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About XGhost_213

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    TES V: Skyrim
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  1. Ok...then why does HOTHTROOPER (Not Patobek) have an armor called Spellbinder that looks EXACTLY like Patobek's armor? Riddle me that. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/21228/
  2. Lol I think HothTrooper already released the armor....he called it "Spellbinder Armor"
  3. !!! Consider me satisfied!! Wait...is that stupid little shield in front of the face gonna be visible in first person mode? And if I could be so bold, could you make a version without that?:)
  4. Ah, I've already looked that over and none of em are black...I'm actually not really looking for an "armor"....like Jon Snow doesn't really fight in armor, just some leather clothing...thats what I'm after.
  5. No it wasn't the fact that the # of modders is lacking, I knew that obviously by the sheer amount of request pages. What suprised me was nobody even seemed to looked at this topic or commented saying "Maybe when I'm done with my project I can help you" at least a little somethin to give me hope. I understand that all the modders are busy as hell and workin their butts off, I just wanted a little acknowledgment, which is probably even asking a bit much anyways.
  6. Wow...nobody even wants to attempt this?
  7. Wow, I feel kinda nerdy saying this, but I've never been this excited for a video game mod release before! Just read through all 20 pages and I'm stoked for the release!! Perfect armor, and like somebody else said, it's not a chinsy piece of scrap metal covering the unmentionable areas ;) thanks for doing this! I for one, and I imagine plenty of others feel the same, really appreciate you spending time on this!
  8. I was curious if anyone could make Jon Snow's armor/clothing from Game of Thrones? I've already seen the Night's Watch armor posted on the Nexus but it's not up to snuff for me :) I've posted some pictures of what I'm after:) The fur trimmed cloak is optional (I've got Winter Is Coming) but if you'd like to do that too then I'd REALLY appreciate it, but the clothing/armor is my main priority right now, thank you!:)
  9. Yea, the only one I remotely liked was the Mountain's armor and it's much too bulky for me, I'm more of a finesse player (Jon Snow) not really a brute, and yes I'm that picky haha:)
  10. Yea, see I had WIC a long time ago, but it never registered cuz I only watched the first season of Game of Thrones a couple days ago :) haha same with the Nights Watch armor, so I knew those exsisted but it just recently struck me! haha And the thing about the other armors and weapons (not to criticize the makers, I can't do a hell of a lot better) they aren't exactly down to detail, or they're just retextures of Elven, steel, etc. and none of the weapons look up to snuff (for me anyways).....but the Jon Snow save game is a new one! Thankee for that! :)
  11. Stoked! I come on the mod requests to look for a Game of Thrones overhaul (Weapons, armor, creatures, cities, PEOPLE!! etc) and low and behold, the first thing my eyes see is a white walkers request! Good man, I think that if someone is going to create white walkers they might as well do the rest.....all I want is Night's Watch faces (Jon Snow), their armor, clothes and cloaks, and weapons :)
  12. Well bro, I don't have those armors but I do have the default robes from Brotherhood and Revelations :\ Brotherhood non-replacer Revelations replacer (along with some other replacer armors that are pretty cool)
  13. Here you go my friend. Search no more. (for Brotherhood outfit non replacer) (for Revelations outfit along with some other replacers that are opotional)
  14. It's so simple!! We're talking about the Fallout 3 Real Time Settler of Skyrim!! Man, with those mechanics in Skyrim....... (ME GUSTA FACE)
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