According to the authors comments in the description for ANB Predator, no further work will be done on the mod, either out of laziness or lack of interest. There are a number of things that still need to be done to it. First of all, it's only available in a barrel in the Testing Hall, so the only way to get it is console cheating. Second, it's only available for Human Males. It would probably work on Orc Males, but Khajiiti and Argonian Males wouldn't look right with the tails clipping through the rear "loin flap". Speaking of the loin flaps, they're too short, and while that may look good on females, I'm not too keen on seeing man ass. There a few aesthetic issues to be dealt with, such as missing skulls from the equipment belt, which is also missing. There should be a "bodynet" mesh covering (which I think was the base for the Predator's cloaking field, given the way it sparked when submerged in water, but I digress), and I think there was a utility "container" on the shoulder opposite the plasmacaster. Or the shoulder pads could be scrapped completely in favour of large animal skulls, a la the Heavy Predator from Monolith's AvP 2. Preferably, I'd like to wear the mask (which needs some more work, since it looks more like a BoS Power Helmet with the back cut out) without it overriding my hairstyle and giving me dreads (which also need work), but then I'd probably go without the mask entirely, as I've already got the spell Superior Life Detect, and I just want the armour for it's "Conan appeal" (Conan & The Predator vs Thoth-Amon, can you dig it?). The author states in the description that the content within is pretty much up for anyone to finish up, so have at it.