Good day everyone. This is going to be a fairly long post, as I aim to be as descriptive and specific as possible. My basic issue is that, while creating a number of clothing items, the game only uses the _1 mesh as if my character's weight was set to the max (100 if you use player.setnpcweight 100, full right if you use the slider method). However, it works normally on a few other items I've made with the same meshes. I'll break down what I've done into a Creation Kit section and into a NIF section. Creation Kit: First, I made a new .esp. Next, I created an entry under ArmorAddon, selected DefaultRace in the race dropdown, selected Body under the Biped Object list, and selected the usual spread of races under Additional Races. I added the _1 nif under the Female Biped Model section and left everything else alone. Once that was complete, I created an entry under Armor, set the ID and name, selected DefaultRace under the race dropdown, BODY for the Biped Object list, ensured Playable was checked, added ClothingBody and ArmorClothing to the Keyword list, and added my ArmorAddon entry to the Models section. I repeated this process in my .esp three more times with success. This was all well-and-good for the first four varieties that I made; they worked beautifully in-game to include scaling appropriately with varying the character's weight. However, it did not work with the other three varieties I made, which were all simple retextures of the same basic NIFs. The additional entries in the CK were effectively identical to the previous four; the only changes were to select a different ID, name, and matching NIF. The result of the last three was that adjusting the character's weight did not blend the _0 and _1 meshes and the game only used the _1 mesh. NIF: I copied the _0 and _1 NIFs from ortog's UNP Armored Bikini mod and selected textures that I created. The only non-texture change I made to the NIFs were to add NiAlphaProperty to the top and bottom NiTriShape subsections. My file structure is very simple. Data->Meshes->Testing with all seven NIFS and Data->Textures->Testing with all textures. As an example, my NIFs are named TestingBikiniBlack_0.nif and TestingBikiniBlack_1.nif. As part of my troubleshooting, I've deleted the non-working entries from my .esp, saved it, reloaded it, and recreated those entries by copying and renaming one of the ones known to work, then changing the NIF and model references appropriately. I've also rebuilt the NIFs that are giving me trouble by deletion, copy-pasting, renaming, and setting the textures to what they need to be. At this point, I'm out of ideas after trying the above and triple-checking spelling, filepaths, and references. I have done a fair amount of searching on Google, read several tutorials (the creators of which deserve much credit; having the patience to create, proofread, and update an instructional document is rare and worth much), and yet still I can find no reason for my problems. Unfortunately, I cannot reliably view any of the myriad YouTube videos on the subject of armor creation due to the very spotty and slow connectivity in my current location. Thank you for your time and assistance in advance! Please feel free to ask for additional information; I'll respond as quickly as I can.