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Everything posted by Razorflame

  1. Yeah, this has been a pet peeve of mine because it seems that nobody seems to want to make any heavy type armors for Oblivion any longer. I have so many armors that I'd love to see ported into Oblivion, yet I am not a modeler or anything, so I wouldn't be able to do it :(
  2. So I haven't checked any of the mods for the past few months, and just looking through the files recently, I've found that very few people are actually making non-HGEC, BBB, etc. type armor sets. What happened to the old days of making new armor sets from scratch that actually are armor sets and not some skimpy clothing for people who like to look sexy. Thanks!
  3. I really love some of the armor mods on this site for Oblivion, however, there have been very few mods like the ones that I really like lately :( I really miss people makes armor sets and mods like these: Armageddon by Lancilotto Dread Knight Armor and Weapons by jojjo and others like these. What happened to all the people that made armor mods like these? I'd really like to see some new armor mods like the ones shown above :) Thanks!
  4. I really am beginning to miss the suits of heavy armor that cover the entire body from head to toe. There's been some great ones, but most of them are fairly old :( By full suits of Heavy Armor that cover the entire body from head to toe, I mean armors like The Butcher, Armaggeddon, The Baron, Lich King's Armor, Dread Knights' Armor...those kinds of armors. There's been so few lately that I really am beginning to wonder if nobody has the will to make any more of these kinds of mods, because I absolutely love the ones that I mentioned above. If anyone out there can do more of these sets of armor, I would be a very happy gamer :) Thanks, Razorflame
  5. I paid the premium membership for one month, and I've logged out and into both of my accounts here and on the tesnexus.com websites, yet nothing seems to be happening. Is there a certain amount of time one must wait for it to work?
  6. I know. I was hoping that this would spark some new interest in making new armors :) Razorflame
  7. Trust me, I've played nearly every single armor mod that I like that I've found so far. I've already looked through that thread, and tried 99% of the armor mods in that thread. I just really need some new armors made ;) Razorflame
  8. I've noticed that there is a definite decline in the number of armor modifications being made, and that is quite saddening :( I really like some of the recent armor mods: Shadow Legion to name one of them, but I'd love to see more of those kinds of armor mods made in the near to moderately near future ;) Can anyone make this wish come true? Razorflame
  9. Ok. Thanks for the help anyways :) I appreciate it!
  10. That's very helpful so people know what not to suggest of the 50 or so you have tried and will reject if suggested because you have already used them... :whistling: The armour categories at Tesnexus would be a good place to search. As easy for you as it is for anyone else. :yes: I've already looked through the entire Armors categories and picked out the ones that I like. I was hoping that people would be able to provide me with links to mods that are only available outside of TESNexus. The others that I've tried include: Tyrael Armor Pretty much every retexture Shadow Legion I am just looking for new armor to wear to make the game interesting again. Thanks, Razorflame
  11. Hello there all. I've been a busy modder and I've played with probably 50+ armor mods, and now I am looking for some new ones to play with. Please do not suggest the following, as I have already played them: LPOTD Sauron's Dread Knight Lich King's Armor All of Lancilotto's armors Heart of the Dead Return of Shadows I and a lot of others. Please provide me with links to armor mods that follow along with these kinds of armors. Thanks, Razorflame
  12. Yeah, it is an armor from a mod for Dragon Age:Origins. I know that it is not realistic to have someone make it with this amount of detail, but I would appreciate any attempt that is decent :) Cheers!
  13. Anybody feel like producing this? I would be very grateful :)
  14. I was surfing around, and I saw this image: http://www.fileplanet.com/fileblog/images/DragonAgeArmor/screenshots/DarktemplarScreen-2.jpg Can anyone make this armor for Oblivion please? Thanks!
  15. Email it to me. You can use the email me link on my profile.
  16. By effects, you mean the ingredient effects, right? If so, leave them blank...I got specialized effects that I want them to have :) Thanks very much for all the help you've given me :)
  17. Perfect. Please let me know when you get them made in the CS.
  18. If you'd like to use them, you may do so, but you'll need to wait until after I work them into my mod because that is the main reason for me making this post. Credit will go where credit is due, but if you'd like to use them, you can do so after the next version of my mod is released. I expect this to take somewhere in the neighborhood of around two weeks, so if you can wait until then, you'll be free to use them, just make sure to credit both me and Googlepox above.
  19. Very nice on the Solarcap, but could you make there be just a little more purple in the Darkcap? Thanks!
  20. Hi there. I am asking anyone who is good at retexturing things if they would be willing to make me some retextures for a mod that I am currently working on. If you do decide to do the retextures for me, I will give you a Kudo and, of course, will credit you in my mod, as well as make you co-author of the mod that I made. What I need is for someone to either make me entirely new textures, meshes, and icons for seven different mushrooms, or just retexture the Steel Blue Etemola seven different ways. I also need them to make icons for seven different ingredients as well. Here are the details for each of the seven mushrooms: 1. Solarcap- This mushroom will be found in Anvil, in the Gold Coast, and in any other areas where there is a lot of sun. The coloration that I would like would be that of the sun, so kind of a yellow-red-orangish retexture of the SBE or a new one. 2. Darkcap - This mushroom will be found in caves, Ayleid Ruins, places of darkness, near Oblivion gates, and in the planes of Oblivion. I would like a blackish-dark purplish retexture of the SBE or new textures/meshes/icons. 3. Holycap - This mushroom will be found near chapels and other holy places. I would like a whitish-grayish-bright yellowish retexture of the SBE or again, new stuff. 4. Watercap - This mushroom will be found in dungeons with a lot of water, as well as underwater. I would like it to look like it is made of water (though it needs to be a little bit different to help distinguish it when it is underwater). 5. Welkynd Cap - This mushroom will be found in Ayleid Ruins. It would be nice if you could make it look like the mushroom is made from a Welkynd Stone. 6. Varla Cap - This mushroom will also be found in Ayleid Ruins. It would be nice if you could make it look like the mushroom is made from a Varla Stone. 7. Icecap - This mushroom will be found in snowy places, in and around Bruma, and in dungeons with a lot of snow. It would be nice if you could make this mushroom look like it was made from ice. I would really, really appreciate it very, very much if someone can do this for me because I have zero artistic ability or modding ability in this area. Thanks for the help if you decide to help me, Razorflame
  21. Imagine footing the bill for a million members having HUGE PM boxes and the storage to go along with it. ;) As previously mentioned, free accounts have 50 PMs to store but premium accounts have 500. Although, it is virtually unlimited with the included export ability. LHammonds I cannot pay for a premium membership at this time. I know that it would be expensive, but possibly worth it. Also, you wouldn't have to increase it for every member, just the ones who request more space, and especially for users like Xilver, who could use the extra space.
  22. Anyone else that would be able to convert this mod into an Oblivion mod?
  23. Why is the total number of inbox messages you have so low? Why can't it go up as you participate more on these forms like so many other forums that I've been a member of?
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