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About Madzookeeper

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  1. i guess my question is, do they play nice together? are they interchangeable? does one cover what the other does and simply do more? i'm asking because there's some mods that require the opposite. nGCD/firmament/legendary abilities/grandmaster of alchemy (which i really want) require elys, and alchemy advanced adjusted implies that it's adjusted to specifically work with AV uncapper. or by being functional with AV uncapper, does that mean it'll work with any uncapper of that sort, as i'd kinda rather just stick with elys, although if AV is better and you can explain why and confim that nGCD/firmament/legendary abilities/grandmaster of alchemy will work with it as well i'd consider going with it. thankye in advance for your help. been a looooooooooooong time since i've tried modding oblivion. like more than a decade long. >_<
  2. technically, if you know what you're doing, wrye bash is still the best according to people like arthmoor. but for those that don't i'd probably go MO or NMM.
  3. because some things are only available on steam would be my guess. like a series of quests i'm interested in, only on steam.
  4. that he thinks it should be objective as opposed to subjective, basically. and it doesn't have to be a mod that you made, just whatever you think deserves more attention in general.
  5. to me anyone going into enderal expecting a skyrim mod is just deluding themselves. i've approached it, as i do any total conversion, as a completely different game, separate from the original. because there's really nothing OF the original in it other than some superficial stuff like "iron sword" or "lavender" or some such. something else to think about, without all of the groundwork from skyrim, how much longer would it have taken to make enderal? would they have even tried if they had to get an engine, make all of the framework for everything, literally start from scratch? without skyrim, enderal (different game as it is) could not exist. and has already been said, the purpose of the two is completely different as well. skyrim is about a world, enderal is about a specific story in a world. not apples to apples as far as comparisons go.
  6. Of course it is when you take a look at some of the other mods on this list that have waaaaaaay more endorsements. well, i was more wondering what it is for each person, not based on how many endoresments/downloads something has. if something has a huge number, but you still feel it's underrated then it's underrated for you, which is fine. if it only has like 1k downloads and is a hidden gem of a mod, that's good too. i'm pretty open to whatever suggestions when it comes to this as i'm just trying to find interesting/good mods that i might have missed.
  7. it was made by jox0r (the guy who made wyrmstooth) and he basically had to shut down modding for his own mental health/straightening out his life. he did say that privately sharing mods is alright, but no public links. so if you want to share it you'll have to make a way to send it to your friend. if you're interested, this is what he had to say: http://archive.is/R5VeX
  8. I've been wondering about some more obscure mods that people have played, that were high quality, but either just fit a really specific niche or just didn't catch on in general for some reason or another. any ideas/suggestions would be greatly appreciated, since digging through 48k is... daunting at best.
  9. the only easy thing i can think of would be to verify the game cache with steam. if you had the launcher (which you can get on it's own here http://enderal.com/) it MIGHT be able to remove everything related to enderal and restore it to vanilla, but it also might not. really just straight reinstalling skyrim/your mods is the only sure way i can think of to fix it. if you can wait two weeks and play something else that's probably what i'd do since i don't know what files got replaced, and what mods might fix it/if any mods would actually touch that.
  10. that looks a lot like enderal. i'm assuming you didn't install that?
  11. you want to have both panels match. i know you won't find that documented anywhere, and even directly contradicted depending on who you ask, but if you don't have them matching then you are essentially loading two different mod orders since the left panel loads all of the data. start by making the left panel match the left and see if that helps with your crashing as a first step. if it's still being a problem make sure that nothing you're using is on the dangerous mods list : https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/wiki/dangerous_mods_masterlist that's the first two things i'd do, personally.
  12. if you actually cleaned a file then it's fine, regardless of loot saying that it's still dirty.
  13. i know for a fact that skse, among other things, is included with enderal as there are plugins for skse that i didn't have that are now there. if you're using NMM to open enderal it won't work right as it's designed around it's launcher.
  14. there are a couple of things that can be at play here. first, you have your install in the program files x86 directory. don't do that. ever. steam themselves even say don't install anything there, as windows will block access to all kinds of things in that folder regardless of being run as admin or not. what you want to do is install STEAM into a different folder, something like c:/steam and then you won't have any of the access denied errors for any game you're playing because of windows being stupid. that's why moving the skyrim folder to the desktop works, as it's getting it clear of that restrictive program files x86 folder. this won't solve problems just related to proccers either, as it'll help with things like bodyslide, tes5edit, merge plugins, etc, etc, etc. secondly, MAKE SURE WHAT VERSION OF JAVA YOUR SKYPROC PATCHER REQUIRES. this is different for all of them. for instance, perkus maximus REQUIRES a 32 bit install of java 7. it simply will not work with 8. been there, done that, got that t-shirt. it even says this on the perma page. for requiem you need the latest version of java 8, but again 32 bit instead of 64. apparently most of the proccers don't play well with 64 bit installations for some reason. so make sure of what version you're using. this is only necessary if moving your folder out of the program files x86 doesn't work and you run into other errors, because while it SAYS it needs those versions sometimes it'll work anyway. hope that helps someone.
  15. not really, no. you can go look in the mod configuration menu and see how everything is setup. it should say that it is initializing in the top left corner and when it is finished. other than that you just play the game. a lot of the armors are tried to quests so you'll learn about them at that point. you CAN remove that so you can just craft things as well. that would be in the options in the MCM. third option category, near the top right.
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