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About ivanteague

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  1. Can anyone put me on to this mod maker please???? :mellow: :mellow:
  2. Can anyone help me please to get hold of this guy! :confused:
  3. Hallo there guys! I have used the basic mod maker gizmo, to the point where one is taught how to change 'existing items'. Can anyone point me to where I can learn how to design my own items please? I appreciate that one will have to use one of the standards as a base, but I wish to create my own armour stile here.. :kiss: :kiss:
  4. Thanks here guys for your help. I looks as if I have had a glitch somewhere. It is working now anyway. Many thanks here fellas'
  5. I have installed the kit ok guys' and made my .esp file ..no prob. Everything is going ok other than this menu will not respond to my double clicking it??
  6. Hi ya fellas' :mellow: Listen, I am at the very beginning of the tutorial regarding the use of the creation kit. I haven't even got off the ground before hitting a snag here: http://www.mediafire.com/convkey/16fe/hl75oy88lftyp02fg.jpg When I double click on this item, a list of items is supposed to appear in the right column ..but it don't???? Can anyone help plsz????
  7. I think this is working guys ... Tackling one place at a time I mean and talking to everybody and taking things SLOWLY. I have had a fresh start, done Helgen bit. Concentrated in getting Riverood done, now need to see the Jarl of Whiterun about the dragon. You HAVE to follow this route, more or less, if you want to get anywhere in the plot. You need your Breezhome for a start. So I am going to get as far as the call from the Greybeards and then get involved with the civil war. Contrary to what is normally suggested up here, it looks to me as if you have to get the civil war out of the way, or at least going that way early in the game. I shall endeavour to tackle all the cities as I go and all the city quests also. Not sure if this will work out as planned ..but it looks a good idea here. Not sure when I will join the war, or on who's side. but e will see how things develop here! :turned:
  8. Well I have started yet again fellas' with the intention of becoming first the thane of Whiterun and then do all Whiterun quests! Then move to other cities and do the same. This way I think the game will be more challenging and interesting ! All without joining the war! The problem is, that many city quests are tied up with the war, so it might be better to join the war afterwards and leave the main quest until last! :sick: It looks as if things are developing that way anyway! :ohmy: :laugh:
  9. What do you guys think regarding the 'right sequence' as a way to play tho???? :mellow:
  10. I to have started the game again a lot of times for reasons similar to you all. Getting the right mods, is one goal. The other one is playing the game in the right 'sequence'! Like not going through the main quest first of all and then the next in line and so on. I read somewhere, that doing the main quest to being called by the wizards and then concentrating on all the different quests before finishing the main one. Then there is the was to consider as last and you will have chosen your side in the meantime. The war done last. ...what do you guys think?
  11. I have just done the quest of the slaughtered woman, hoping to get to the jarl here and maybe a Thane.....????? :ohmy:
  12. Hi ya fellas' I have just re-formatted my drive and reinstalled everything, including STEAM but only the mods installed from STEAM are showing?? I have run NEXUS installer and attempted to re-install my NEXUS mods again, but the manager tells me that they are there ok???? So why don't they 'kick in' guys..anyone know please?
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