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Everything posted by Carrolj2
Wondering if anyone has seen any mods that replaces Jesse with other models. No offense to the actress, but I'd like to replay the game with a different looking character.
I've been trying to expand the memory patch for a few days and didn't know about the ExpandSystemMemoryX64 toggle. Thanks so much for that post. Works perfectly now.
I was having the same problem and THIS post fixed it. Many thanks!
I have the same issue. Disabling Dawnguard corrects the problem, but that's the only solution I've found. Sucks. I'm going to try rolling back to previous patch and see if that works. Thanks for the info
( Video Tutorial) How to Get Custom Weapons Into Skyrim!
Carrolj2 replied to somuchmonsters's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Crap! Sorry about the double post. First time I've managed to fudge that up -
( Video Tutorial) How to Get Custom Weapons Into Skyrim!
Carrolj2 replied to somuchmonsters's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Ok, question! I'm new at 3ds, but I've managed to reshape an armor set from Oblivion, hoping to port it to Skyrim. The only real issue I've come across that I can't seem to solve is that when I try to export as a .nif, I get this error 'you have attempted to add a child to a Ninode which already is the child of another Ninode'. Do you guys know what this means exactly? How can I fix it? -
Sorry for bringing this thread back to life, but I'm trying to learn Max and just wanted to point out that theRoadstroker's tutorial is no longer there. Also Pronam, I'm using 2012 and there seem to be all the tools needed to mess with meshes already. Does anyone know of any tutorials that just cover the methods used in reshaping existing meshes easily (or relatively easy. I know we're talking about complex modeling programs here)?
I recently decided to try and learn 3ds for modeling stuff in Skyrim, but I can already see that it's going to take me a while to be able to do what I want. That said, there are a couple models in Skyrim that I really want to edit and change NOW, so I decided to give it a crack with Blender, as I am more familiar with that application. I've run into a weird problem though. With previous game models I've done, it was easy to delete parts of the mesh. I simply highlighted the vertices I wanted gone, hit X, and that was it. With the Skyrim models I've played with so far though, this doesn't seem to work. Here's a screenshot I took: http://i1104.photobucket.com/albums/h331/Redking52/ModelingScreenshot.png You can see where I highlighted several vertices running along the length of the arm, and then deleted the vertices. But..... as you can see, the model is still there, seemingly underneath the deleted vertices. Do any of you guys know what is causing this?
What Version of 3DS Max would you reccommend
Carrolj2 replied to Carrolj2's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I am, admittedly, pretty ignorant of the nuances of the different versions of 3ds (having never used it much, and not really following it, as I did blender). The tools I need (mainly Niftools) seem to exist for the 2012 edition, judging from this: http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/478312-tutorial-3ds-max-skinned-meshes-into-game/ So is there any definitive reason to go with an earlier version? Thanks much for the input you guys have already offered. -
I've been editing/making meshes for Bethesda games for about 3 years now. I've been using Blender to do this, with great success. However, I'm thinking of using 3DS Max with the unveiling of skyrim modding scene. I've had a copy of 3DS Max 8 for a couple years, but I don't know if that is the version I should use in this endeavor. So that brings me to my question: Should I stick with 3DS Max 8, or get a new version? Thanks much fellas.
I'm using 32 windows 7 anyhow. Thanks a lot for the feedback guys
I've completely uninstalled 3dsMax and reinstalled with the civ4 exporter again, but I reach the same result. According to the forums I've read, all you need to do to install it is unpack everything to the 3dsMax folder. I dunno what I'm doing wrong. Maybe it's an issue with windows 7? I don't know I'm stumped.
Hello and thanks for reading. I'm having some issues exporting .kf's with 3dsMax8. I got this version because (from what I've read around the interweb), this version is supposed to have all the tools required to successfully import/export animation files used by FO3 and FONV. Here is where I stand: I have: -(as I said) 3dsMax8 -the Civ4 exporter plugin (though I believe something isn't working with it. will explain below) -3dsMax Niftools plugin for Max 7+ -KFUpdater (not sure how this works) Upon starting 3dsMax, I get a popup saying "DLL <C:\Program Files\3ds Max 2008\PlugIns\CivilizationIVMaxPlugin.dlu> failed to initialize. Error code: 127 - The specified procedure could not be found." Checking around, I saw that some people get this message because they are missing a certain .dll in their System32 folder. I have the .dll however. In Max, I am able to successfully import and tweak the animation I'm working on, but I cannot get a working export. I know I'm supposed to export using the Civ4 exporter, but it doesn't seem to work. Upon clicking the Civ4 exporter, I get a MAXScript Error stating '--Type error:Call needs function or class, got: undefined'. I have no clue what this means. I also cannot find an option in the exporter to export a .kf. This is the central issue I need to figure out. When I installed the exporter, I simply unpacked everything in the .7z to the Program Files\3dsMax2008 folder, so I think everything should be there that needs to be. Also, I think that once I get a successful export I am supposed to run the .kf through the KFUpdater, but I can't seem to find any explanation as to how this tool is supposed to work or where it's supposed to be unpacked to or anything. I'm not even sure that I need it. Anyway I hope you guys can shed some light on this. Been working at this for a week now, and I seem to have hit a wall. Thanks very much in advance.
I'm trying to learn how to tweak animations in Blender. I got everything done as far as the actual animation and getting it into game. The animation behaves strangely in game though. The PC will run at normal speed for a second, then speed up for a second (animation speed increases), then it will slow back down. Also, little pieces of the mesh will become invisible for a fraction of a second twords the end of the animation. I've checked around and can't seem to find out what's going on. Do any of you guys that know a little about animation know what causes something like this? So far I've tweaked the forward run, backwards run, forward sneak and backward sneak animations. The sneak animations don't have the speed issues, but they share the small invisibility problems. Could really use some help with this one. I'll be more than happy to email the .kf and femaleupperbody.nif that I'm working on if someone wants to take a look at it. Thanks to anyone who can help! EDIT: After playing around with the animation for a couple hours, just trying different buttons, I think I've narrowed my slow down/speed up problem to looping somehow. I tried to check 'continue physics' in the playback options of the timeline window, and there is a definite stop before the animation loops and starts again.... Still no closer to figuring out how to get rid of the stop though... will update if I discover anything else.
Well HOLY CRAP!!! I was sitting here thinking about transferring it to NV and remembered I had posted this thread a while back. Low and behold you guys already did it lol Thanks a lot you guys! I'd say I love you, but that would be wierd.
I was just wondering if anyone has considered porting the Groovatron mod from FO3 to NV? I'd do it myself, but I don't really know how. If anyone knows the jest of how to do it, let me know. Pose mods are sorely lacking in NV so far.
Maybe one of yall knows whats up with this problem I've been having. So my fallout crashes now and then (who's doesn't right?), but it's gotten worse recently for no apparent reason. I haven't installed any new mods that would have caused this. What makes it worse is that I have to restart my system after it does it. After crashing, the resolution on my desktop goes to crap, and there are only about 8 colors displayed (estimating). I've tried to figure out how to reset my resolution/color settings after it crashes, but nothing seems to work. I just restart, then everything is displayed properly again. I have no idea what is causing this, and it seems to be happening more and more frequently :wallbash: I could really use some help with this if anyone has any ideas. Much thanks for reading!
Finally sick of the CTD's!
Carrolj2 replied to Afroherbalist's topic in Fallout 3's Mod Troubleshooting
This could be exactly the solution that I need to fix my crash problem. However, when I check the "use fake xlive.dll", it says in the description not to do so if I want to use my DLC's. When I installed FOMM, it asked if I wanted to move all my DLC folders out of the GFWL registry. Is this going to disable my downloadable content even though I think they are already moved? Scratch that question. I went ahead and tried it and my DLC seems to be working ok :thumbsup: -
I'm not sure if someone uploading the music folder would be some sort of copyright infringement or not. Figured I'd see if someone knew of one that was available lol. Thanks though
It's something to do with lighting/reflectiveness... I can only see it when light hits the body a certain way. I checked for rectangles and whatnot on the mesh and none were to be found. It's not that noticeable, so I'm not really that worried about it unless I decide to upload the armor to the nexus
I did a dumbass thing >_> I was playing around with different music mods last night and accidently overwrote my original fallout3 Music folder with one from a mod. Didn't make a backup... Now my controls in the game randomly freeze up, but it does it without failure every time I play. Does anyone know where I can possibly find a copy of the original 'Music' folder?
Maybe you guys know what's up with this.... So I have the pitt, right, but it's been like 20 hours (real time) since I left vault 101 and the quest hasn't started yet. I've listened to the message from wherner several times, but there is no quest for in my pipboy and I haven't gotten the quest name thing that shows up on the screen when you start a new quest. When is this quest supposed to start? If it's bugged somehow, is there a workaround to get it started?
Awesome. Just found them and made them all match my upperbody mesh. I just finished my first custom armor :woot: And it only took me 3 days to figure it all out lol Thank you guys so much for the help! never coulda done it without yall and these forums. ....and now the real work/fun begins.... Oh yeah, the only hickup I have is that there is a tiney white rectangle in the center of my model's chest...have to figure that one out too
That sounds easy enough. I'm trying to eliminate the lower half of a body to eliminate clipping through clothing, but yeah...can't save the skin. Where do you find these shader entries exactly?