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Everything posted by TheHighTide

  1. This actually does sound pretty sick. I might just be willing to do this. Amazing idea
  2. Your mod list and load order doesn't seem to have an issue. It's probably mod incompatibility. What I would do is disable all mods that change HUD, UI, and Terminals and one by one enable them to find the culprit. I know it sounds tedious but I personally don't know a more efficient way.
  3. You shouldn't need a model for collision. There are invisible objects that have collision that do exactly what you need.
  4. From what I've tested, my modpack of over 100 of the most popular mods have no issues running on the Next Gen update. Personally, I think you shouldn't have any issues running mods on the Next Gen update.
  5. Why are you using Fo76ini.exe? Try just adding the mod manually to Project76Custom.ini
  6. I am pretty new to modding for Fallout 76 and want to try importing my own models and textures into the game kinda like reimagining some of the objects. The only issues that I am coming across is that when I make a model in the blender version 2.something it doesn't save the object, it only appears as nothing in Nifskope. If someone knows how to do it, please let me know because I'm completely stuck here.
  7. I would say with 100% certainty that DOOM 1 is the best PC game, if not the best then it's for sure the most well known PC game of all time.
  8. I'm not sure what's considered "old" but I like the first 2 DOOM games and Super Mario 64.
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