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  1. Thanks for the idea! I don't see an update bounds option in nifskope, but setting the object coordinates, before exporting, to 0,0,0 lines it up with the bounding spheres. However it still doesn't appear right in the CK. The mesh is displayed, but it's at the 0,0,0 point even though I changed the coordinates BSSubIndexTrishape.
  2. Apparently it can be played as a single player game, though I don't like the indication that "you," make the villains and heroes. To me it says they can't be bothered to make a coherent story, so just use your imagination! :D If modding is as supportive as FO4 was, I'm cool with this. I can't imagine Bethesda taking away that feature, from the community, that has kept their games popular well beyond release.
  3. Thanks for the suggestion! Looking in 3DS Max the pivot point already appears to be at 0,0,0 for the mesh. =/
  4. Hi all! I'm working on a custom mesh, and came across a bit of an issue. When I go to export out of 3DS Max, the model is in the intended position, along with the bones but the bounding spheres are at the origin point in nifskope. This is causing the mesh to be invisible when in-game. Without having to physically move each single one is there a way to correct this? Haven't had this problem with any other mesh before.
  5. @montky It's a fox tail. The current model is using added bones with a lag effect. This helps a lot with adding momentum while running forward or jumping, but any other action and it'll remain static. I'm Currently trying to find a sweet spot with the velocity and distance though I'm not optimistic about this. I've tried adding cloth bones, with and without the added tail bones, but this seems to be a no-go, or perhaps I need to experiment with the weighing more. There is a sway while running and walking however the mesh deforms while crouching.
  6. Hey all! I've been working on a race mod for a while, and I'm working on a tail through a custom skeleton set. I've tried a few methods, with limited results, but I can't make anything natural looking. I was seeing if anyone, more familiar with animation in nifskope, would be interested in helping out? Thank you. :)
  7. Hey all! I'm having some trouble with a custom skeleton in Outfit Studio. I originally exported a mesh, from 3DS max, but realized that the low precision was causing some deformity. Since OS has a bone weight copy tool, and a full precision option, it seemed like the best and only choice. I used the mesh I exported from Max as the reference, and the Blender mesh as the obj. I copied the bone weights, and it exported just fine. I loaded up the game, and the mesh basically stretched to infinity. I know this is skeleton related, so I looked at the ninodes, and one of them was out order. The chest [2] was at the top of the list in the original, and in the OS nif it was at the bottom. I'm probably noobing this part up, so any input is appreciated! :) What I've tried so far: I imported the OS version, and tried to export just that, but it prompted that nothing was weight painted. Even though importing it into Max showed all the weight values.
  8. I remember all the Empire at War mods I downloaded from there years ago. Glad to see something is done to retain all of their work! =)
  9. You should be able to solve the sunglasses problem with FNVedit. It's user friendly. Follow this thread: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/250193-converting-fo3-hats-to-nv/&do=findComment&comment=2230871 (don't perform the update facegen availability!) If you just want to add the armor again in the game, and create a whole new esp: -Find the nif file for the mod in your folder. -Make sure the texture paths are right if you're making any changes. -Load up the Geck, and check which esms the previous esp depended on (I'm assuming none of the DLC?) -Scroll down to the armor tab under items. -Right and rename a game armor that resembles your's the most. If it's power armor related use BOS or Enclave sets. If it's a simple garment or lightweight attire, use just about any pre-war or cowboy related armors. -What you name it here is just the ID to create a new armor. It won't display in game world. -Open the new armor you just made, and edit what features you need. You can change just about anything you want here from DT to trade value. -Switch out the Model with that of your armor nif in the male and female slots. (or only one, depending on what it is) -Place it where you want, or where it was previously. -Save and name your new esp. Done! :smile:
  10. If the talk between the paladins is cannon, it's kind of taking a crap* on all your progress in F3. You assist all those communities, defeat the enclave, bring about purified water (after 10 years of recharge, you'd think there would be clean rivers in the Capital wasteland). Then there are all the small accomplishments: *If cannon, helped out in reintroducing small ants over the giant variants *Super mutants defeated *Mapped and organized thanks to Reiley's Rangers *A large military keeping raiders in disarray, thanks to the BOS allowing recruitment of locals. To here it's in horrendous condition, compared to Boston, after 10 years makes me wonder what is the truly cannon ending of F3? Does the Lone wanderer become a complete prick, or always was one? :tongue: Take a look at Star wars Kotor 2. When you meet Atton you get to establish the previous protagonist's gender, dark/light side affiliation, and overall character. Within less than 5 minutes I felt like my actions meant something in the previous game, and it was shown in some scenes as you continue your journey. To me, I felt like something similar could have done when talking with Piper, or some other wastelander about the the legendary Lone Wanderer. All that would have been needed is to change the dialogue of NPCs if the capital is crap or thriving. It's 200 years, how long is everyone going to continue living like the plasma wielding Flintstones?
  11. Not sure if it can be done with the available animations, but there has been one HK gun I've been hoping to see a good quality version of in-game; the XM8. At one time it could've been the main rifle of US forces. With a large assortment design and color variation out there, it would seem having this weapon could offer a lot of customization! =) http://www.military-today.com/firearms/xm8.jpg
  12. Use to have to tolerate this all the way through my early college days. Honestly, the more you stop caring about other people's opinion the better off you are. Secondly, with the advent of virtual reality finding use in the medical world, and similar utilities for education and even e-sports it's easy to brush off criticism as ignorance.
  13. Bit of an odd question that will probably end up with me face palming myself. In the Geck how can you change the body tone? I've been playing with the texture sliders for over an hour haven't seen tint of color change. :S All I want to do is reduce the saturation a little. Thanks!
  14. I'm creating a new race that uses custom teeth that has both a upper and lower set merged. The vertices are different and I'm hoping to create a TRI for proper morphs when the character speaks. Any idea on how to approach this? Thanks! :)
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