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  1. What exactly are you doing when it crashes? Just walking past Pinewatch? Can you at least see the sawn logs, clay deposit, workbench and such? What OS/GPU are you running? There seem to be a number of issues with the Hearthfire DLC. I've tried removing all my mods, saving, reloading, and I still crash on trying to enter the Falkreath basic house. I've even gone back to before building the house made a "clean" save and no dice... still CTD on entry. Have you tried disabling all your mods, loading, saving, then exiting the game, then going back in and loading your fresh save; Then see if you can get to the Steading? Unfortunatly as I mentioned it may be an issue in the DLC itself, certainly you and I are not alone. Supposedly the Dawnstar steading has few issues although I haven't tried it myself. I may just go hands-off and wait for the next patch.
  2. Can you give any specifics? Which mods, and how are they not working for you? Are you using NMM to install them or doing so manually?
  3. Personally I would create a container with the custom object inside, and put that container somewhere in the game world I find easy to remember. IIRC the giveitem command also alters the name of the object depending on the load order.
  4. Save early, save often, and in different slots. then back up your saves.
  5. I have encountered similar problems when I have a mod conflict. The report only really seems to say that skyrim stopped responding, and you chose to close it. Or at least that's what I get from opening it in notepad. It may say a lot more to the folks at microsoft. I don't know if Microsoft tech support is allowed to post in a forum like this. Can you give us a list of what mods you have installed and what your load order looks like?
  6. Could you give us a screenshot of NMM with the plugins tab open so we can see the load order you are using and whic specific files are in use? Try deactivating (not uninstalling, just uncheck them in your load order.) all the mods, load in a save, create a fresh save, quit to desktop, load the fresh save and save over it. This is a "cleanish" save. Quit to desktop. Load in Clean save and look around to see if those objects are still around. If they are, something odd may be going on with your default skyrim files. If they are not, start going through loading the clean save with individual mods enabled and looking for those objects. Keep a checklist so you know which mods you have checked, which still need to be check, and which have the objects floating in them. Even if the objects appear with a given mod, keep going until you are done the list. This may help you isolate what is causing the problem.
  7. When you mean your gear dissappears, do you mean specific items or the way those items look? Personallly I frequently use the CK to create a mod so vanilla items use meshes/textures from mods I happen to like the look of. This allows me to pick and choose from item compilations.
  8. This utility makes for large address aware compatability. http://www.techpowerup.com/forums/showthread.php?t=112556
  9. You mention editing your .ini files. Did you change them back or restore them from backup after uninstalling the mod?
  10. I get similar issues in some areas infrequently, but exiting and entering or loading the auto-save created when I zone into the affected area corrects it. I also get areas where only part of the floor is missing. It happens very infrequently though, and is usually a sign I have forgotten to set my screen rez to half or rise the fan speed on my GPU. I have no idea why GPu overheating would cause such an issue, but it does seem to correct it. What are your system stats? What mods do you have installed?
  11. You could try loading the .esp into the CK, and check the usage info for the weapons. It should list the container they are inside, which you can then check the usage info on and find out where it is in the game world. Alternately you could make a new container put the items in it, and put the container somewhere in the game world you find easy to locate. The readme or nexus page for the mod may also have specific info on where/how to obtain the objects.
  12. Can you elaborate a bit? Is the door not interactive? Did you create a fort around the entrance to your dungeon or is it just a door?
  13. Sounds like it should work, from my perspective it appears the issue "persists" until you wipe the "bad" NAVI formID and have the CK make a whole new one. Of course this is more of a "It can't hurt to try it." Of course my understanding of the issue is actually rather limited, you might want to check through the bethsoft forum I linked to above. How I ran across the workaround was more of a fluke than anything.
  14. You seem to have hit the nail on the head as to what the issue is, there is a possible fix here: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/659604-possible-fix-for-ctd-with-dungeon-mods/
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