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Everything posted by McGeezo

  1. Ok, total newbie here and sorry if it's in the wrong place but I've asked on various game-specific threads on numerous sites, Google searched for days and commented on tons of Youtube vids, all to no avail. I know the methods will vary from game to game/engine to engine but I'm dire need of just being pointed in the right direction to get started on how I might go about replacing or removing animations from games (other than f***ing Skyrim), more specifically I wanna remove canned death animations so deaths just skip straight to ragdoll. Some games (whole franchises) I wanna do this in are Borderlands, Wolfenstein, Doom, Halo, Titanfall. If people can mod ragdolls into Half-Life 1 & San Andreas then I know I can be helped
  2. Don't know what the deal is with this place as I can only see 5 threads, 2 of which were started this month, all with no replies so no point me even trying but I'll ask anyway: In Madleg's ragdoll mod, does anyone know how or if it would be possible to apply the same physics to peds falling out of cars/off bikes/side of helicopters etc? Such a shame that a lot of instances still trigger canned animations despite the mod
  3. Well what sort of phrases should I be looking for in the files? Completely clueless here Which game?? Well I mean are there general, universal phrases that might help for various games, but I'll give you the main ones that come to mind (whole franchises): Borderlands, Wolfenstein, Doom, Halo, Titanfall, Far Cry, Bioshock
  4. Well what sort of phrases should I be looking for in the files? Completely clueless here
  5. I'm not even on pc yet, let alone mods, so I was wondering if there's an easy way to skip scripted death animations in various games so it goes straight to the physics. I was hoping there was some animation length I could set to zero in the ini files but that probably sounds naive. I just cannot comprehend why devs continue to slap canned repetitive animations over the physics that are already there, making so many modern games just look tacky af every time you kill something, especially when they're on anything other than flat ground. I'm thinking Borderlands with Fallout style deaths all over the screen, Wolfenstein with F.E.A.R style deaths, CoD with CSGO etc. Just makes kills infinitely more satisfying and would definitely take those games to a new level. I don't know why most people think it's nitpicking
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