What exactly are you doing when it crashes? Just walking past Pinewatch? Can you at least see the sawn logs, clay deposit, workbench and such? What OS/GPU are you running? There seem to be a number of issues with the Hearthfire DLC. I've tried removing all my mods, saving, reloading, and I still crash on trying to enter the Falkreath basic house. I've even gone back to before building the house made a "clean" save and no dice... still CTD on entry. Have you tried disabling all your mods, loading, saving, then exiting the game, then going back in and loading your fresh save; Then see if you can get to the Steading? Unfortunatly as I mentioned it may be an issue in the DLC itself, certainly you and I are not alone. Supposedly the Dawnstar steading has few issues although I haven't tried it myself. I may just go hands-off and wait for the next patch.