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Some great ideas flying round here, this is one area of skyrim that definitely needs modding. My main suggestion would be: Perks. By creating a werewolf perk tree you can easily level werewolves and remain with one strain of lycanthropy: the perks could be associated with 'controlling the beast within' so you can only regenerate health, sneak or transform at will once you are a high level werewolf. Other perks could include increased damage output and a detect life power, and shouts while in wolf form. I feel that using perks would let a mod such as this fit more into the feel of skyrim, and would mean that becoming one is more of a choice: do you want to be more proficient with blade, bow, magic or beast form?
Some contructive criticism of Skyrim: I think Bethesda put most of their effort into the visuals like character/monster models and the much more detailed landscape. These areas are a lot better than oblivion, but I think that Skyrim suffers from the same immersion breakers as Oblivion did, such as too repeating dialogues from npcs, pc dialogue options that don't reflect the way your character has developed, and it suffers most from time management; the other day I played for 30 mins and all I did was enchant then sell my loot. I think the inclusion of travel services is a little weak because it doesn't force you to use them; the landscape may be great but it's too easy to just fast travel and not feel connected to the game world (gta is an example of how no fast travel works really well). The danger they promised from the harsh winter climate is non-existant, where are the 80 mph ice storms? Plus I never fall off cliffs because I can wall hack jump down them. First person view is as lack-lustre as ever, yes there is a slight head bob but the arm positions are awkward to say the least (no legs, no sheathed arms, no visible off-hand weapon, i mean that's just depressingly like 2005). I also think that you end up taking too many simultaneous quests which results in a lack of connection to the individual stories, and 'power' gaming by sitting down and intensively reducing the quest list to unclutter the start menu (this is something that could be solved by simply introducing time limits on quests, realistic huh?). Dragons are glitchy as hell: disappear when they crash, defying the laws of gravity, can only be fought on somewhere with a lot of flat ground, bones dancing around towns. Underpowerd shouts. I'm dragonborn and some draugr is better at shouting than me? No vampire or werewolf perks... Limiting enchantments in stupid ways, why can my boots improve one-handed? Saying this I do really like Skyrim, but it sometimes just feels like a visually updated oblivion (with aspects of fallout) when I was expected something completely new. However I understand and appreciate the greater appeal of the game and the fact that it can be modded to suit... but my laptop sucks! So I play on xbox, and having seen it playing so smoothly on a £700 pc shows just how poorly consoles handle modern games, and makes me so unhappy that I can't mod it... From this experience I have learnt: only play bethesda on a PC!!! Skyrim is way better than Oblivion, it's just feels a little rushed in some aspects...
Yes I think so too, I was quite disapointed to find that you can't bind one-handed axes...and elemental weapons like a flaming sword (wheel of time anyone?) or frost blade
There was an attempt at this for Oblivion (http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=36635) but was too buggy unfortunately :( Maybe because it only had 3069 downloads, I guess people couldn't see the true potential...I'm hoping there will be more support this time round
Full body in 1st person view, how I hate the old floating arms routine...it just feels like you're on a unicycle
I know what you mean on Oblivion I had a mod to give me 8 rings. Who cares if it's overpowered when NPCs have seemingly infinite magicka, stamina and way too short shout regen time.
A fully rendered body in 1st person view would improve the realism infinitely...it currently feels like a floating camera, not like I'm looking through my characters eyes.
Patience young padawan, if you have not created your character then there is nothing to see in third person!
I completely agree with you the melee combat in Dark Messiah is as yet unmatched by any game I've played since. If we could 'port' the comabt from DM over to Skyrim it would be the best game ever... Real time 1st person dismemberment...the antithesis of attack spamming...instant kills (both ways)...standard enemies can kill you if you're cocky...impaling...kicking...counterattacks...blood flying through the air...actually dangerous magic...enemies are wary of you...shields get pummelled into oblivion... The list of good things about DM combat goes on...
I was a vampire, but decided to get the cure after 26 days because I feel that the vampire level increases too quickly. I would fast travel to a location just to find that when I get there I'm a level 4 vampire and everyone wants to kill me (even though I'm wearing a dragon priest helm and no-one can see my face). I think that feeding every day is a bit much because it means you have to spend too much time trying to find a victim, especially as all npcs are awake at 2:00 am and you can't bite standing people from behind. IMO a good vampire mod would have: Enthrall power - makes victim into 'follower' so you can tell them to sleep or to forget you etc. Vampire levelling reversed - a vampire should strive to be well-fed instead of starving, and should draw power from the blood they consume. Therefore a starving vampire should be the weakest and have the least influence over people Blood meter - feeding fills it up, using powers drains it. Once it is at maximum you become the next stage of vampire, and if it empties you lose a stage. It also slowly drains during the day. It could change colour to represent what stage vampire you are. Only lesser powers - make all vampiric power into lesser powers, just balance this with high blood usage. Vampire perks - you know you want them...
You would have to look over your shoulder to see your tail, unless your character was scared then it would be between your legs lol @gmilalr you hit the nail on the head! I want to see skyrim like this but wearing armour and standing on the edge of a cliff instead, I think this will add to the danger feeling of traversing mountains that Bethesda were trying to get. Mirror's edge pic showing full 1st person body on a ledge: http://nerdreactor.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/Faith_ME_02.jpg
When I found out that Skyrim was going to be released the first feature that I dreamed about was having a body in first person. Now this might be because I was re-playing Dark Messiah at the time but for me this would improve the game more than any other immersion or gameplay mod that I can think of because I think the game feels complete in as aspects except for this. Why can't I settle for 3rd person? Because my armour looks too cool so distracts me, and the aiming is slightly off, and my character blocks my vision. I want to be able to play in first person, then I look down and realise I am a pair of floating arms which lets be honest, the arm position would only look correct if you replaced the sword with a cup of tea! I would like to see all 1st person animation replaced with the 3rd person counterparts, complete with a torso and legs to give full spatial awareness. I think that with an increased FOV this could be amazing. For anyone who hasn't played Dark Messiah I've uploaded a couple of screens to see what 'feel' I want from 1st person. http://mthec.files.wordpress.com/2009/03/dm-04-20.jpg
I want to see my character struggling to walk during a blizzard with the wind threatening to blow him over, would definitely add to the feeling of danger in a storm. Maybe the havok behaviour system could implement that?
Most of the 'Can I run Skyrim' threads have quad core desktops which will OBVIOUSLY run skyrim better than the consoles so this thread is for those of us with laptops who have nothing to compare to, so please excuse me for creating yet another thread like this. This thread will hopefully help me decide whether to get Skyrim on console or PC. These are my laptop specs: Intel Core 2 Duo @ 2.4 GHz (64-bit) RAM @ 4 GB Radeon HD Mobility 4550 @ 512 MB (two of these, but max usable VRAM = 512 MB) 17" screen @ 1600 x 900 resolution Can anyone give me an educated guess as to what the maximum framerate on minimum settings might be? I would rather have skyrim on computer but if my laptop is really going to struggle then console it will have to be :(
How to legally use fallout 3 stuff in NV?
Denizen replied to kevinshively's topic in Fallout New Vegas's GECK and Modders
Things to remember: Only upload content you have uniquely created/ have express permission to upload from the author Anything else (eg DLC/base game content) must be extracted from what the user has on their computer already (the mod tells the game where to find the file) Always place credit where it is due, and always specify if your mod is dependent on another file that's not provided Keep these rules in mind and you will be ok legally.