ok, I DESPERATELY need some help on this. My friend and I have been working at this for probably 70+ hours by now (not hyperbole). I am trying to make a pair of headphones for fallout 3; I know that this is the New Vegas thread, but its practically the same game and I'm sure this thread has way more traffic. If I'm wrong please let me know. Also, for the record I have been following fallout 3 guide. I made the model in blender I fit this model correctly around the head. My friend, who is going to school for this, made a UV map of the headphones in Maya. He textured the maps in GIMP and saved them as .dds. I applied both the texture, and normal texture in Blender to the correct channels on a material that was linked to my model. I Imported this model into nifskope and it is completely white. The textures refuse to show up. If i try to open the mesh in the geck it will give me an error saying Textures: (null) :(null) is missing a diffuse map then Textures: (null) :(null) is missing a normal map then the geck crashes :'( all of my files are here: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=17249 if u guys wanna take a crack at it. I would be eternally in your debt. The only reason I can go to sleep right now is because I have hope that someone will respond to this >_<