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Everything posted by Toblewosh

  1. Hey guys Im here to say if you need a background or anything for a mod like a picture to upload to the nexus ask me email me some pics and ill be happy to edit them for you. P.S. My email is [email protected] Deaths Rose
  2. yes i cant use it thou i need help learning
  3. Som one should make a mod that adds a range of cars like the ford mustange GT or the Bel-Air 57
  4. OK i might help as long as u can help me learn how to mod and send me a link with a decent mod engin and ill be a tester if u want
  5. Ouarns Oblivion Map marker remover. This is a completly usless mod that removes the gate map marker oce you have closed it in some ways this is a good mod but its pointless because if you need tto go to a place for a quest that you havent been to thats close to that gate there for making the game anoying :wallbash: People learn when its a usless mod :wallbash:
  6. Ok im english but im dislecsic so take time to read this because i have a problem with writing and reading. Ok know weve got that over with ok like i sead last time send me mod ill rewiw them ok. And if u cant take crittisisum dont bother because i will say every thing good and bad about these mod.
  7. Yo dudes and dudets Im Ruisu Hathaway and im willing to rview eny oblivion mod so send me the webaddress or file or woteva i and there will be a rivew on it in the next week. And remember im only human so not to meany can be dun at 1 time. Have fun modding and sending me rives gd luck.
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