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Everything posted by mkr1977

  1. Linux is barely known among consumers or used for that matter. ARM is already in billions of devices, and now ARM desktop SOCs are appearing. I'd say that AAA games for ARM processors is only a matter of time. When, not if.
  2. The Apple M1 chip is an ARM chip capable of powering such games. And the M1 is only the first. Windows 10 now runs on ARM, but game developers will need to recompile their games to work on Windows for ARM.
  3. Any speculation? I'd love to see my favorite games, like Fallout 4, on ARM natively.
  4. I am getting a new PC and would like to transfer my Vortex installation, with all mods and settings to the new PC. I have looked up the instructions for doing so, and there are no guarantees that it will work. It probably will not work. Why not simply create a downloadable file that you can generate from your original Vortex installation, then that file tells Vortex on the new PC what to download and how to deploy the mods? It took me many hours to get my current setup, including frustrating troubleshooting. I don't want to go through that again.
  5. We've seen the debate about modpacks rage here. I do not intend to rehash old debates. I consider the idea of modpacks dead. What we need are mod configuration files. A mod configuration file would tell Vortex how to treat mods, how to download them, and how to organize and arrange them for compatibility. Once all the mods are downloaded, the mods would then be configured according to the specifications contained within the mod configuration file. The job of vortex is to configure. Unfortunately, it doesn't do that task very well, and the complexity of mod configurations means that vortex must be given functionality to handle mod configuration files so vortex knows what to do.
  6. When will Vortex support so-called 'modpacks'? I am suffering from mod installation fatigue. I have basically given up on Fallout 4 and Skyrim as a result.
  7. We need a new mod for legendary modification. Like this - https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/4042 But one fully updated and without all the bugs. There are many mods building on that mod, but they inherit the problems with that mod. A new one built from the ground up is what is required.
  8. Perhaps a touch late, but do you think that this bug could mean that there will be other bugs lying in wait later on? I have found that it is better to start again with a clean install if bugs are found this early in the campaign.
  9. Lots of the mods supported previous versions of Fallout 4, and are buggy when using the latest patch. Those authors that didn't have time to properly update are doing you a favor by removing their mods. I don't think the modding scene is dead. I think its actually likely to get a lot better.
  10. I made the same request a while back. The problem is that the AI for automatrons are set to companion AI, so they cannot do most of the jobs in the settlements. I think a solution might be to have a different automatron workbench that produces automatrons with a settler AI. I don't know how to implement it, however.
  11. Are you using any mods that automatically scrap an area? That will break the castle.
  12. In response to post #55117013. #55141193 is also a reply to the same post. He isn't continuing work on MO2. If you want to update MO2 then do it yourself.
  13. Good idea. I hope this mod happens.
  14. Thanks for your reply, Montky. I thought there would have been more interest in this subject. I am going to make the move into cloud gaming as soon as there is a cloud gaming server in my vicinity (unfortunately Australia). In about 2 years H.265 encoded video streaming will be available from cloud gaming and that will be a game changer. I expect it will be very common.
  15. I was thinking of upgrading my rig (currently a ROG laptop with very high specs except for outdated GFX card) but I have recently come across cloud gaming. "You are insane", you say, "I have no idea what you are talking about". OK, this is the kind of thing I am talking about - https://www.paperspace.com/ https://parsec.tv/ https://www.snoost.com/ https://simplay.io/ In essence you leverage the awesome power of top end professional grade GPUs on the cloud, and stream the games to your PC or compatible device (high speed internet connection required). I am thinking that you could install the heaviest mods using this, textures, all ultra settings, and so on. Anyone already doing this?
  16. I am on the record as being positive towards the Creation Club before it came out. Now that it is out we can talk about it without wild speculation. What is interesting to me is that the Creation Club is actually far worse than anyone actually expected. The people that worried that CC would end the era of free mods can rest easy - Creation Club is just that bad. CC is probably dead on arrival, but if there is some sort of paid mods system in the future, here is my suggestion. Mods should come in different pricing tiers, depending on the scope of the mod. A mod that is an armor might cost 50 cents, while a huge mod like Outcasts & Remnants could cost $4. My suggestion is that there be 5 pricing tiers. 50 cents, $1, $2, $3, and $4. The revenue will be shared by the game publisher and the mod authors. My suggestion is along the lines of a progressive tax. Share of the sale for mod authors based on price - 50 cents/ 90% = 45 cents $1/ 80% = 80 cents $2/ 70% = $1.40 $3/ 60% = $1.80 $4/ 50% = $2 The scope of the mod will determine what tier it appears on initially. Then, every six months the mod drops one tier until it reaches the 50 cent mark (if it wasn't there already). That means that a mod that started at $4 will be 50 cents in 2 years. This ensures that the mod will be broadly disseminated, and will provide new sales at each tier. I hope that Bethesda is paying attention.
  17. I am waiting for Vortex before I start a new game. The reason is that I can't iron out the bugs with my massive load order, and I have discovered that the way nexus installs the mods is doing it, and the features of Vortex will ameliorate that problem. Are there any insiders here that know when Vortex will be released? I currently have a lot of time on my hands and would love to start a new game lol.
  18. In response to post #53516028. #53547223 is also a reply to the same post. I need the new version to play. The current version doesn't work properly with my particular list of mods.
  19. Does he still get upset when you take drugs? Thought so. Still a killjoy.
  20. Mea culpa from me. I was positive about the Creation Club but I also recognized that the success of the Creation Club would depend on how much the mods cost. Each mod costs many times what it is worth, in my opinion. $4 for stealth armor and so on.
  21. In response to post #48763382. #48763667, #48765077, #52564073 are all replies on the same post. I have to agree with Dark0ne. Customer? I don't think so. You haven't paid any money. And if you aren't the customer, you are the product (one way or another). Dark0ne, do we have an ETA on the new mod manager?
  22. Wow. Can you do blackjack?
  23. I have seen mods made after requests on this forum, but usually they are simple mods with limited scope. The kind of mod you are asking for would take thousands of man hours to produce, many months for a team, and years for an individual.
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