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Everything posted by bud9961

  1. you could prob use some of the idle markers and set owned by them then set them as only use owned markers
  2. thanks good to know i think im unlikely to make this mistake again lol it turned a 5 min change into a day wasted problem
  3. i had the save in another settlement before i placed it was the resting for while before going that seemed to fix, who knows maybe i hit a wrong save, i need to figure out how i can change names on my saves and get them organized better
  4. you link him to a default sandbox marker think its under his location file on the right, you can use the one already at the location or you can make a new one and resize it how you want
  5. not sure why stuff is so temperamental i left the settlement and slept 24 hours and came back and they all work i guess they had worked the whole time but you have to leave and come back, thanks for helping with my imaginary problem, on a side not for anyone else reading with a problem you dont need or want the workshop object script on the item the workshop barber script does the same thing and they both would be sharing some of the same variables and could cause a problem
  6. i only have 4 barber items as see in pic below unless there is different name for and the other 3 are just chairs and not assignable unless i redo everything, the pic i have nothing works in pic with just ref to workbench and keyword workshopitemkeyword, only 2 surgery centers as well and only one is assignable, what file name are you using that works because i just tried them all again https://ibb.co/LnQxLZr
  7. i tried a bunch of combinations even tried linking back from bench with work keywords, my thought was its prob the linked refs or keywords because if i plop it down in build mode in game it works fine
  8. couldnt find the answer and i know ive done before but been a while. i was trying to place a workshop assignable barber chair in my mod and as of right now its unmodified copy of vanilla but when i set just linked to workbench ref with keyword "workshop item keyword" and go into game it will let me assign a settler and say its assigned message but the icon when hover over doesnt turn green and they wont go to or use, i looked through the scripts and double checked like 10x it all looks right. before you ask the navmesh is immaculate and the markers all look good. i have the same prob if i try to place surgery center. so the question is what are the link ref and keywords i need and is there a link from or something i need from workbench or something to make it work? i attached pic below showing current settings but like said its vanilla for most part https://ibb.co/s2FvTBv
  9. update: im so happy omg check this out https://ibb.co/bWpr4t7 it turns out it was as simple as setting the ownership to none and i deleted the sandbox and player owned marker that were merged and made seperate for each. after weeks of messing with *bangs head i still have the issue that it doesnt draw lines on supply route on the map but they work and i can live with that but if anyone has fix for that let me know for anyone interested heres a link for my finished mod https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/55989
  10. ok so i ran it and it said it found 2 errors on keywords this is the log but im thinking its false errors as its an interior settlement it doesnt have a map marker in cell because its on ext cell and the settlers and supply lines get there no prob. and on the other error i have attacks turned off so dont have edge markers or markers for attacks maybe you guys can see a prob in the log im not seeing, the other two test showed no errors [11/22/2021 - 07:40:48PM] SKK_WUTestWorkshopKeywordsScript,[workshopscript < (0F0228EF)>],[Cell <SurvivorsMansionInt (0F022729)>],ERROR WorkshopParent registered workshop has no MapMarker [11/22/2021 - 07:40:48PM] SKK_WUTestWorkshopKeywordsScript,[workshopscript < (0F0228EF)>],[Cell <SurvivorsMansionInt (0F022729)>],ERROR WorkshopParentRegistered Workshop Location [Location < (0F020A3C)>] missing LocationRefType MapMarkerRefType (fundamental error). [11/22/2021 - 07:40:48PM] SKK_WUTestWorkshopKeywordsScript,[workshopscript < (0F0228EF)>],[Cell <SurvivorsMansionInt (0F022729)>],WARNING WorkshopParentRegistered Workshop Location [Location < (0F020A3C)>] missing LocationRefType LocationEdgeMarker (Quests may not pick this workshop). [11/22/2021 - 07:40:48PM] SKK_WUTestWorkshopKeywordsScript,[workshopscript < (0F0228EF)>],[Cell <SurvivorsMansionInt (0F022729)>],WARNING: WorkshopParentRegistered workshop has no WorkshopLinkAttackMarkers connected to WorkshopLinkCenter [ObjectReference < (0F03994A)>] Attacks may not be able to spawn actors. [11/22/2021 - 07:40:48PM] SKK_WUTestWorkshopKeywordsScript,[workshopscript < (0F0228EF)>],[Cell <SurvivorsMansionInt (0F022729)>],Notification: An interior workshop is registered with WorkshopParent. [11/22/2021 - 07:40:57PM] Log closed
  11. the prob is i put a duplicate of the bed at red rocket and sanc and they use it there so it cant be the bed. in the tutorial on setting up they are using the same box for sandbox as owned trigger and i noticed on other settlements they have separate, could that be the prob? also the only mention anywhere in my settlement of factions is when click edit on cell and go to interior data on owner faction its set on player faction, i noticed on vanilla stuff thats usually set on none. also i noticed the vanilla ones also use border markers and i dont have any, are those not needed on interior settlements? would be nice if just had another interior settlement to look at, the only one i know of is vault 88 and its just too bloated to see what i need with all the quest and cells it has going on
  12. yes the beds show up fine in the settlements stats, i tried all the beds none work and i have keyword linked ref "workshopitemkeyword" but like i said even if i place a bed in game they wont use. the area is fully navmeshed with no errors i can tell them to move right next to bed with no probs, they are npcs that came via recruitment radio tower and showed up, they know when to sleep they just freeze in place when its that time till morning when they go back to work
  13. make sure you have them in data folder meshes, material and textures folders and when you make in creation kit alot of times you have to save and close creation kit and reopen or some people say refresh works but i usually have to close and reopen first time i add, if it just doesnt look how you wanted try messing with the material file , usually specular multiplier and smoothness numbers but also fresnel power. alot of it is prob lighting when you view out of game you are prob seeing at full brightness, you can also try messing with emittance on item there is opposite one that helps eliminate time of day effects. you can change the material settings i mentioned drastically then go in game see what it did, i usually try to keep them in the range of .50 -5.0 depending on circumstances. the lower pics looks like your precombine vis files using old ones, after you places did you precombine textures and generate visiability and precombine visability?
  14. ok so i made an interior settlement and after alot of work i finally have it all working great, besides 2 issues, 1st one is on beds the settlers just wont sleep in them they show as assigned auto and they show as available on workshop top bar. i set them up the same way i always do in exterior cells. so im thinking its not the beds they wont even sleep in ones i place in game through the workshop. they do their daily routine farming then at 7pm or so they stop gardening like they should then go to bar or weight machines as usually then at like 10-11pm when they should go to beds they just stand wherever they are till morning and then go back to work gardening, im not sure if could be a faction problem or not any advice what files to look at? 2nd issue is i assign supply routes and they work great guy shows up from other settlement and walks once around mansion and leaves and i can use the materials from other settlements and all works great except if click map in pipboy and click show supply lines it doesnt show line to settlement or even the settlement icon, is that a pipboy file that has to be modded? is there a file that list all settlements to show when you click show supply lines? besides that it all functions great . both seem to be fairly minor problems so im hoping can get this solved to release my mod i have alot of time invested. thanks for any advice
  15. i have a question im hoping someone can answer about navmesh, i built a interior cell from scratch so there was no existing navmesh, i then navmeshed as i went but i since changed some things and redid the navmesh some. well now i get warnings everytime open that triangle blah blah should be connected to triangle blah blah but its not and all these navmesh warnings like 50 of them that should not be as the navmesh is perfectly fine. where did it store this old info on the navmesh and how can i delete it from my mod thanks update: turns out i was able to fix with the autofix option on find triangle if anyone else has problem with
  16. update: got it finished and works great, the tutorials going around are wrong on alot of things so i went with my gut and experimentation and looking off vanilla stuff and had it up and running in no time already got settlers assigned and about finished testing
  17. its great everyone is learning stuff but im still stuck lol , im not doing esm that was a mistake in the tutorial not explaining its .esp im currently stuck on setting up location its saying to Find the Location of the cell and Copy it as override into your plugin and scroll to Location Cell Static Reference. If an entry with the keyword WorkshopRefType remove it. Then add a new entry to Actor Cell Static Reference with the same keyword as the one you removed (WorkshopRefType). Set the marker as the WorkshopWorkbench that we have worked with. Set the location to the location of the cell. Copy the Grid X and Y from the LocationCenterMarker entry the problem is i made the interior cell from scratch there is nothing to override or copy and it already has both of those on Lscr im not getting why i have to move to acsr, or are they talking about the exterior cell where the door is it doesnt say int or ext, i tried that too but it adds all the links onto the the ext vanilla location instead of the interior loc so i had to delete it, it also gives me 2 locations on mod, do i need to have 2 locations when i look in f04edit or is a map marker in ext linked to xmarker in the interior cell all i need? im just trying to take a simple int cell that has door linked to commonwealth and make it a settlement i had no idea i had to override everything in fo4edit i thought i could do it all in creation kit, any help is appreciated before i go nuts as ive tried every combination i could think of that the tutorial would mean for like the last 12 hours lol even if someone could tell me if i have to do all these overrides or not it would help alot
  18. could someone explain in fo4edit how to copy location as override into your plugin? when i right click location and choose "copy as override into" then it just says no module selected at bottom and has like 6 boxes you can check that say new at the top, it doesnt show my plugin as option. sorry for the questions once i get through this once i will be set. it makes no sense to me that im copying something already in my plugin and overwriting the same thing but trying to follow the tutorial, if i click new and type in plugin name it says file already exist
  19. ok thanks i appreciate it the tutorial wasnt fully clear it sounded like if your file is .esp you need to do that step but i reread now and kinda thought the same
  20. so i was trying to make my first settlement and in the tutorial it had me rename my mod to..esm and change the flag in fo4edit to esm, then i went through the whole process and had it all set up and i go to hit save and it wont let me says cant save master, i tried searching for solution and tried everything for hours and even tried just saving as esm but when i did that the file was like 10th the size it was suppose to be so obviously that didnt work. anyway i tried everything and finally just closed the window and lost everything i spent hours doing :sad: , my question is when i try again how do i save the esm file? what should be checked when i load it, last time the esm mod was checked and fallout4.esm was checked, does it matter that i have the mod archived with main and texture ba2 files? did i even need to name my mod to a .esm? im at a lost i thought i had it till couldnt save, any help is appreciated
  21. that is prob specular effect smoothness setting on the bgsm material file settings
  22. just an update i think got it figured out , they are coming out transparent now did like 4 of them, im not sure about the details or what it does but the rgb channels need to show white on background and the alpha black on background and seems to work, i guess the problem i had before was they were all showing black in my screenshot. amyway got them cranking out now hopefully it helps someone else
  23. thats not what im looking for im not modifying textures im making from scratch , thats nifskope not photoshop, i know photoshop can save dds with transparent backgrounds because ive already made 3 of them just takes me hours of trying different things till works and i cant figure out exactly what im doing different to make work
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