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  1. I like most of these ideas a lot. I like the never dying for two reasons. One you gave, which is the "incentive to live" concept. The other is that you are a living prophecy...in actuality, you CAN'T die...so some form of suffering would be interesting. The gear itself doesn't appeal to me in terms of immersion, but the auto-switching does. Outfit hotkeys would be very nice. Some people are creating really awesome survival mods now, if you see this post, check them out. And inebriation based on proof is a very good way to handle it. The blackout time travel is an interesting idea, but in terms of pure immersion, i think waking up in prison or on the road would be a good idea...or if you were in the wild, you could be robbed or naked. You're right, there are endless possibilities. I updated the main post with a TON of awesome mods and ideas. I specifically want to point out the incredible Frostfall mod. This winter survival mod is not only exactly what this game needed, it is exactly how I envisioned a winter survival mod to be. I couldn't be happier with it.
  2. I've spent a month away from Skyrim and it seems that either a skyrim patch or something with nvidia drivers has caused SSAO to not work anymore. i have it enabled in the inspector, in the global settings in my control panel, and in the program specific settings. ENB is not an option because i don't think it enables it at the hardware level, causing it to be slow. anyone else have this problem or know how to solve it?
  3. i LOVE huntsman's idea of imbuing arrows with magical effects instead of true dual wielding. the OP idea is only slightly more practical than switching with hotkeys since you wouldnt be able to actually use both at the same time. plus with hotkey switching, you get dual magic, which would be gone with magic/bow wielding.
  4. I think dialogue has been the bane of modern rpgs. Morrowind has the absolute best quests because it is so verbose, its like reading a book. Just because the book isn't speaking to you doesn't make it any less interesting. Not only has dialogue dumbed down quests, it's made it near impossible for modders to add quests unless they find genuine voice talent or use letters and papers. The thing that dialogue does do is add a TON of immersion.
  5. @Kiloku. I have something like that in the list, but I updated it to include top-tier positions. I think it would be the most immersive if these comments were specifically linked to the armor you are wearing. Since print media is ultra uncommon, your face wouldn't necessarily be instantly recognizable to anyone except to where the factions are located. @DragonbornP I added a bunch of your details to the 'sleep' list item. I'm going to leave out pajamas and specific items to make the mod ideas more open ended. It's under the heavy immersion list.
  6. This is a mod I definitely want. With the new animations in skyrim, it should be possible to make NPCs actually appear to do something other than just sit around. I want to shamelessly plug my thread which covers your idea, plus dozens of other tweaks and mods that improve game immersion.--> Immersion Tweak and Ideas List
  7. I'm trying to get this list to be the 'go to' for the immersion people out there, so i added links to mods that satisfy items in my list, as well as links to mods that are great, but that don't fit in any one category. I would also like people to put their two cents in about what they would like to see, but I will only add it if I actually think it will improve the immersion and is actually a possible mod. If it is a great idea, but very hard to implement, i will add it, but with a side note of it's complexity or difficulty. Also, if people know of mods that fulfill an item on the list, then post it and i will add it Of course, this all implies that people will actually use this thread, but I hope they do.
  8. this is a fairly common request and will probably be one of the earlier mods released
  9. that could be something as simple as "having this in your inventory"...ie, a misc item that slows you down, but negates environmental cold damage. a mod like Cobl would be able to create stuff like that. im specifically interested in gameplay changes...taking what's there and tweaking it. the reason for that is whenever new mechanics and items to work with those mechanics are introduced, they usually feel forced, immediately breaking the immersion for me...thats just my opinion though. the ones i chose to add to my list are what i feel like there shouldve been if something like a Hardcore Mode from New Vegas was added. Hardcore mode was amazing because it took advantage of everything in the game, and you actually had to be careful while exploring...radiation poisoning, etc. Winter in this game is purely visual, which is a bummer
  10. i like that ecology idea, makes the world feel much more natural and alive, i added it to my list i especially like the idea with having traveling camps, or just spawning camps here and there...maybe pick a few areas in the game that look hospitable in the wild and have camps that show up every so often
  11. I am keeping this list as an idea list for myself so I don't have to remember every immersion idea I've had. Several of these mods are doable with little modding skill, but some of them are much, much more difficult. *,**,*** = personal importance rank Bold = Already completed by someone. Linked but not bold signifies partial completeness. Super Effective, Low Hindrance Immersion: 1. Better Movement to make the world feel larger Lower Jump height. (Realistic Jump Height and Damage)*** Slower running speed (Realistic Running Speed)*** Slower Movement on different terrain, slowest on snow, fastest on road. Slower in rain and snow.*** Better Idles (No heavy muscular walk and idle)*** 2. Better Cities/NPCs Extra civilians with no proper names, just job titles. Also no dialogue other than a curt "hello" or nod. (Populated Cities)*** Denser populations in taverns and market areas. Possibly a time of day trigger in these areas that have an ambient chatter track. A lot more houses and denser populations on the outside of the city walls.*** More children and children variety.** Change all NPC greetings to "Hello" or a brief acknowledgement nod and nothing else unless you go out of your way to talk to them. (No NPC Greetings)*** Dirtier/muddier/grassier streets. Less brick paths.* Fishing villages. Coastal villlages that have NPC sail boats going between them. Would probably require a whole new animation suite.* Northern Ice fishing tribes, some inhabited islands in the oceans with small fishing settlements, ice fisherman out on boats or ice blocks.** Guards have more variety, preferably by location. (Every city has various guards outfit TS Edition)** 4. Inebriation.* 5. Shadow casting torches. (Torches Cast Shadows)** 6. Better Wildlife/Hunting (SkyTEST - Realistic Animals and Predators) Much faster game animals.*** More alert animals they bolt sooner** One hit kills* 7. Better Ecology. Better beehives. Slight damage, poison, or disease.** More types of birds* Small animals in towns. Cats, rats, etc.** More animals in town. (More Village Animals)** 8. News should travel much slower. One week or so for a current event to be spread around. 9. Better Weather, stronger weather. (More Rain, More Snow, EDWS - Enhanced Dynamic Weather System), (Better Dynamic Snow)*** 10. Better, more immersive sound. (Sounds of Skyrim - The Wilds and Sounds of Skyrim - The Dungeons)*** 11. First Person horse riding. (First Person Horse Riding)** 12. Companions can join you on mounts. (Horses for Followers)* Medium, Gameplay Hindering Immersion 1. Smithing/Weapon/Armor Tweaks Many more ingredients required*** Skill-based forging. As skill goes up, damage goes up, and weight goes down (Similar to Alchemy) If items ID prevent a traditional method of doing this, pseudo-enchantments could work.** Armor fit. Only smithed armors provide full protection. Armors found in chests may be too large, causing lower armor ratings, movement speed penalties, or swing speed penalties. Or they may be too small and simply not fit.*** 2. Better travel system. No fast travel. (No Fast Travel)*** Fast travel systems. Docks with little boats on rivers (waterfall-aware points of travel), Docks with larger boats on ocean coastline, More carriage locations (ie small villages, famous landmarks, etc.), Mark and Recall (dungeon/quest aware, mark only works with "cleared" tag, etc.) (Cart in Each Big Town)(Mark and Recall)*** 3. Better caves/dungeons All artificial light sources removed*** Deadlier traps. (Tougher Traps)* Drop lit torches. (SM Drop Lit Torches)*** Equipable, place-able lanterns and other light sources (Better Wieldable Lantern)** No pre-lit candles in dungeons that are ancient or unoccupied.*** 4. Environmental tweaks Cold damage in water, health damage in hot springs (not fire damage, so you don't actually light on fire). (Frostfall - Hypothermia Camping Survival)****!!!!!!!! Cold damage in prolonged exposure to snowy, high altitude areas unless wearing proper equipment or with a proper heat source such as torch, campfire, or resist frost potion. (Frostfall - Hypothermia Camping Survival)** Traveling/Spawning camps, especially in the winter areas at night time (Similar to Khajiit Camps). Sometimes they could be unwelcoming, like a band of wary travelers, or welcoming, like religious pilgrims, and offer you a place to sleep, eat, for those types of mods.*** More road travelers. (Some exist, but none are of high enough quality)** 5. Better guard/NPC responses to your outfit. Warnings for Brotherhood Armor, Stormcloak armor in Legion cities, Legion armor in Stormcloak cities, naked. Also if wearing top-tier faction armor, respect should be given rather than the "new recruit" chatter. I don't know all of the dialogue, so catch-all, high repsect or disgust chatter could be used for missing bits.** 6. Lower falling height in which you take damage. (Realistic Jump Height and Damage)*** 7. Much denser forests.(Lush Trees and Lush Grass)* 8. Change all factions to friendly when a dragon battle is occurring so that bandits don't fight you while you are fighting a dragon. As soon as the dragon is dead, business as usual...or even possibly not.*** 9. Customizable Compass. (Skyrim Compass Tuner)** Heavy, Crippling Immersion: 1. Hunger, Thirst, and Sleep (Imps More Complex Needs) Sleeping animations, camping gear, penalties for "waiting".*** Hunger and eating. In Oblivion, a mod was made in which you click a dinner plate and it goes into a food menu and hunger is diminished by the weight of the food. I would like to see uncooked food be inedible while cooked food is.*** Thirst and water in general. Canals, wells, hand pumped spigots in cities, drinking river and lake water (risk of disease).*** Slower timescale so that you don't have to do these chores constantly (Timescales modified)*** Camping gear. Mostly for aesthetics rather than practicality, unless different types of shelter and cold weather protection elements were implementable. (Camping or Frostfall - Hypothermia Camping Survival)*** 2. Progressive weight burdening. Slower and slower as you get closer to your weight limit.** 3. Potion ingestion limit or only hotkey consumable* 4. Slower movement based on health. Injuries.** 5. Sneaking only effective while invisible, or completely shrouded in darkness, but highly effective in both situations. Night eye should be a must for creeping characters.*** 6. Snow-blindness. Sunny and snowy could add a white screen filter that gets progressively whiter and more intense, longer the exposure. at full, you have to rest for several hours to remove the effect.* Miscellaneous Mods: 1. Changes some perks, level lists, and vendors to make the game harder and more rewarding (HBE - Hardcore and Balanced Experience) 2. Better Lydia (Respectful Lydia - Willing Burden Carrier) 3. More detailed villages. (Better Villages WIP) 4. Much more detailed crafting system. (Complete Crafting Overhaul) 5. More immersive battles. (Duel - Combat Realism) EDIT:Total rework of thread, plus links to mods that satisfy my list, and a list of mods that improve immersion, but are too big for a single category EDIT 2: added 'sleep, eat, drink' details. added more detail to 'guard and NPC dialogue changes'. added details to 'invisible sneaking' EDIT 3: With the release of the Creation Kit, a lot of links were added plus new additions based on mods people made that weren't thought of here
  12. I'm really confused why only LOD objects are reflected in the water. Oblivion had reflections for everything. All the water mods are great and all, but without these basic water reflections, it will never ever look realistic. It makes the water look like it has a layer of light diffusing oil at all times. Does anyone know why there aren't proper reflections in the water nor why any amount of INI tweaking can add them? Is this something that can be fixed now or with CK or does a graphics extender need to be written first? I really think the game in general would look 100% better with this basic feature.
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