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About LucasKane

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  1. @Deadzen: Point taken. However, i stil need to create customers to buy stuff from me and i also need to create a brahmin that would follow me wherever i go. The last one would be easy i think, but the customers.. i don't know. @Pronam: Time and Effort are things i have in abundance. Just check out my very first mod: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=12605 . It took me one year to finish it. The only thing i really lack is how the script language works. Sure i can use existing scripts and change them and i have created small scripts for my mod, but having customers coming to you and wanting to buy something is a completly different level.
  2. Hi, i was just wandering around rivet city, when i noticed that there is space for another trader in the market area. So maybe somone can make a mod using one of the free places wich would enable the player to buy a shop and sell stuff to others. Lets say 3 or 4 ppl coming by each day wanting to buy stuff. I would really like that. I am a modder myself, and building the place would be no problem. But creating customers who buy stuff etc would be a problem for me. Maybe someone can work together with me or help me to create customers.
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