Hi, thanks for reading this. I really hope this topic isn't already posted somewhere else, I searched several boards before I decided to post this. I really want to create a custom weapon for FONV, but all I can seem to do with the GECK is adjust the name and stats of already existent weapons. This is fantastic enough for most weapons, but I was curious how to modify or even create new weapon meshes; and if so, what program would be used to do so? For example, say I wanted to take the Marksman Carbine and change the coloring on part of it, or switch out the barrel or magazine from that of another weapon, how would I do this? I realize this goes beyond simply retexturing the current meshes and might require the model itself to be edited, but I really want to try it and any information anyone could offer would be greatly appreciated. If this exact topic is posted elsewhere I really do apologize for taking up space with this one, and if I could get pointed in the direction of said topic I would appreciate that as well. Thanks again for reading! TL/DR: I really want to find a program to edit not only weapon stats, but meshes and models as well. Thanks.