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Nexus Mods Profile

About DarkGreyCat

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  1. Sure, I was just putting it out there. It's free if you don't mind using their domain name and their ads. So, mod.wordpress.com no point in paying for a site that won't be making profit.
  2. From a professional point of view, it would be no problem to set up my own website. I have many years of experience as a system administrator. But as i said before i think it's not worth the effort. Especially when I consider some of the comments made by Nexus members towards mod authors No reason to overcomplicate things and spend a lot of time developing a website (unless you want to), there's WordPress which you can use to get a website up in like 5 minutes. There's even forum plugins for it, so it has pretty much all you need for a mod webpage.
  3. If I read it right, Mod list curators (collections) won't be getting Donation Points for their list. Yeah, but it won't stop this from happening.
  4. If a file isn't deleted then nobody has to update anything. And what do you mean by "hostage". That makes no sense in any context. And mod creators still get the DP from any downloads. So the answer to lazy ass mod pack makers is to take control from mod maker? What percentage do they give back to mod creators? I'd be impressed if it was more than 5%. Also, modpack makers won't share anything with the creators when they plaster the modpack section with Patreon begging.
  5. If a file is deleted then it's up to the damn modpack maker to update their 'collection'. Why do you keep mods hostage? This is all about money, money that mod creators won't see a cent of...
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