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  1. Using that logic, vampires and zombies and draugr are not really immortal. Also, I would put forward the Champ of Cyrodiil is immortal because Uncle Sheo. Presumably, the CoC is much to young at the time of the oblivion crises for any other type of immortality, other than 'prevent me from having an accident' to be of much use.
  2. Ignoring for a moment those Dovakiin who are vampires and what not, I would say there's a case to be made for this specific dovakiin to be immortal in the sense of he (assumably) disappears into Apocrypha after defeating Miraak. Much the same as the CoC disappears into the Shivering Isles after that story line.
  3. Is there a way of removing the quest item tag? For some reason, about half of my potions, food, and ingredients, as well as a good portion of my weapons (well, specifically arrows) are marked "you cannot (whatever it is I'm trying to do) with a quest item)". Since I don't have any quests (that I'm aware of anyway) that involve potions, food, ingredients, or arrows, I find it really annoying. Also, even if I did, sometimes using that health potion now is more important than give it to that guy later.
  4. That should be able to run Skyrim and about 150 mods without a problem. (Or at least without any problems you wouldn't have no matter what your system was)
  5. I believe it kinda depends on whether this Civil War is happening in isolation, or is part of a larger whole. As I see the situation at the beginning of the Civil War is: The Altmer and the Bosmer comprise the Aldmeri Dominion (Which is obviously separate from the Empire) Blackmarsh is an independent state, that now controls most of Morrowind. Cyrodiil, Elsweyr, Northern Morrowind, and Skyrim comprise the Empire. So in this instance, if the Imperials are thought to have won, whoever the high king is becomes Emperor. If the Stormcloaks win, the keep going until they take the IC and the commanding general becomes Emperor.
  6. I also noticed on your list that "some of the mods cannot find the correct version of the master file" - You may find an improvement if you find out which ones those are, and update where appropriate.
  7. I'd rather know how they caught those bandits in the first place, since the outlaws way outclass the city guards and legion/Stormcloak soldiers in a fight. Um, yeah, you have a point. They handcuffed them and hauled them to jail while they were asleep? OH wait... the legion/stormcloaks wake the dead when trying to sneak... ER they had a mage cast a spell on a bandit camp, transporting everyone there to jail?
  8. Yes, it is an interesting conversation. Also, I've tended to notice that the PC is usually an "average" person in ES games, if not actually a bit below. The one thing they have is some sort of calling from one god or the other. It's like unless you really, really role play to becoming super human - which typically takes a long time - you are not actually all that powerful. I mean, in Skyrim for instance, you can finish the two main quests at level 10, which at least to my mind, would be where you'd just now be being taken seriously as...Well, whatever profession you're pretending to have. To be more realistic, and have all the advantages one one expect for someone able to defeat the lead dragon and single handedly win a civil war, I'd say level 50 would be the minimum. To my mind, that would mean you'd be as good as, or better, than exactly half of the practicioners of your craft. Plus, I've always found it bogus that you can down blood dragon #123 no problem, and not 5 minutes latter get your backside handed to you by some random bandit. I mean if you're that easy to defeat, why doesn't the legion just force all the captured bandits in the jails to fight the dragons?
  9. Okay.... Riprock, what's the thing about pickles?
  10. The way I see it, the Dragonborn would be somewhere between The Agent (the protagonist in Daggerfall, for those that don't know) and the CoC, with the Neverarine being classes above either of them. My two cents on the other issue, which could have been an entirely different thread: There's a difference between "Lore" and "History". "Lore" is what Bethesda decided happened, either through in-game, or out-game books, in game dialogue, r/l commentary by the writers/developers etc. "History" is what actually happened in your game(s). So in mine, the accomplishments ascribed to the Agent, CoC, Nevarine, Dragonborn, etc, in the "Lore" were actually accomplished by several different people in those roles at roughly the same time. Some of the things "Lore'" says... NEVER actually happened.
  11. It will run, you should also be able to run a number of mods as well. (I don't know about 50.) The main barrier is going to be the integrated CPU/GPU - which isn't really that much of a problem as long as you understand that when you're first setting up the game, you need to pick the resolution that your display is. Unlike a desktop (where the CPU/GPU are two different things) a laptop actually uses more processing power using anything other than the "native resolution". Therefore, many of the tips for increasing FPS will not apply to you. Most likely, you will have a fair to good experience, but if you want great you'd need a desktop.
  12. I actually see no discernible difference. I've actually tried several mods/utilities that claim to do the same thing (although each one has a slightly different explanation as to how it's supposed to work). So far, the only thing that's made even the slightest difference (and by slight I mean 1-5 fps) is setting the graphics option on low, but the sucks quality more than makes up for the perfomance gain, so I put it back on high, live with the 10-15fps, and hit pause (which lets things load @ about 60fps) for a few seconds when I see that somethings not quite right.
  13. I suddenly went from having 320/320 magicka to 0/-1710. I've cured disease and cured poison, rested, and visited an alter.
  14. I ended up starting a new character, I lost more than 120 hrs of playtime, so...
  15. @nam- evidently bbb enababled skeleton.nif is part of http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/36387 this mod. It's a female body enhancement mod.
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