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  1. Yeah, NMM gave me that too, but I did not encounter any annoying loading times yet, so I think I can just leave it this way... Thx.
  2. Hooray, I found it finally! Don't know why, but my computer refused to find the requested files by search, now I did it. Thanks alot!!! Regards Tribalon
  3. Hello everybody, I recently downloaded and installed a few mods for Fallout 4 via NMM, but it keeps telling me the ini files are not prepped properly yet: Unable to retrieve data from ini files, please report this issue on the NNM forums... I have modified the two .ini files according to the description in the Nexus forum and the data has been added. As a result my Fallout 4 keeps completely unmodded. Is there anybody who got an idea what I'm doing wrong? Cheers Tribalon
  4. Hi there, I did not find the entry you mentioned, so I put it to the ini file as you have been advising, but it has had no effect :-/. Greetings Tribalon
  5. I was trying to generate a BSA HD texture file with BSAOpt, but it did not work, nevermind which setting I tried, the output file size was always the same and too small for the HD files being included, so I guess it was corrupted. Is there any location to simply download the HD BSA texture file without need to create it by myself? Guess, I got no luck -_- So I have extracted the files to the texture folder like being described in forums. I checked via Steam for inconsistencies and it found two, repaired. I checked again and it found another one. Restarted the games and just like before.
  6. For the last pic - is nudity allowed in the forum in general or should I just use "harmless" pictures? Not sure :blink:... Yes, I took a look into the FAQ about that but I did not find a clear instruction, there was lots about hosters like Imageshack, maybe because I'm no native speaker... It's nothing serious, just from one of the nude mods.
  7. This is a screenshot most near to a wall. Strange, I cannot upload more than a certain size :-/
  8. Hi there, I will do that. Ehm, maybe I was a bit stupid but I guess I don't have the original texture files anymore, I think I have overwritten these with the HD textures :-/. Any chance to get 'em back? Regards Tribalon
  9. Thx alot :). OK just to give it, nevermind if it is necessary: GeForce GTX 700@2GB GFX-RAM Intel Core i7-4770@3,5 16 GB RAM Games is optimized according to GeForce settings. I did not check corruption via Steam - is that compatible with modded Skyrim or is there any danger to screw my current mod setting? I loaded a save, no new start as I also think the textures should be loaded anyway. But I can try this of course. Thank you also. I will check for those mods and report what happened. I was indeed using the mentioned screenshots in order to compare, also a few from German pages and I definitely have the normal vanilla textures since I found the exact locations of the screenshots and they look like unmodded 100%. Also I have good eyes ;-) - joking, but I figure such changes quiet reliable. Because the game looks exactly just like before. There is absolutely no change. I also used screenshots (as well from the mod, as others) to compare and my game looks 100% like the unmodded one. See my above suggestion. Yes, these pics really look extreme - but I also compared with other pictures (before/after style) like already mentioned before and since my Skyrim looks exactly like the unmodded pics I am pretty sure the game does not recognize my settings. @all: I really thank you people you replied so fast! Great stuff :). I will consider your suggestions and try out - then I'll report if I have had success. I hope I could explain myself clearly enough ^^ Cheers! Tribalon
  10. Hi all, so I tried to use the Skyrim HD 2K texture pack (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/607/?) and because it did not work (what else..), I was searching the forum, google and anything else. I tried installing the new pack via NMM, no effect. Put it into the data/texture folder, no effect. Then I read how to extract from bsa files and tried BSAopt in order to create a new "skyrim - textures.bsa" file but this tool always generates the same file size, never mind which option I use (filters, no compression...). The file size is much smaller than the HD pack all together so it can't be wrong. I checked for the mod (I know it's no true mod actually), it is activated. I modified the ini file, added the hd bsa's manually. I have no luck, never mind what I try and I am kinda frustrated now. Is it that hard just to increase the textures? I don't really understand what I'm doing wrong...I am using the Legendary edition, which seems to cause much of the trouble. But in the forum it seems with manual installation some people have had success... Is there any help/adivise? I really tried everything now and feel about losing my interest in trying anything else... Cheers Tribalon
  11. Hi everybody, since a few hours I encounter the strange situation Lydia is not trading with me anymore. I can call up the menu option to trade, she says something like "I've sworn to carry your burdons" or similar, but then the menu simply returns to the previos spot. No matter how often I try or where, no trade menu appears. Taking items from defetaed enemies or trading with other ppl works fine, only Lydia is unwilling. I have installed several mods... Regards Tribalon
  12. Hi everybody, using the RaceEditor and tattoo enhancements is already a nice thing to give your char the special appearance. I am wondering (and search did not reveal anything about that) if anybody ever made a simple tattoo pack containing numbers or letters, to attach a number tattoo (birth year, lucky number...) to your char? If not - would be very cool. Regards Tribalon
  13. Hi guys, thank you very much, I'll try that out! Regards Tribalon
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