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About WingedTwilightofthedawn

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  1. I thought the established custom mod followers had moral issues, like things a werewolf vampire or DB member dose would cause them to basically run off. I was told that if one of them sees cannibalism such as a werewolf or vampire feeding to earn perks they would never speak to you again. I think that was Vija? Cerwin was supossed to be good but all she ever did was assure me I had better things to do than ask about her. She was rude. I was waiting for the Sofia creator to release the marriage update, because these things are a non issue for her and she is feisty and funny as advertised. However I am getting skeptical about the update release being anytime in the near future but like many I check often. I would have to create another character for Vija that did not wish to do the companions or dawnguard DLC and that seems like going overboard with it. I could download her to see if shes less rude than cerwin and try to tamper with her morality I suppose. My werewolf is in fact looking. To answer your question there will be a version for guys as well! But in the future :)
  2. Hello I love all of your comments everyone! To help clear up the questions. Yes I plan on making a romance version for guys!!! I felt it absolutely necessary to make a version for girls first because there's absolutely nothing for woman. The Romance Mod is so close to being finished, and as the Creator I'm extremely proud and happy with what i've made and I hope everyone will agree with me when it comes out!!! <3 Thank you everyone for your support <3
  3. Yay! Thank you for sharing the news about the Skyrim Romance Mod! It requires no other mods just the Skyrim update. It's coming out very soon! ^_^ Thank you for the support <3
  4. Hello I've put together a Skyrim Romance Mod! It has a very in-depth romance male character named Bishop and it adds 100+ characters to game a lot of ones that flirt with you and are partially romance able. Here is the website! Let me know what you think! www.skyrimromance.com
  5. Hello Everyone! Yes the mod is almost out! I'm the creator of Skyrim Romance Mod and I can say will all confidence that you will LOVE IT!!!! ^_^ The mod is going to be out very soon!
  6. do you need any animators? I can animate, but i have no idea how to incorporate my animation in, especially since i use Maya, and i don't see maya used in any tutorial I would love you too be my animator!!! Will you please!!! ^_^ email me!!! [email protected]
  7. And siting in the house all day long. That is the part that depressing me the most. Lol I know so sad! If I took them out on my adventures they would die!!! >.< But with this mod it adds Bishop who can't die and it he's an excellent follower with thousands of lines of a dialogue. He's very witty, sexy and fun! ^_^
  8. That's a great idea! I just asked the author if he was willing to review it :)
  9. Unfortunately there are no Orc romanceable characters but not all of the characters treat you like a lady if you know what I mean ;) Take the main romance character Bishop he's very rough around the edges and he's very manly.
  10. I would absolutely love it!!!! Please post it anywhere I want people to enjoy this mod!!! ^_^ Send me your website link! my email is [email protected]
  11. How did you manage to get guys to voice act for you? The only male character on nexus with over 1.000 lines was voiced by the author himself. My voice actors are just amazing people and I'm extremely grateful to have all of them! ^_^ They believed in me and this project maybe
  12. Yeah I know, there's nothing like it anywhere else. As a Skryim female gamer I was looking for this mod for a long time and then said heck, i'll just make one! Don't worry the characters are FAR from cliche. Currently the only follower will be Bishop, but later more very in-depth followers will come in later updates like Cael ;)
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