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About azaltan

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  1. Retarded writing Almost complete lack of rp elements Shitty repetitive action Good open world feeling Typical (post morrowind) Bethesta game.
  2. Because it is a steaming pile of crap of a game, that's why. Uninstalled without hesitation after 1 hours of playing. I'll never try it again. Retarded writing, tasteless art direction, shitty visuals, pathetic animations, bad fps, glitches etc etc. No, mods can't fix it this time. It's s that bad. a new low for bethesta.
  3. 97 percent of enb mods out there are tasteless eyesores including the most popular ones, sorry. Skyrim's outdated engine is a pig and enb mods are excessive make up on it's face.
  4. "Though maybe Peter Jackson and Leonardo di Caprio are the ones to blame..." Don't get me started with PJ and his idiotic rendition of The Lord of the Rings :wallbash: peace..
  5. "Skyrim officially WON game of the year on many different publications which are controlled by professionals and voted on by the masses" "You can't argue what the majority of people think.. "
  6. "What I would change about Skyrim?" Long rant short; Bethesta.
  7. @robcaduk Well, a 54 year old fanboy with bad taste in role playing games. Sorry if I find it difficult to take your advice. Oh wait..
  8. '' Does that make sense? '' Hmm.. Partly, because; Console oriented development should not be an excuse for dumbing down an entire genre to the ground for mass appeal. Console oriented development (or piracy) should not be an excuse for almost complete lack of quality assurance for the "full priced" PC release. Console oriented development should not be an excuse for the false advertising they made to create massive hype for their in fact (imho) mediocre quality games.
  9. Display] bForceHighDetailGrass=0 bGrassPointLighting=0 bDrawShaderGrass=0 bForceFullDetail=0 bDoTallGrassEffect=0 © All rights reserved to M.K. Unauthorized posting of these values is strictly forbidden under the Feodal Law :whistling:
  10. Hans Zimmer's entire catalog is a rip off of other composers/himself. Don't blame Jeremy Soule for a sligntly similar motif.
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