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  1. Hi all, I have been searching for tutorial on how to edit car models in Cyberpunk but cant really find any tutorials. I want to start with simple things like replacing steeringwheels in cars or edit some back lights etc. Coudl someone please help me with a tutorial? I have some ideas for a mod but my lack of knowledge on how to proceed is kinda blocking me right now.
  2. Hi all, I was wondering what tools are needed to edit existing cars, the idea is to have for example the square stearing wheels replaced with round ones or even swap back light of the cars with different cars etc.
  3. Hi Guys, I am wondering if someone can convert a dog from fallout 4 to skyrim. I can provide you with the mesh I just don`t know how to convert it to Skyrim ( can`t realy find any tutorials etc ) . I am aware that its not allowed to use Fallout 4 data for Skyrim, I want to use it for personal use only and will not publish it ofcourse. I hope someone can help out :)
  4. Hi everyone ! I was wondering if someon could create a Mastiff pet follower mod for Skyrim SE. Here is a picture of the Tan Morthal Mastiff https://eso.mmo-fashion.com/tan-morthal-mastiff/ . So far I have not seen any mod ( did a search at NExus and Google but no luck :sad: ) . I would love to do it myself or atleast try to learn it but unfortunately life is a bit too busy and I only have maybe 3 to 4 hours to spend on gaming. Perhaps someone can edit https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/92926?tab=images to Skyrim SE and make it look more like Tan Morthal Mastiff ? I would definitely aprreciate your time and effort put in it.
  5. It`s definately fun, I managed to get my own dog in teh game, quite cool to have him around in-game too :D
  6. Alright, tried opening _D one and now I can actually see teh coloured one ! :D . so for now I am happy and will start editing. Thanks alot for your help !!
  7. I just realized that I did open these files ending with _N _D and _S . Do you know by any chance what I should look for? because as far as I remember I saw 2 directory structures with textures for the Rottweiler. the other one did not end with .DDS but something else.
  8. I am a total noob and would nto know where to find it. I will upload the textures when I get home. thanks for reply and hopefully you will be able to assist me
  9. Hey Guys, I bought the the rottweiler from creation club and wanted to edit it`s textures but whenever I import it to Photoshop or GIMP, the texture is Purple. I am sure there is some setting to show the actuall colours but I dont know where to find this. Could someone help me with this. @mods, I am sorry if this is the wrong topic, please move to appropiate one if needed. Thank you
  10. Thanks man, I added a comment !!
  11. Hi Everyone, Is there any modder who could create a Canarian dogo for me to replace one of the pets in Skyrim SE? I have attached pictures of my dog Brutus ( with his approval :tongue: ). If you would need more pictures then please let me know. Edit: For example he would definately look awesome with the ingame armors https://media-waterdeep.cursecdn.com/avatars/thumbnails/0/191/1000/1000/636252763295291063.jpeg . I really hope someone would be able to do it !
  12. ^This, But do keep in mind that even LOOT could sometimes be wrong when it comes to Load order, sometimes you have to manually adjust the load order. 2 things are important LOOT and whenever you download a mod check what Author says about the load order.
  13. Having the same issue here, Whenever I use the Wasteland workshop homemaker patch ( http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/11899/? ) I get the same problem as OP but the DLC stuff does come up on workshop, So what I am doing now is start building and after I am done I turn off the DLC so I can put on teh lights. Hopefully someone solves this issue. This is my load order: Fallout4.esmDLCRobot.esmDLCworkshop01.esmArmorKeywords.esmSettlementKeywords.esmHomemaker.esmSnap'n Build.esmSpringCleaning.esmAlternateSettlements.espOCDecorator.espOCDispenser.espDesertEagle50AE.espGlock20.espDarkerNights.espDarkerNightsDetection.espBetterNightVision.espDD_Michael_Faraday_Time_yo.espTHSurvivorKnife.espSlowTime.espAnS Wearable Backpacks and Pouches.espFunctionalDisplays.espFunctionalDisplays-MISC-Vanilla.espFunctionalDisplays-Weapons-Vanilla.espFunctionalDisplays-Drinks-Vanilla.espBetterStores.espBS-HomemakerPatch.espSpotlightFix-300-Shadow.espSpotlightFix-100-Shadow.espPoweredDoorsHomemaker.espTakeCover.espEli_Crafting Shiz 9000.espASCOCait06.espASCOCurie01.espASCODanse02.espASCOMacCready01.espASCOPiper02.espASCOPreston03.espReverb and Ambiance Overhaul.espUsableCigarettes.espM2216.espVisibleWeapons.espDDP_Elevators_mark1.espSiles - Craftable Institute Elevators - all in one.espEli_ArmourCollection.espBattleRifle.espRebuiltCroupManor.espWeaponsmith Extended.espIF88TacShotgun.espMac11.espRhino.espRegent.espAK2047.espLK05.espWeaponsmith Extended - DOOM_AddOn.espmysteriousmagnum.espSCAR-LK.espG3.espThatGun.espSkibsWH77LSW.espm82a.espM1911.espUSP 45.espM9.espmk14.espMK14EBR_Apparel.espmk14-awkcr.espWET Clearer.espNorthland Diggers.espEli_Accessories.espFancy Kills - Never.espHappyMaker.espDogBed.espDDP_Ramps_mark1.espdD-Realistic Ragdoll Force.espNewFace_Settlers.espArmorsmith Extended.espArmorsmith Automatron.espWeaponsOnBack Addon.espNukaRadBans.espFriffy_Holstered Weapons.espMachete Damage Boost .espPA_laserScan-Shadow.espRemoveTurretPowerReq.espSnap'n Build - Bunker.espSnap'n Build - Capsule.espSnap'n Build - Greenhouse.espSnap'n Build - Industrial.espSnap'n Build - Patches.espSnap'n Build - Real Estate.espKaBarBeckerBK9.espPipBoyShadows.esp10FoodPerCrop.espCrecy.espzWInsanity.espSwanAxe.espCampsite.espTrueStormsFO4.espDarkerNights-TrueStorms.espTrueStormsFO4-ClimateSettings.espTrueStormsFO4-Performance-Fog.espSC_ExpandedScrapList.espWastelandWorkshopPatch.esp
  14. Thats not what I meant, I know you can equip a weapon and wearing the power armor at the same time, The idea is to have a gun attached to the power armor without having it in your inventory, Just teh same way as how you would mod robots by giving them attached weapons to there arms.
  15. Hey guys, I was hoping someone made this mod already but I can`t seem to find any mod. My request would be to make a attachable gun to power armor juts the same way how you would add guns to robots in new DLC. For example : you could choose to make the left arm have a preset gatling gun or flame thrower without having teh guns in yoru inventory. I really hope it is possible for someoen to create this, I know without G.E.C.K it`s harder to mod the game at the moment.
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