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  1. I guess since the quest comes from Valtieri and not Ocheeva there's no bonus for completing it any particular way.
  2. After starting "May the Best Thief Win", I started for the Temple District, and jumped on the Marie Elena and then onto the other shore of the IC (obviously my Acrobatics skill level was high enough), all the while invisible via a spell. On the way back, I'd jumped back the same way. After handing in the diary, I headed back for the IC proper, to loot the jewelry store, but the Pirates of the Marie Elena had suddenly become hostile, I suspect because I'd set foot on their ship. Will they calm down on their own if I run away, or should I just kill them now? I might just go with the latter, since I'll be coming back for the captain of the Marie Elena in the associated Dark Brotherhood quest, and killing the crew now would mean less hassle later, and since they're already hostile, it wouldn't be murder now. (P.S.) Only the Redguard Pirate seems to be passive towards me, probably because he was facing away from me when I landed on the ship both times, even though I was invisible.
  3. @Fonger Stop writing in haiku. Yes, the original post was about alt tabbing. The statement revealing my system specs was to confirm that my system would be able to handle a dual screen setup, should I choose to set one up. Of course, now that ub3rman123 has clarified, and I stress "clarified", that even IF I had a dual screen setup, a Gamebryo engine still would not support switching focus between two monitors/desktops. If this is what you meant, you should have said that in as much detail, instead of just "the game can't alt-tab", which was something that had already been established, punctuated by the fact that I was already discussing a way around alt-tabbing. But seriously, stop writing like this, it's annoying.
  4. yes, but the game simply can't handle alt-tabbing I wasn't talking about alt tab ing . . . !
  5. It's an AMD Phenom II X4 965 Black, complimented with 8GB DDR3 RAM. I'm pretty sure it can handle a web browser and a fullscreen game.
  6. According to the authors comments in the description for ANB Predator, no further work will be done on the mod, either out of laziness or lack of interest. There are a number of things that still need to be done to it. First of all, it's only available in a barrel in the Testing Hall, so the only way to get it is console cheating. Second, it's only available for Human Males. It would probably work on Orc Males, but Khajiiti and Argonian Males wouldn't look right with the tails clipping through the rear "loin flap". Speaking of the loin flaps, they're too short, and while that may look good on females, I'm not too keen on seeing man ass. There a few aesthetic issues to be dealt with, such as missing skulls from the equipment belt, which is also missing. There should be a "bodynet" mesh covering (which I think was the base for the Predator's cloaking field, given the way it sparked when submerged in water, but I digress), and I think there was a utility "container" on the shoulder opposite the plasmacaster. Or the shoulder pads could be scrapped completely in favour of large animal skulls, a la the Heavy Predator from Monolith's AvP 2. Preferably, I'd like to wear the mask (which needs some more work, since it looks more like a BoS Power Helmet with the back cut out) without it overriding my hairstyle and giving me dreads (which also need work), but then I'd probably go without the mask entirely, as I've already got the spell Superior Life Detect, and I just want the armour for it's "Conan appeal" (Conan & The Predator vs Thoth-Amon, can you dig it?). The author states in the description that the content within is pretty much up for anyone to finish up, so have at it.
  7. I suppose another solution would be to get another display and keep one on the game and the other on the Windows desktop. Can ATi cards do that now?
  8. Is there any way to fix the crashes involved with memory leaks when I Alt+Tab to look at quest guides and stuff?
  9. Mannequins are nice and all, but multiple high-poly models in one area drain resources. Could someone hash up some more of the "stick figure" armour and weapon displays similar to the Crusader Equipment display? You know, slots for helmet, torso, etc pieces, a slot for a shield, and a slot for two weapons? They'd have to have a script that would make them static after being purchased and placed by the player, and another script for "Would you like to remove this stand to place it somewhere else?".
  10. I know how to make a shortcut. The problem is that this is a shortcut that is just now failing to operate correctly. It's always worked correctly for as long as I've had it on my desktop. It doesn't matter anyway, since it's working correctly again now. My guess is that something in my OS' Startup queue was causing a severe RAM or virtual memory thrashing drain or something. After I rebooted a couple times, the shortcut functioned normally again.
  11. I've been running into a slew of random crashes lately. Random because the rate isn't predictable, but the action that causes the crash is always the changing of a piece of gear. It happens more often if the armor I switch to is a one-piece, like the Arena armor, and I'm switching from a set of pieces. Another factor is when an armor piece or piece of jewelry is enchanted with Nighteye, that seems to cause more crashes than anything else. This is on top of crashes that occur during graphically intensive environs, like heavy rain in a heavily forested area. I don't know why it happens, my drivers are all up to date.
  12. Ok, so, if I create a shortcut to obse_loader.exe and place it on my desktop, and then run the program from that shortcut, a DOS shell window will open up and hang for thirty seconds, and then I get the error message (inside the shell) "Process::InstallHook: waiting for thread = WAIT_TIMEOUT Couldn't inject dll." Followed by a popup with the standard "Yellow Hazard Triangle With Exclamation Mark" saying "Couldn't inject dll". However, if I run obse_loader.exe directly from the \Oblivion directory, then the game loads without incident. I can also run the game successfully from the "Launch Oblivion" command in the Oblivion Mod Manager. I've made sure the shortcut has Admin security permissions, so I'm not sure what the problem is.
  13. Found the problem. The "Unofficial Oblivion Patch Hotfix v321" merges the "DLCThievesDen - Unofficial Patch - SSSB.esp" into it, and so I had to disable the the separate SSSB.esp file. After that, the ladders and trap doors came back.
  14. In Dunbarrow Cove, right after clearing out the Red Sabre Skeletons, I entered the empty Black Flag just to get a quick peek, and when I used the first "Trap Door to The Black Flag", I was spawned in the lower deck, but there weren't any useable trap doors to get back up. That is, I saw two things that looked like trap doors in two different places, one going up, and one on the floor going down, but when I place the reticule over them I don't get an action cursor or an Item Label or anything. Even if I bring up the console and click on them, there's no name in the quotation marks right before the object ID.
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