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  1. I've been doing multiple runs with ThuggySmurf's mods, specifically Outcast and Remnants and Fusion City Rising. There are certain quests which spawn a lot of high-level enemies, and eventually I wanted to tweak the difficulty a bit for myself. With some trial and error I've figure out that with an additional .ESP loaded afterwards you could overrule the Level Modifier of the placed NPCs in the cells. For outside cells this worked fine, but for interior cells I've run into a couple of issues which I can't explain. For this example I will use the Vault59 added with Fusion City Rising where I've encountered the most issues. - When I overrule all (or most) placed NPCs of the same faction (in this case to tweak the Level Modifier of the Swords of Atom NPCs), sometimes when entering the location all the NPCs are gone. - I've figured out that when I do not overrule a couple of the NPCs it has the largest chance of working without issues, but still this isn't guaranteed. - Strangely enough reloading a save before entering the cell and re-entering the cell may fix this issue (causing all NPCs to spawn as intended), but it's still a game of chance. - Note that I intentionally made the changes before entering the Vault's cells for the first time, as I realized that once the cell(s) were loaded, any changes later on will probably not work as intended. - In a similar note I recently re-entered the same Vault to just run it again. Here I ran into the second issue: very few of the NPCs had actually respawned. Where in example I would normally encounter at least a dozen NPCs I now only encountered one. After some double-checking it seemed that this again seemed to match with the NPCs I overruled or not; only those that I didn't touch seem to respawn properly. - This was done several dozens of real-life hours after I last entered the Vault, so it isn't related to the generic dungeon reset timers not having time to complete yet. Some information I've been able to find: - The Location connected to the Vault cells had the following Keywords: LocTypeDungion, LocSetVault, LocTypeClearable and IsCommonwealthLocation - The Cells have the Is Interior Cell and Public Area flags - All placed NPCs have the Respawn flag - All placed NPCs are placed as Temporary (not Persistant) Now I have the following questions: - is this the expected behaviour of overruling placed NPCs in interior cells? Or do I need to change something on the Cells / Locations? - I can't wrap my head around what gets and what doesn't get reset when the generic dungeon reset timers have run. - From what I've seen this again differs between exterior cells and interior cells, where with exterior cells both NPCs and containers get reset, but with interiors cells NPCs always get reset but with containers it seem to vary? I hope I've explained my issues enough. Any help / advice is appreciated :smile:
  2. Thanks for all the quick answers! I've managed to cook up the following which seems to work perfectly: Function TryCastSpellAndStartTimer() if IsBoundGameObjectAvailable() ;is effect still running on a legit object? actor actorRef = GetTargetActor() var isInVATS = (Game.IsMovementControlsEnabled()) == false var isInScene = actorRef.IsInScene() var isInTrade = Utility.IsInMenuMode() ; player should not be in VATS, not be in a conversation and not be trading If (!isInVATS && !isInScene && !isInTrade) CastSpellAndStartTimer() ; if so, put on the queue and retry after a second Else StartTimer(1, equipDelayTimerId) EndIf EndIf EndFunction When in conversations it no longer triggers the effect, and afterwards it does. Could be a solution as well. However, as the original script (and my current version) also displays a small notification when it triggers, it is odd that it displays the notification when no damage occurs.
  3. I've been using the Hardcore_HC_EncumbranceEffect_CastScript to apply periodic radiation damage to the player as an addiction effect. This all works well, until it applies the effect during a conversation with an NPC. The radiation gets applied correctly, but the conversion and NPC just... breaks. You get stuck in the conversation window with no way to continue or exit, and walking away and returning to the NPC just returns to the broken conversation window. As far as I've tested this is permanent; even switching cells doesn't seem to fix the NPC. Now I've read about the VATS Freeze Fix mod (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/27674) which adds an enqueing system for ingestibles during VATS, which will then apply these after VATS has ended. Inspired by this, I want to try to do the same for Hardcore_HC_EncumbranceEffect_CastScript (or better said, my own copy of it). However, I am unable to find if there is actually any way to detect from Papyrus script whether the player is in conversation with anyone. Is what I'm looking for possible at all? I have F4SE available to me if that offers the functionality I'm looking for.
  4. I already figured it out. In the Templates section it still used the Inventory from another NPC. Removing that means it will check its own inventory, which include the Power Armor Stand.
  5. I'm trying to add more Power Armor equipped foes to the game. The idea I had was similar to how in example the various Raider levels appear as you level up (Raider Psycho, Raider Waster, etc), it can also spawn a new Raider NPC equipped with Power Armor after a certain player level. For my own entertainment I've been tweaking with the various Leveled NPCs and NPCs in general (integrating NPCs from other mods, balance tweaks, etc), and I can get the new Raider NPC to spawn. The issue I have is that this new NPC doesn't spawn in Power Armor, but just as a normal Raider. As this is a simple experiment so far, I've made a full copy of the Raider Veteran (EncRaider06 / 00149C9F), and set the new NPC's Power Armor Stand to LvlPowerAmorFurnitureRaider (00153392). I then added it to the LCharRaider (0022E48) and LCharRaiderBoss (0007CE08) Leveled NPCs to ensure it will spawn ingame, which works fine. As far as I was able to compare with vanilla FO4 Power Armor NPCs, the Power Armor Frame was the only difference, but I think I overlook something. What however, I can't figure out. I've also compared my changes to what the Power Armor to the People mod does, but as far as NPCs go, it has similar changes to the ones I've made so far. I do want to stick to my own project, as this other mod has a lot of tweaks and other creative changes that I dislike or don't need right now. I'm probably overlooking something small, so any help is appreciated :)
  6. Been getting closer to what I want. I have given solution 2 from my previous post a try again, with some tweaks: Game.ForceThirdPerson() Utility.Wait(0.5) PlayerRef.SetValue(ParalysisAV, 1) PlayerRef.PushActorAway(PlayerRef, 0.5) *various actions and Utility.Wait()s* PlayerRef.SetValue(ParalysisAV, 0)The added Wait between ForceThirdPerson and paralysing / pushing the player seems to do the trick to let the 3rd person camera always kick in and stay kicked in. I've also reversed the order of paralysing and pushing; at first I did the pushing and then the paralysing, which at times could result in the player standing up again before the paralyse kicked in, resulting in the player being at an odd angle from the ground (don't ask), basicly glitching you out permanently. I've also noticed that applying the paralysis alone without the pushing doesn't cause any downpitched sounds or slowdowns, neither does pushing alone; it seems the combination of paralysing and pushing causes this to happen. Most likely some kind of hardcoded engine thing, as I've not been able to find anything about it. However, for my intended result I do have to use both paralysis and pushing, as just paralysing will only freeze the player in place. Now if I am able to fix this downpitching then it will be completely as I intended.
  7. Alright, been able to make some progress. Instead of attempting to use spells, I directly call PushActorAway on PlayerRef with a small value (0.5). This gives the intended result of knocking the player down. Only downside is: the player will stand up rather quickly again with such little force applied. I've tried two things to resolve this issue: - call PushActorAway various times with a small delay between each call - using SetValue with the Paralysis AV to paralyse PlayerRef, and unsetting it again when I'm done The first solution is obviously less efficient, and a bit derpy in usage; the player will repeatedly try to get up again, only to get hit by the next PushActorAway and flop down again. The second solution works more like I intended: the initial PushActorAway knocks the player down, paralyse kicks in and the player can't move, and when paralyse is unset the player will stand up again. Downside: sounds are pitched down when the paralyse effect is active, and I have the feeling the game is also slightly slowed down (which may explain the pitched down sounds). As I'm playing some sound effects during this, for now the first solution seems to be the best one. If I can disable the down pitching during the paralysis then I may switch back to the second solution. I do still have some issues with the initial PushActorAway tho; from what I am able to see, it should normally automatically kick you to the 3rd person camera to see your character flop down. However, at times it decides to stick to stick to the 1st person camera, with some very derpy 1st person animations as result. This also seems to happen when I first call ForceThirdPerson. I have no clue what is the reason behind this; at first I thought it was the lack of room around the player, but when trying out in the open it still randomly decided to stick to the 1st person camera. The only thing I can think of is having a bit of a delay between ForceThirdPerson and PushActorAway; I will try this when I have the time.
  8. For a little side-project, I've been trying to script the situation that the player gets knocked out / paralyzed for a short while, while the camera switches to 3rd person view. The knockout / paralyze effect I had in mind is the same one when getting stunned by a Stun Pack Baton, or when shooting an enemy with a scoped weapon when having the Sniper 2 perk. Basicly knock the player to the ground, and after a while you will get up again, while not being able to move in the mean time. From what I've been able to find, there is no build-in logic to apply this effect directly. After some trial and error I came across the following solution: take the spell which causes the effect, and cast it with the player as the target: Paralyze.Cast(PlayerRef, PlayerRef) Paralyze is a Spell property, PlayerRef is an Actor property. Both get set in the matching .esp in the Quest's properties. PlayerRef gets set to, well, PlayerRef, while Paralyze gets set to PerkSniperPush (the spell is named like this). Upon triggering the script, it works as intended: player gets knocked out, and gets up again after a bit. So far, so good. However, when trying to enforce the 3rd person camera as follows, things get wonky: Game.ForceThirdPerson() Paralyze.Cast(PlayerRef, PlayerRef) For some reason, the Paralyze spell forces the game to use the 1st person camera. I have tried calling Game.ForceThirdPerson before and after the Cast, but it always reverts to the 1st person camera. Additionally, I have tried with calling PerkParalyze instead of PerkSniperPush, but with same results: player gets knocked down, but enforced as 1st person. Now I am not 100% sure if this actually can be performed on the player, and if so, if it works with the 3rd person camera. The times I got stunned with the Stun Baton are very rare, and I mostly play in 1st person camera, so I can't tell if this is the correct behaviour or not. The question now is: can I get my idea to work? Or am I looking for something that simply can't be done? I do have access to the F4SE if this offers additional logic.
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