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About vollach

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  • Currently Playing
    Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout 3, Fallout Tactics
  • Favourite Game
    FIFA Manager Series, The Longest Journey, Fallout Series, SW Kotor & Kotor2, SW: The Force Unleashed
  1. I hope so too, time will tell I guess, I'll report back with the results after I'll find the time to play the game again. probably over the weekend.
  2. That was a long reading.... Well, as far the BSODs concerned, I do have a Creative sound card (X-Fi XtremeGamer) and I am using version 12.10 of the catalyst control center, so sure, what you're saying IS worth checking. BTW, I do know about WhoCrashed, I used it, most BSODs were related to either sound driver or directX graphic module, but I already mentioned that before. So, I just wanted to try what you suggested but the playback devices window, or even the sound settings from the control panel won't open for me.... Well, as I was typing it did open up, just took a while, I seems to have 5 AMD High definition audio device instances though, guess it have to do with my card support for up to 5 monitors, I'll disable it all and see if it helps, it's unused anyway.
  3. You just change the Flag type in FO3Edit... open your esm file.. go to File Header .. where it says Flag type or something like that; right click ESM, click Edit, then deselect the ESM checkbox. Exist FO3Edit.. save your file... then you just change the file extention from .esm to .esp and your done! That's all, huh?! very easy, don't know how come I didn't think on using FO3Edit, thanks. Any tips as to making an esp that activate the .dds files for a type 3 body replacer? It's just that to get it working on the X360 I need either such .esp file or a way to edit the 360 fallout3.esm to refer to the dds files instead of the ddx files.
  4. Well, just an update.... I did perform a test for my RAM, no RAM problem, as I expected, haven't tried Fallout 3 again since the last time it BSOD on me (last time I reported about it here), I'm honestly starting to think that the game is just a big pile of incompatibilities with my current graphic hardware or driver, time will tell though, during the next week I will probably be playing Mass Effect 3 with the new Omega DLC, if that will work as it should and as I know it worked before than the problem is definitely some sort of compatibility issue for Fallout 3 and my something in my computer. In the meantime I am trying to convert some mods to work on my JTAGed XBOX 360, so far most seems to work, except texture replacers (including type3 body) & hair packs, I am currently looking into converting an ESM file to ESP, can't figure out how to do it or if it's even possible. I am also looking into making an esp to activate the type3 body .dds textures, again, can't really figure how to do it. I'll post back here when I know more about the current issue with my PC version of fallout 3. Xbox - jtag modder - banned Bben46
  5. Be advised that since Fallout 3 is still a 32 bit program it will never use more then 4 gigs of Ram regardless of how much Ram you have. As far as the crashing issues go: Do indeed check your Rams to see if they're still working correctly. If they do, update the drivers of your graphics card to the newest version (yes, the newest version). If the problem still persists try a different graphics card and see if you're getting the same problem. Load order: StreetLights.esm is to be loaded in between ThePitt.esm and BrokenSteel.esm. StreetLights - Wasteland.esp is redundant. It's been integrated into the latest version of the main mod. (the description page also mentions this) Hairday.esm <-- Does this file comes from this mod: Hair Pack ? If so then it's not compatible with Lings hair pack. Fellout + Enhanced Weather + Dynamic weather is a big no. I'd recommend removing Fellout and keep Enhanced + Dynamic Weather. If you don't feel like removing Fellout at least put it's plugins right above the Enhanced Weather ones. I am aware that fallout is 32 bit and that 32 bit has the 4GB limitation, I am also already using the latest drivers for my graphic & sound cards. As for the load order, since the original post I used BOSS to re-arrange the load order and made sure StreetLights.esm is before BrokenSteel, Hairday.esm is disabled and not used, It's not from Hair Pack, it was needed for another mod I have but I edited the mod to use Lings instead to avoid problems. As for fellout and the weather mods, right now I have enhanced weather files, then fellout files, then dynamic weather files in the load order. As for testing for RAM issues, haven't done it yet but it is highly doubtful as I played Max Payne 3 and finished it twice if not more with no problems whatsoever and my brother played & finished Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X 2 as well with no problems, all with the same hardware configuration so the hardware has been taken through some heavy gaming and also heavy benchmarking before I even began playing games on it with no problems at all. Of course, it doesn't mean a problem couldn't arise between then and now but it is doubtful.
  6. I am aware of the fact that it is most commonly an indication of faulty RAM and I am very well familiar with Memtest86, I'm a PC technician so I use it frequently, being a PC Technician & having lots of experience with RAM problem is also why I'm quite certain that this is not the case with my problems at the moment, it is Fallout specific, no problem with any other game nor software or in any other situation. I'm willing to check but I'm quite certain that no RAM problem will be found but who knows, not much time have passed since I upgrade my computer though, did a complete overhaul (Mobo, RAM, CPU, GPU) so I guess it's not impossible but due to above facts, unlikely that I have a faulty RAM. I'll do some RAM tests and try to disable the page file in the coming days and I'll see if it helps, right now I'm doubtful but who knows.
  7. Yes, I did flagged Fallout3.exe for more than 2GB of RAM. As for the paging file. well, I'll try but I somehow doubt that's the reasons for the BSODs, looks more like a driver issue, most likely too new for Fallout 3, thing is, with my Graphic card, it is likely the oldest driver for my card will be too new for Fallout 3 so I'm crossing my fingers & hoping that's not the problem.
  8. I wish it was that simple, but I just had another BSOD, this time nowhere near Arefu and this time a different file, ha20x2k.sys is the culprit, same error, PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA, the file itself is Creative 20X HAL (WDM) according to WhoCrashed, previously I had the same BSOD with that same file as well as with dxgkrnl.sys (DirectX Graphics Kernel) and once with the file atikmpag.sys (AMD multi-vendor Miniport Driver). The damn thing is completely random, the only thing in common is that it happens during Fallout 3, never in any other game or situation. Beside, I've been trying to google it, so far without finding anything that helped, still trying though.
  9. AAARRRRGGGHHHH!!!!!! I just had another BSOD, once again, near Arefu, this time without Arefu Expanded, this time the BSOD error referred to ntoskrnl.exe, once again the error is PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA, Bugcheck 0x50. On the positive side, it happens after a long play time without a single crash.
  10. Ok, I think I managed to salvage one of my more recent saves and resave it. Now, as for the console commands you told me to try to fix the issue with the Arefu Expanded quest still being in the pipboy while the mod is disabled, they are all requiring that I know the quest base IDs, I don't. How can I find out the quests base IDs? -------EDIT------- Nevermind, I figured it out using the TESsnip option in FOMM.
  11. Thanks, I'll try that, I'll also try and see if I can salvage some of my more advanced saves somehow, I mean, the current save that works is when I was on my way from GNR to The Mall to get the dish, I was long after that and was scouting the wasteland to discover places and quests before continuing on to Rivet City, It'll be annoying to redo it all, hopefully some newer save is salvageable and I can do less work over again. Anyway, I Hope that will indeed be the end of the problem *fingers crossed* but knowing Fallout 3 I won't be surprised if another problem will surface.
  12. Oh, Great, now I have a problem with my saves, it seems that after save #66 the game started saving again from 0 and then again after 27 in the 2nd set, again started from 0, now I have problem loading my latest saves, with or without arefu expanded enabled in FOMM, it either load and never finish loading or the game freeze or my entire computer freeze with a screeching sound coming from the computer case, in that case, after a few minutes the computer turns off and then back on again, temperatures are still perfectly fine though. Seems like I'll have to try disabling Arefu Expanded and loading all the way back to Save 66 while deleting all those duplicate numbered saves, hopefully it will work and continue save in the correct order. ------EDIT----- Well, seems as if it is indeed saving in correct order after doing just that, problem is it set me a whole lot back in the game, also, despite Arefu Expanded set as disabled, the started quests from it still show up in the quests list on the pipboy.
  13. I use FOMM and use it to toggle archive invalidation on, that is not my problem, mods works correctly, at lease most mods. I think the square issue I had before installing project reality cinematic ENB was due to antialiasing and/or anisotropic issues the game have with my graphic card, once project reality cinematic ENB and I disabled antialiasing and anisotropic in game settings the problem disappeared. As for the crashes, they are totally random but they are different, sometimes I get a CTD and sometimes a BSOD, the BSODs I get are all different, some relates to audio card .sys file. others to graphic card dll or sys files and most to DirectX graphic module, all of which have the code page_fault_in_no_paged_area at the top, it's not overheating, I checked, beside some of the BSODs happened seconds after loading my game, my PC didn't have time to overheat and I get no BSODs in other games or any other situation, just fallout 3. And by random I mean it could take between seconds to a few hours of gameplay to have such a crash. The only 2 things I can think of I haven't tried yet to solve the crashes & BSODs is lowering the graphic details and/or using normal or 200% version of HD textures mods I installed instead of the 400% variation. ------EDIT------ OK, just and update, it seems that downgrading the HD textures to 200% instead of 400% solved the BSOD, yesterday I had like 3-4 of them, today I had none and I've been playing for hours, also only had 2-3 CTDs within the same time. ------EDIT 2------ Well, After long hours of Gameplay & 4 or 5 CTDs a BSOD happened again, once again in the Directx Graphic Kernel, most crashes & BSODs happened in or around Arefu though, only mod I have that changes arefu is Arefu Expanded. Lowering the HD textures to 200% from the instead of the 400% variation did help though as previously mentioned.
  14. Still don't know what is causing those strange squares but it seems I managed to solve it by installing "Project Reality Cinematic ENB", so far so good at least, I didn't see the problem yet since installing that mod, now if I could just get rid of those random crashes I have.
  15. OK, I kept trying multiple things to solve the issue, I eventually found a tweaking guide for Fallout 3 in which every settings in the ini & in the config program for fallout 3 was explained, after reading I disabled Transparency Multisampling in the game's configuration and those annoying semi-transparent squares seems to finally be gone. The question is, why, I never had this problem before, well, I never used the game with my current machine as well, but I doubt it should happen, could there be a setting in the AMD Control Panel that I can change to fix it so I can re enable Transparency Multisampling? I'll appreciate an answer. Thank you. ------EDIT------ Correction: Disabling Transparency Multisampling didn't solve the problem, just made it less noticeable, it did solve major flickering issues with some clothes like the sexy sleepwear and naughty nightwear. Any ideas?
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