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About DvoldRevol

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  1. Был отличный мод, который позволяет играть за Венома, и тут мне пришла в голову идея: он должен уметь лазить по стенам. Было бы так же неплохо, если бы он мог прыгать на разную высоту в зависимости от удержания кнопки прыжка. По сути, добавьте систему передвижения, подобную той, что была реализована в Ultimate Spider-Man.
  2. I came across images like this somewhere, and this design really appealed to me. Yes, I know there are costumes from WoS, but this is a bit different.
  3. Так вот, я, как и большое количество других игроков, хотел бы приблизить Spider-Man 2 к WoS. Моды, заменяющие костюмы Питера, Симбионта и Венома, уже существуют, но я хотел бы заменить часть костюма Майлза на кого-то из WoS. Кроме Черной Кошки, я не могу придумать ничего другого, потому что с точки зрения стиля боя она единственный персонаж из WoS, на которого Майлз хоть как-то похож. Было бы здорово, если бы кто-то заменил пару его костюмов на две вариации Кота: оригинал и симбионт. Также было бы интересно увидеть полностью преображенную версию вместо «Крика».
  4. Can someone make Peter's rage scale infinite with the ability to turn it off? So that it would be something like changing his costume from red to black, like in Web of Shadows. It would be nice if this happened without the rage transition animation and the costume just changed smoothly
  5. The gist of the mod: - Replace Miles' head with Miguel's head from Edge of Time; - Make Miles' voice rougher or make it somehow closer to Miguel's voice (if possible, including for Russian localization); - Replace any of Miles' costumes with Spider-Man costume 2099 from “Edge of Time” or “Shattered Dimensions” (or replace some of Miles' costume with Parker's existing costume 2099 with the “spooder-man” effect removed, even if it disables the jaw animation); - Preferably give Miles animations of Peter's movements, except for the dive tricks, since Miles' animations for Miguel would look too awkward; - Make the wings for this costume blue. I realize this is too much, but maybe someone will make one or more parts from this list.
  6. I'm surprised that with so many mods, a scorpion skin from MKX has never been added. I hope someone will make such a mod for SHIFU
  7. I have an idea for a mod: the Spider-Man 2099 costume from the game Spider-man: shattered dimensions. This variation came to mind, as it seems to me the most successful: without the ugly translucent web cloak and with wings between the arms and body. The costume had an interesting feature: the pattern on it shimmered in the form of blue waves. But I think that's too complicated, so you could just create a texture of those patterns or something approximate like that. If you create similar wings between the arms and remove the cape, Batman would essentially open his wings by spreading his arms when planning
  8. Who can, please make a mod that will replace the ghost armor with the main scorpion costume from Mortal Kombat 11
  9. Can someone make a mod for Black Noir from The Boys series for Batman Arkham Knight?
  10. It would be great if someone made a mod for Black Noir from The Boys series.
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