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  1. Dunno why but after installing a english mod I've got character creation fully in english. Even after uninstalling every mod it didn't helped game is still mixed with english text. Is there any workaround for that ?. Edit: Thread can be closed totally forgot that nobody helps in this community. Gonna ask somewhere else.
  2. Sorry for being a necro but, I do suffer from the same Issue... It happened after installing all mods again. Does anyone have an idea?
  3. I've installed the following mods: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/40960/? and http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/12933/? But the Exensible Follower Framework has some untranslated menus as example $commands. I'm not using the english version of the game however, I'd like to get rid of this problem if it's possible somehow. UFO = Ultimate Follower Mod didn't worked in my game whenever i clicked show me your inventory the screen got black and nothing happened after that...
  4. I've over 200 mods installed and I've changed the Virtual Mod path. After uninstalling all my mods it reinstalls again everything but will it install everything in the right order?. Many mods i have, had to follow an particular install order like textures over other textures etc. I'm really concerned about this. Should I uninstall everything and do it by myself again?
  5. LOL! That is not what i meant. The 970 is still a really decent card even without that much vram. It's not really comparable with 1080 overall yes but it also depends on the game.
  6. I'm using a gtx 1080 and there shouldn't be much of a difference between 970 i guess. I do have also 2k and 4k textures completely in game and so far, every enb i've tried in best quality settings was at 60 fps. However, in some places (very rarely) it dropped like 5 fps.
  7. Much thanks!. I'll test snapdragon as soon as possible!
  8. I know what you mean and i do agree that looks amazing but I'm looking for something not just for screenshots more like for playing. Well, otherwise I'll probably play without an enb preset it doesn't look bad without it actually. However, i hoped for something that can enhance the environment a little bit. Unfortunately, most of the enb presets i found were outdated.
  9. Hi there, unfortunately, I'm currently stuck with enb since nothing seems to work for me really and i don't know which one i should use or which could be compatible with my mods. I don't have that much experiences with enb but i want something which is good and can draw the best from my build. I've installed over 200 mods and my game is so far extremely maxed out with everything 2k-4k textures on a 2560x1440 resolution. I've installed the Tetrachomatic enb and i dunno how to explain it but i don't see any differences between enb installed and not installed maybe I'm doing something wrong. The only difference i see is the sky it's red now which is a little bit confusing. I'd be rly happy if someone could recommend me an enb preset. Thanks!. I'm using following weather mods: ehanced nights, better water 2, ELFX, NLVA Ps: Big thanks to DonProtein for his awesome guide and @all modders for their work! Some example pictures: http://imgur.com/mmCgNPB http://imgur.com/ezUUbcZ
  10. Quick question besides Supertron, I do have already set up in the enboost enblocal.ini those settings. Should i create skse.ini seperately or is it not required any more?
  11. @Kroekr @Supertron Thanks guys!, the problem was that i had to install this "fins spell mod" separately. It's my first time installing this mod. I hope i can make some good poses now! :]. And again, much thanks for that info Supertron, i didn't know anything about skse.ini.
  12. Yep you're right and it makes sense. Can't wait to see SKSE for the Special Edition :) Ps: If someone can help me with this FINIS mod i'd really appreciate that!
  13. Max 4 gb of my vram is used but anyways, I've an other question... I've installed XP32 and FINIS properly but the mod doesn't work ingame which means there isn't anything to activate or use FINIS. Also, I'm getting a T-Body bug with my character. I really don't get it. I'm using a legal version of skyrim of course with all DLC's.
  14. I've installed over 100 Mods now after installing DynDOLOD the game crashed which is why I've removed it but it crashed again. I'm getting also constant 60 fps without DynDolod i really don't quite get this mod. Then i saw the log and it said i was running out of memory which is kind of confusing tbh. I've found a workaround and installed Enb-boost which was helpful in this case - game doesn't crash any more. But why it did in the first place? -rgrds~ My spec: OS: Win10 x64 CPU: i7 6700k GPU: GTX 1080 8 gb RAM: 32 Gb G.Skill Resolution: 2560x1440
  15. Thanks. I was really dumb i forgot to deactivate those particular esp files :P
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