work? I have it checked in the data file part of the game; the game works great w/ all the other mods active and NO CND. The only issue is not seeing any bugs to pick up for alchemy. I saw that willow's mod is supposed to heavily populate skyrim w/ insects, but there aren't any at the logical places!
  24. Where are the insects to make potions? I've searched everywhere possible (e.g, along river banks, near the fish, and even lanterns) but can't find any. Even after d/l willow's insect mod none appear. Any ideas pls?
  25. i have the latest version of Skyrim w/ all the patches, but the mod that adds all the insects won't work. None of the bugs appear anywhere. Any ideas? Yes, the mod is checked off in the 'data files' section of the load menu. Is there a particular load order to put that mod before/after? Perhaps b/c the mod wasn't updated since 2012, that's why it won't work? Pls offer ideas/thoughts. Tkx!!
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