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Everything posted by thy65

  1. I've been working on combining a couple of clothing/armor items together, and have the finished .nif file, but have no idea what to do next. Could someone help me out?
  2. Thank you for helping me out with this. It's been annoying me that I couldn't figure it out.
  3. It looks like I fixed it, somehow. The camo pattern is gone now. Very strange.
  4. The RU556 mod I've got on my pc is the one from here, on the Nexus.
  5. Not sure if this matters, but the original mod has two different .ba2 files. RU556 - Main.ba2 and RU556 - Textures.ba2.
  6. Do you think it might be possible that the version of the RU556 those textures were made for is a different version than the one uploaded to bethesda.net?
  7. Capitalization shouldn't change anything, right? I named it RU556RETEXTURE.esp, but the .ba2 file has Texture as all lowercase.
  8. Edit: For some reason, my messages keep showing as blank even after I hit post. I did what you suggested and got the files in-game at around 93mb, but the textures aren't changing. They change the Digital Black Camo to just regular black without any camo, but nothing is changed.
  9. I've just gotten started using blender and can't for the life of me, figure out how to apply the textures to the models. I've looked up multiple tutorials but can't find anything about applying an already existing texture to a model. Could somebody help point me in the right direction?
  10. I've been talking with OunceStripes about uploading his RU556 retexture to bethesda.net, and he said that if somebody wants to, they can if they credit him and the original authors, but I'm not exactly sure how I would upload it to b.net. I've tried using a blank .esp and packing the new textures into .ba2 files, but when I try uploading it to b.net, the file size is either in the kilobytes or bytes. Does anybody have any advice for me?
  11. I downloaded BOSS and sorted my load order, but it's still crashing. No idea why.
  12. Haven't had this problem till a few days ago. Anyone have any idea? Here are all my mods. (In the order in the launcher. It's possible they're in the wrong order. I've manually installed all my mods and haven't used NMM or anything like that.) There mods are installed, but disabled. My Skyrim.ini (Name_here\Documents\My Games) SkyrimPrefs.ini (Name_here\Documents\My Games) SkyrimPrefs.ini (in the Skyrim folder inside my Skyrim folder -lol- ) Anyone have any idea what's wrong with it?
  13. Possible, but my idea was so that the Civil War questline could be themed around Assassin's Creed. So that way it could be a war between them from the beginning of the game, to the end (or whenever you feel like completing the Imperials vs Stormcloaks quests)
  14. Either that, or use the showracemenu. Changing your appearance (hair, facial hair, scars, basically anything other than race, or sex) won't affect your stats. Changing your race or sex will most likely reset your stats.
  15. Okay, so I had this idea after downloading Ezios' AC: Brotherhood and Revelations armor. What if, the Stormcloaks were the Assassins, and the Imperials were Templars? You could replace each Stormcloak armor with either Altair's robes, or Ezios from AC2/Brotherhood/Revelations and just replace Imperial armor with Templar armor. Maybe do some weapon replacements to Assassin's Creed weapons like Altair's sword and other weapons from the games. Just an idea I had. Who else would like to see this happen?
  16. I was wondering if someone could help me retexture a specific mod. (User who created it is banned, so I can't ask for his help). Now, I have no problem with retexturing myself. Been doing it for years with multiple games. Only problem is, with this mod, I have no experience with UV mapping, and the creator made it so one texture affects the pants, shirt, and boots. While one other texture affects the coat, gloves, mask and scarf. The maker of said mod said redistribution is prohibited (I have no intention of redistributing. This is for personal use.) But like I said, I have no experience with it. So if anyone's willing to help me, could you send me a PM? I'm obviously new here, so go easy on me. lol
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