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Nexus Mods Profile

About JoeTheModPro

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    United States
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    The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time
  1. kastano, thank you so much! I'm checking it out now, and haven't actually play tested it, but I wanted to thank you in advance for this... I'm so excited! thanks a bunch!
  2. I've been searching for days now, and not just on the nexus. Don't get me wrong, this is a site full of wonderfully talented people. However, that being said, it makes me wonder how NO ONE has created a mod with what I require. all I want is a one handed axe that isn't gigantic and bulky, something small like a hatchet or tomahawk. is that so much to ask? I wouldn't think so, and yet I cannot seem to find a mod for this. I need a boarding axe for my pirate companion and I JUST CANT FIND ONE. help please? all I want is something along the lines of pic relatedhttp://armsandantiques.com/image/data/2011-04/1833%20axe%20(1).jpg
  3. I've seen alot of talk about how muskets don't "belong" in oblivion. and for the most part, I agree. firearms in general would kind of ruin the elder scrolls games. HOWEVER: Muskets are not modern firearms, they fit with the midevil theme, and rifle/blunderbuss style weapons could easily be done in knifscope with some slightly tweaked staff animations. And you could even make it lore friendly, Creating muskets powered by magic instead of traditional black powder, Created by the ancient Dwemer or something. Think about it for a second: the dwemer have steam powered automatons and robots, and they are master smiths. what's to stop them from making a "Dwemer Musket"?
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