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About mattmartin77

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    Halo Reach

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  1. the flaming thing does exist, but it is part of another mod (Here)
  2. In Fallout 3 you may remember the Coyote Reflex power armor. I also helped the author port this to new vegas. What I am looking for is just a simple replace of the meshes and textures of the daedric armor with the coyote reflex armor. I do not really care about lore either. This is just for my personal use, if someone ends up doing this for me, you can decide whether or not to post it. I could probably do it myself if the CK was out because I may kill someone or something nearby if i have to deal with nifskope or blender, etc. If the textures/meshes cannot be readily found I will pm them. Any response at all would be appreciated. http://static.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/images/39013-2-1293331006.png
  3. Another program you could add is Cyberlink PowerDirector. It is a powerful video editing program that came free with my new nvidia video card. $100 value. http://www.cyberlink.com/products/powerdirector/overview_en_US.html
  4. haha my wadsworth is stuck in a *censored* filing drawer and will not move at all... :wallbash:
  5. i think someone did a set of armor, maybe not like that idk i didnt download it, but I DO remember seeing new vegas armor in recent files at the nexus
  6. i think you would have to go into geck and change each npc's behavior characteristics. im new to modding, so im not sure what to change it to.
  7. i made a laser designator with all the appropriate stats and scripts, but the missile launcher is just not a good weapon for this. Here are some pics of the thing i want. if someone could make this i would be very grateful. http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/library/policy/army/fm/6-30/f6300113.gifhttp://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20091228194210/combatarms/images/a/a8/Airstrike_designator_napalm_thumb.jpghttp://img.youtube.com/vi/42ZPeW7EBPc/0.jpg this is the scope(without the red hitmarkers and stuff) http://img.youtube.com/vi/IMFJK_uHwFw/0.jpg You will get a completed copy and a kudos if it happens, and if i upload it, you will be listed under authors and credit given in first line of description.
  8. oh didnt even see that section :wallbash: ill move it
  9. get and install fose, fomm, and archiveinvalidation invalidated. these will allow you to run mods. for mods, i would get coyote reflex armor, 20th century weapons, calibr, xcalibr universe- book of earache, and JaySuS Commonwealth Of Modders - The High Sea Caravansery these are some of the mods I use
  10. For those of you who do not know, It is a 48 hour code to access Xbox Live Gold, so he can play online games.
  11. OR when in game *if you have FOSE* go in console and type gbo after you click on the character and you will get the base id to spawn.
  12. i made a laser designator with all the appropriate stats and scripts, but the missile launcher is just not a good weapon for this. Here are some pics of the thing i want. if someone could make this i would be very grateful. http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/library/policy/army/fm/6-30/f6300113.gifhttp://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20091228194210/combatarms/images/a/a8/Airstrike_designator_napalm_thumb.jpghttp://img.youtube.com/vi/42ZPeW7EBPc/0.jpg this is the scope http://img.youtube.com/vi/IMFJK_uHwFw/0.jpg
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