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Nexus Mods Profile

About AndrewTheGoat22

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Rookie (2/14)



  1. they're in g00s000, when you get to the suits, it's going to be labeled just "hero_spiderman"
  2. I've tried copying the _c, then lowering it by half transparency and replacing the _g with it. I've tried changing the colors. I don't know how to edit it. And I would like to know how to change the color of the glow on the stealth suit. I want to make the eyes and spider different colors; hopefully that's possible
  3. I'm a 3D modeler so I'm aware that I'd probably have to redo the model and attach it and all that. I can't find a tutorial on model importing and I'm not sure how I'd go about doing this. But the head would be from a model that isn't currently in the game. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
  4. I followed this tutorial for my retexture mod, extremely easy to follow. How to Mod Textures in Spiderman Remastered - YouTube
  5. @YouDoNotKnowMyName Unfortunately, I don't. Darn, that's bizarrely specific, I would have never guessed that. Would it be to possible to make a model in Maya and then export it and send it to someone who has 3DS Max 2013? Or would that not work?
  6. Hey there! I've never created a mod for any game, but I'm hoping to gain some experience working with a team. I'm a 3D artist that's best at hard surface, specializing in environment pieces and props. I'm open to anything, whatever kind of mod I can help out with (although preferably something with multiple people). However, I don't have the creation engine since I have a Macbook. Hopefully that wouldn't be too much of a problem.
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