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Everything posted by aveltium

  1. Thank you. I'm glad you like it. :D This is just the draft. I have not added any shader effect yet. I want to add some light effect and glow. And a small device attached to the hand, which projects the lasers to draw on that hologram screen.
  2. Hello, I would like to modify Readius Pipboy to make a simple Hologram version. I want to make it border-less, clean, yet remains a good visibility. I'm new to modding. I'm currently stuck at the part to make the hand properly show up. Please help me to solve these problems. This is what I have at the moment: http://i825.photobucket.com/albums/zz180/mGlushed/ScreenShot43s.jpg As you can see, the hand gets cut off. I tried to play around with the alpha value of the textures in the NIF file and black out the DDS. But cannot figure out why. If I press escape twice (go to menu, and then go back), the hand shows up: http://i825.photobucket.com/albums/zz180/mGlushed/ScreenShot46s.jpg And one more problem, is that I don't know how to edit the .KF file to move the hand away. If I use big gloves, it will overlap the pipboy screen: http://i825.photobucket.com/albums/zz180/mGlushed/ScreenShot62s.jpg What I did in details: - Change alpha of the material in NIF to 0.99 (pipboyarmfemale.nif) http://i825.photobucket.com/albums/zz180/mGlushed/NIFsettings1.png - Removed "screenlit" and "glare" nodes in the NIF - Fill all texture images with solid black color (pipboy.dds, screen.dds, screenglare.dds) (in both Textures\pipboy3000\ and Textures\scorptech\readius\ folders) Thank you for reading! P.S: Just for anyone who concerns about the gloves I used in those pictures: it is my other mod, name "Meow". You can get it here: http://newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=43434
  3. I got the same problem. Good people, please help us!
  4. I attach a silencer on a sniper rifle, works fine on my character, but when I give it to Boone, the silencer got removed, same to other weapon mods, why is that? Any fix?
  5. What is Jessi's? I think type 3 Dimonized too (slim one). And that's my favorite. But I prefer smaller boobs. I'm not good with modeling and actually I don't know how to make a body mesh, but I would love to make a loli one. Seems like no one did. And no, I'm not much of a pedo :o . But I bet there are many of you out there would like smaller boobs, too.
  6. Wow! This is what I have always dreamed about. I'm mostly completely new to Fallout 3 modding, but I'm trying to learn it, if anything I can help I would be glad to.
  7. Thanks Pax1138! Your solution is simple and effective. I'm sorry for being so dumb, but how do I give the duplicated static object the Null Texture set? ---- edit ---- Nvm, found it. :D
  8. Hi BadPenney, thank you for helping me. But if I just put four 'EcvWarRoom03' around, move the no-door pieces lower, (and I don't know how to "disable" them), and use the original 'EcvWarRoom01', it doesn't seem to be working, there will still be only two physical doors (the other two will still get blocked by the invisible wall). All the collision data seems to belong to the 'EcvWarRoom01' piece. Even if I put on the full room, but without that piece, I will still drop through floor and walk through walls. Because all the pieces of the 'War Room' other than 'EcvWarRoom01' don't have any collision data, so the game engine will only render them graphically but not physically, I think.
  9. 17. Edit the new EcvWarRoom01FortEve object, and replace its 3d model with the modded nif file: http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l214/Aveltium/Fallout3_Modding_Collision/25geck_select_modded_nif_file_as_mo.png Result: http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l214/Aveltium/Fallout3_Modding_Collision/26geck_EcvWarRoom01FortEve_view.png 18. Create the South West quarter of the War Room: http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l214/Aveltium/Fallout3_Modding_Collision/27geck_warroom_create_SW_quarter.png 19. And duplicate it 3 times and rotate to make the complete War Room (with 4 doors): http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l214/Aveltium/Fallout3_Modding_Collision/28geck_warroom_finish.png 20. Add hallways, doors, and a COC Object: http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l214/Aveltium/Fallout3_Modding_Collision/29geck_add_door_and_hallway_and_coc.png Result: http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l214/Aveltium/Fallout3_Modding_Collision/30geck_forteve_test_finish.png Perspective view: http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l214/Aveltium/Fallout3_Modding_Collision/31geck_forteve_test_finish_perspect.png But when I test it ingame, the collision seems to be disappeared. When I try to shoot at the floor, or the walls, the flame just flies through it. And when I try to walk on it, I got dropped through the floor: http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l214/Aveltium/Fallout3_Modding_Collision/33fallout32009-05-1601-16-01-62.jpg ------------------------------------- In the tutorial of Growlf, she/he mentioned not to change the vertex, edge, and face count. So I tried to optimize the object in Blender, to make it fit the vertex and face count. Didn't try for the edge count. But the result is not much better. Now I can walk on the floor, but still can walk through walls. I think it's because the wall "element" is what I modded, not the floor. I also tried not to change any thing but just to move them (not to delete or add vertexes/edges/faces, but to change their position). It works. But if I must not delete or add vertexes/edges/faces, it would be difficult to make the object to match my design. Thank you for reading such long thing. Any help would be much appreciated!
  10. 11. Open G.E.C.K., open Fallout3.esm, duplicate "RavenRock02" cell: http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l214/Aveltium/Fallout3_Modding_Collision/17geck_duplicating_ravenrock02.png 12. Change the name of the duplicate to "FortEve": http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l214/Aveltium/Fallout3_Modding_Collision/18geck_change_name_forteve.png 13. Clean the new cell: http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l214/Aveltium/Fallout3_Modding_Collision/19geck_clean_forteve.png Click OK for every questions (there were like 16 similar questions): http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l214/Aveltium/Fallout3_Modding_Collision/20geck_clean_forteve_confirm_01.png 14. Remove the NavMeshes: http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l214/Aveltium/Fallout3_Modding_Collision/21geck_remove_cell_navmeshes.png 15. Turn on "Snap to grid" and "Snap to angle": http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l214/Aveltium/Fallout3_Modding_Collision/22geck_preferences.png 16. Duplicate "EcvWarRoom01" object (which contains the collision geometry of the War Room) to create a new one: http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l214/Aveltium/Fallout3_Modding_Collision/23geck_duplicate_EcvWarRoom01.png Choose to create New one: http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l214/Aveltium/Fallout3_Modding_Collision/24geck_confirm_create_new_EcvWarRoo.png ---- To be continued ----
  11. 6. Select all objects and export to .nif file: http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l214/Aveltium/Fallout3_Modding_Collision/09blender_export_settings.png It runs for a few seconds and *ding*, it shows two errors messages (same content): http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l214/Aveltium/Fallout3_Modding_Collision/10mopper_exe_error.png But still creates a file: http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l214/Aveltium/Fallout3_Modding_Collision/11exported_file.png 7. Open NifSkope, load the original "ecvwarroom01.nif" file, and remove its original "bhkPackedNiTriStripsShape": http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l214/Aveltium/Fallout3_Modding_Collision/12nifskope_remove_original_bhkPacke.png 8. Open a new NifSkope window, open the modded "ecvwarroom01.evefort.test.nif" file, copy the new "bhkPackedNiTriStripsShape" (the modded one): http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l214/Aveltium/Fallout3_Modding_Collision/13nifskope_copy_new_bhkPackedNiTriS.png 9. Switch back to original file window, and paste into the "Shape": http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l214/Aveltium/Fallout3_Modding_Collision/14nifskope_paste_new_bhkPackedNiTri.png 10. Resort, so it matches the original file: http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l214/Aveltium/Fallout3_Modding_Collision/15nifskope_resort.png Result: http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l214/Aveltium/Fallout3_Modding_Collision/16nifskope_after_resorting.png ---- To be continued ----
  12. Hi everyone, I've been trying 3 days, but still have not figured out the correct way to make this to work. I'm completely new to G.E.C.K. and Fallout 3 modding. I have read some tutorials, Growlf's How to edit FO3 meshes in 3D programs, Miax's Training Manual: 3D Object/Texture Creation for Fallout3, and Bethsoft's "My First Vault" Tutorial Series. But Growlf's tutorial seems too complicated and difficult for me to understand and follow, since I'm not good at English. I've been trying to modify the collision geometry of "EcvWarRoom01" object (in World Objects/Static/Dungeons/Enclave/Custom/). I want to make a Enclave War Room (the round room) with 4 doors. It originally has only 2 doors, so I want to "drill" two holes on its invisible wall (collision) to open two new doors. This is what I've done so far, please tell me what's wrong: 1. Extract the EcvWarRoom01.nif file from "Fallout 3\Data\Fallout - Meshes.bsa" using FOMM. 2. Open Blender, delete all default objects. 3. Import EcvWarRoom01.nif into Blender (using Blender NIF Scripts 2.4.7 - running on Blender 248, PyFFI 2.0.0, Python 2.5.4) with the following setting: http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l214/Aveltium/Fallout3_Modding_Collision/01blender_import_settings.png And I get this: http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l214/Aveltium/Fallout3_Modding_Collision/02blender_after_import.png 4. Select and remove 3/4 of the collision object: http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l214/Aveltium/Fallout3_Modding_Collision/03select_and_delete_3quarters.png After deleting: http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l214/Aveltium/Fallout3_Modding_Collision/04after_delete_3quarters.png 5. Apply "Mirror" modification: http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l214/Aveltium/Fallout3_Modding_Collision/05mirroring.png Mirror settings: http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l214/Aveltium/Fallout3_Modding_Collision/06mirroring_settings.png Result: http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l214/Aveltium/Fallout3_Modding_Collision/07after_applied_mirroring.png Perspective view: http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l214/Aveltium/Fallout3_Modding_Collision/08after_applied_mirroring_perspecti.png Now you can notice there are 4 door-holes instead of 2. ---- To be continued ---- ** I'm sorry for the triple-posting, but the forum doesn't allow me to put all the pictures into one post.
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