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  1. Cool it's like blades team in Skyrim, but beter version
  2. Story scientist from institute make research about human hidden potentials, and way release psy powers. But his project was close and he must left. After wandering and research he find that hose peoples who have hunger for human flesh and blood How it's works in my head Need perks: Night Person, Cannibal So when you find that NPC, he can give you quest (if you have those perks) where you must gather blood from 4 type of legendary humanoids: human, ghoul, mutant, human like synth New bullet for syringe weapon: syringe weapon now can shoot bullets that gathering blood from enemy (humanoids) And so, we get 4 tipe of raw blood that we can get humans, ghouls, mutants, human like synth, every type of raw blood give different bonuses + ghouls and mutants big ammount of radiation but and give effect of high rad res. With that raw blood we can craft different types blood pack (Skills. Chemist+Medic) with different bonuses with chance addict to blood, and when you addict day light do burn dmg now abbout psy powers, here we can take syringe weapon bullets effects and do blood packs with those effect but like area dmg that can hit multiple targets. If no psy. we can create blood grenade with those effects ) but what do with robots who can't be dmged with those effects. Here we can create blood pack that can lure animals that will fight by your side When i write about Vampire, i think that can be done similar class with hi-tech skill Story similar but with other scientist How it's works in my head Need perks: Hacker, Science!, Robotics Expert New bullet for syringe weapon: bullet that can shoot with chips that reprogram robots, turrets and 1 versions of synth, that they became friendly and fight by your side (and what you can do with them are based on what lvl of perk Robotics Expert you have). If you hate brotherhood those bullets can be used for force landing vertiberds, and those enemy who use power armor will be forced reject. And how you understand English not my native language.
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