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About coronerra

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  1. Any ideas where these racial textures came from? Warning Adult material http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/images/2...-1259420884.jpg
  2. I have found the humanhead.nif and the 50 head so that makes two. But human head says medium in blender, is there another head in oblivion? I'm talking about after all updates and official patches.
  3. Looked but I'm not finding it. I found tons of pics of it, but no link yet.
  4. Last place I can think to ask this. I really need to get a copy of roberts feet for HGEC. I personally don't use them nor care to, but I need them for a massive overhaul I've been doing on HGEC seam lines. The last thing I need is someone complaining to me because I messed up the feets seamlines by not working on them as well. So if antone has or knows where I can find them, as I don't seem to see them here on tes anymore, please let me know. I do read my personal messages. Thank you Coronerra.
  5. HELP!!! I'm doing the seamline for HGEC one last time in blender. The only problem is Everything I work on MUST be done at the exact same sitting per seam line. As such I have the Kajiit paws, Original HGEC feet, and the PPN varriant of the HGEC feet, But I can't find ROBERTS FEET FOR HGEC..... http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/images/309180-1237312593.jpg If it is not on the nexus any longer, but someone has it or knows another place to find it, can you please let me know. I do check my P.M.s. Thank you Coronerra.
  6. I found a really tedious way of correcting this. It requires loading two animations at once and copying the Bip01 position from one onto another. So say I need to work on a walk left, but blender makes it go backwards, I can load a walk forward which blend makes go left, and copy the walk forward Bip01 positions to the walk left Bip01 positions. This is tedious and anoying, is there a better way of doing this?
  7. Okay this is going to sound strange to many of you but hopefully someone here can tell me what I did and what to do in the future. Imported original walkforward into blender and modified it. Kept exporting it and it walked sideways. Did something (Wish I remembered, been really sick lately) and it fixed it. Finished the walk forward editing and it came out great. Now working an the onehandedsneakrightfast animation and it keeps wanting to go backwards in the game when I export it. Anyone know how to change the direction of an animation you import into blender from a vanilla animation so that it goes the correct direction when you export it? I wish I could remember but just don't and can't find it anywhere on the web. The complicated stuff I can do easily, it's the basics I keep bumbling on.
  8. I've always done weighting in blender, but as some of you may know, exporting from blender can usually result in neck, ancle, and wrist lines becoming more predominant, while nifscope leave them pure. I've already made and exported a working version of my work and was wondering if anyone knew how to weight copy the animation weights in nifscope. If I can do so, I'll copy my weights from my current body and transfer them onto the original. Any one?
  9. LOL!!! Seriously first time I am using this term and meaning it! All 3 dimentional games us skeletons. As in a string of points that animators use to dictate a charectors movement. There are four skeletons in oblivion. 1 for the movement of standard charectors and NPC. Every NPC and the charector you play with use the same skeleton file located in the _male folder. The second is exclusive to Shalgorath. The third is exclusive to the player when they are in first person mode. And the last one is for beasts and charectors with wings, tails, ect. The mesh then goes over it and is weighted to the skeleton. This means where ever the skeleton bone moves to, the mesh that is weighted to it will follow. This means the charector you see is simply a shell that is following and mimicing the stick figure know as the skeleton. The game itself then uses an animation file (.kf) to move the stick figure which in turn moves the mesh and we see the charectors move in the game. The mods mentioned above use special "Custome" skeletons which have aditional bones, or nodes. The aditional nodes controle things such as the wings in chins demons, the breast movement in the UFF body mod and the dress in the dress mod. But these skeletons have unique bones or nodes to themselves so a peron with one can not properly use the other two mods. Should all three skeletons be combined, then all three mods will be usable simotaniously.
  10. The plan is simple, a merging of 3 skeletons. Skeleton 1: Chingari and Ismelda Demon Race The skeleton that comes with this mod seems to be the only one whose wings alighn properly. All other skeletons with wings cause wings to sit high. Skeleton 2: UFF FF00 Moving Breast and Animations, without it's specific breast bones it's animations do not work at all. Skeleton 3: Animated Clothes SKELETON modders resource without it, the animated outfits I'm trying to work with will not work. By merging all three with entails the wings from the first, the breasts from the second, and the tenticle clothing bones from the third, into a single skeleton, you can run the animation from all three and hopefully later merge or at least create new animations that can incorporate all of them.
  11. Okay, so I have chopped the bones from three different skeletons found on this site, and chopped out the addition components to add into the original skeleton. merged the armatures into one skeleton. but now I'm left a little lost as all I have left is to join the new bones with the old. any ideas?
  12. I was wondering if anyone knew how to edit the oblivion skeleton to add and move bones?
  13. I have alot of great animation replacers that are all wonderful except some do not include tales, so khajites and argonians occasionally flip out. Any one know of any tutorials to edit animations so that I may add the tails in?
  14. Well, I've been using the types for my females but have been scared to touch the male body replacers due to fear of incompatibility with clothing. To make things worse the male body that came with the game is actually rather well done. is there a male body replacer to simply make the males nude that works well with the original game clothing? If all clothing must be replaced as well what is the most supported male body replacer?
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