Hi there, unfortunately, I'm currently stuck with enb since nothing seems to work for me really and i don't know which one i should use or which could be compatible with my mods. I don't have that much experiences with enb but i want something which is good and can draw the best from my build. I've installed over 200 mods and my game is so far extremely maxed out with everything 2k-4k textures on a 2560x1440 resolution. I've installed the Tetrachomatic enb and i dunno how to explain it but i don't see any differences between enb installed and not installed maybe I'm doing something wrong. The only difference i see is the sky it's red now which is a little bit confusing. I'd be rly happy if someone could recommend me an enb preset. Thanks!. I'm using following weather mods: ehanced nights, better water 2, ELFX, NLVA Ps: Big thanks to DonProtein for his awesome guide and @all modders for their work! Some example pictures: http://imgur.com/mmCgNPB http://imgur.com/ezUUbcZ