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About highwind1985

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  1. Oh lordy I wish! A ground-up retooling of Oblivion could be a tremendous success. I don't see how a remastered Skyrim could match/exceed what modding has already done for it, but Oblivion is old enough and the engine has matured enough to really knock it out of the park. And don't get me started on a Morrowind remaster.
  2. I really wanna give Strong some classic "slasher" clothes, like Jason Voorhees from the Friday the 13th movies. Hockey masks existed in New Vegas and I'm sure they could be imported to the current game...right? If this mod exists, could someone point me in the direction of it? I frequent Nexus and can't seem to find anything.
  3. Meh, it's not my thing but "different strokes for different folks" and such.
  4. This one might be tricky. Basically, I'd like to able to alter my power armor's arms to add automatron weapons on them. They would always be equipped and could be removed via the power armor workbench like normal armor pieces. So instead of equipping a T-60 Left Arm or whatever it would be the automatron arm weapon. For example, I'd like to attack the automatron drill arm to my power armor and look like a Big Daddy from Bioshock. All the other automatron weapons would work as well, nail gun, laser, sawblade, and so on. They could be switched out like normal power armor pieces. The tradeoff is they would be attached until you remove the piece. I would love being able to have a drill on one hand and a small firearm being held by the other, but that's probably not possible (or maybe it is?). I'm not totally sure how to resolve the ammo issue though, perhaps give the automatron weapons infinite ammo? Or maybe have the ammo draw power from fusion cores (if you run out of standard ammo) sort of as a last resort. Anywho, thanks for reading this absurd request! Just in case someone hasn't seen the "Big Daddy" I'm talking about, I've attached a picture.
  5. haha I felt the same way when I found my first lantern. I didn't even realize torches were in the game until I accidentally plucked one off the wall. Since your eyes adjust to the darkness fairly quickly, I just assumed that was all the help you got aside from spells. But yeah, a use for the lanterns would be amazing; I can see it looking similar to the lantern in Amnesia: Dark Descent, with your hand holding the handle on top and it swaying back and forth as you move, causing the shadows to move erratically on the walls.
  6. I was just thinking of this, glad I searched instead of creating a new topic. My current character is a rogue so I'm often dual wielding daggers, but I use my bow for long range silent kills. I'd love to be able to see it on my back while I'm sneaking around with my daggers out. Similarly, I'd like to see my shield on my back when my warrior/barbarian character has a greataxe equipped or is dual wielding or whatever. It would be simply aesthetic, it would provide no additional armor or anything unless actually equipped. Whoever could come up with such a mod would be a hero in my book.
  7. Aha! Simply fantastic! Thank you for the link, now I have some work to do :thumbsup:
  8. Hi, thanks for reading this. I really hope this topic isn't already posted somewhere else, I searched several boards before I decided to post this. I really want to create a custom weapon for FONV, but all I can seem to do with the GECK is adjust the name and stats of already existent weapons. This is fantastic enough for most weapons, but I was curious how to modify or even create new weapon meshes; and if so, what program would be used to do so? For example, say I wanted to take the Marksman Carbine and change the coloring on part of it, or switch out the barrel or magazine from that of another weapon, how would I do this? I realize this goes beyond simply retexturing the current meshes and might require the model itself to be edited, but I really want to try it and any information anyone could offer would be greatly appreciated. If this exact topic is posted elsewhere I really do apologize for taking up space with this one, and if I could get pointed in the direction of said topic I would appreciate that as well. Thanks again for reading! TL/DR: I really want to find a program to edit not only weapon stats, but meshes and models as well. Thanks.
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