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  1. Does anyone know if Skyrim:SE supports physically based rendering? FO4 has it, and it seems to me if it did support it, it could take texture-mods for Skyrim to a new level.
  2. static07


    Now that you say it, it doesn't make sense for a huntress to be lean. That aside, each to his own realy. And yes, a system like that will be at least tricky. Most of you have probably seen APB's insane character customization ( ). And even that is limited for good reason, armor meshes can only warp so far before they look simply wrong.Yet, I had hoped a system in Skyrim much like it, but it's not sadly, however armors do warp nicely with the weight slider and to me that hints that more warping is possible.
  3. static07


    I do agree the perfect, hentai, model, babe or pornstar body isn't the way to go here. Bethesda did a great job with the normals, which make the bodies look like they have a layer of fat, are inperfect. However I can't agree that the meshes are spot on, and I don't mean the breasts. But the chest, it's too barrel-shaped, to volumous wherever the weight slider goes. Variation is indeed what would spice Skyrim up, I'm all for making humanoids look less like clones. But just tweaking the vanilla mesh isn't going to cut it. In my understanding, this should be possible, the weight slider/option system needs to be extended, add a slider for body types, breasts, fat/muscularity. - Bodytypes: this would switch between a few bodymodels: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/1b/Bodyshapes.svg/525px-Bodyshapes.svg.png - Weight slider: does pretty much the same as it does now, but each bodytype (skelleton) behaves slightly differently - Breast slider: why not? - Fat/Muscularity: switches between several normal maps, ranging from lean, to bulky muscle and skinny to fat. If someone wants to make his character look like a double D hourglass figured pornstar, so be it, if you want a skinny lean muscled huntress, or an amazon warrioress, your choice. Add in preset and random settings for NPC's and mobs, do the same for male bodies, and realism is the user choice.
  4. old savegame still crashing frequently... It is the new steam patch causing it, backuppe'd exe has no issues (well CTDs happen but never as frequently)
  5. Right, I played a few moment after the patch, nothing wrong, but now I get constant crashes mostly while loading or fastraveling. This is mighty annoying. Here's what happened, last night before I quit my follower got stuck in the East Trading Companions Warehouse as if he was guarding the door, I loaded today and I eventually attacked him so he'd follow me.Since then the crashing began, even loading earlier saves of today, my youngest save that still works is 2 days old :(
  6. Biggest issue with the interface for me is how its clearly not designed for use with a mouse. As far as style goes, I realy dig it. More information is what I'd like to see, just like LegendarySpamcake suggested here:, it's clean, simple and informative. And unlike Darnified UI for oblivion I don't have to squint to find what I want.
  7. Deffo, some of OBGE's shaders look better than the ones Skyrim has now, liquid water and godrays at least would be very welcome.
  8. No, I dissagree they would become OP I find you can already fall a big distance before taking damage, let alone dying from it. Other than that, I agree.
  9. Very true, Nords might have a great resistance to cold but frostbite will happen to bare skin nontheless. I vote for a mod where u can wear several layers: smallclothes/clothes, robes, armor/cloaks, hoods... not much unlike Tailor Made for FO3/FNV. Offcourse armor/clothing pieces would need to be (re)modelled to prevent clipping as much as possible.
  10. Hence there could be a lore-friendlyness barometer ;) For me, a hovel here and there wouldn't be lore-breaking, a major city on the other hand... I've little experience with modding myself, though I fooled arounnd in TES CK and GECK, and am sortoff a employed programmer. I'd do what I can if a project like this takes enough interest and help is available.
  11. When finding mods for previous games on the Nexus, I've always had to "Ugh... NO! NEXT!" while browsing. This is generally because to me, those mods added, changed while breaking immersiveness harshly. Armors that are just out of place in Tamriel, or the wasteland, god items, and those gigantic cupsizes... Up until New Vegas I've lacked the disposable income to just buy these games while they were just out, I could expand my games with a lot of mods if I spent enough time filtering out these "wrong" ones. With Skyrim however there are little mods yet (New Vegas had a lot of ports from FO3) and I feel that Skyrim lacks a lot of variety and features. As the title hints at, a way to make it easy to find these mods, or better yet have packs of mods that do few key things: - Expand: Add more items, cells etc. More weapons, more armors, houses, dungeons. - Lore-friendly: All mods shouldn't feel out of place in Skyrim - Immersive: each single mod must be as close as possible to what generally is accepted as immersive. No god items, cheats and so on. One idea I have, since these characteristics are up for discussion and often a matter of taste is to rate (by several users) mods on how lore-friendly and immersive they are. Then present this project as a or several 'OMOD', or what the Nexus Mod Manager's 'installers' that the end user still has great control over what they install and what not.
  12. Bethesda did a good job adding more variations of the same armor types, big improvement over Oblivion. However, I'd love to see a good few more types and variations especially on the faction sets which lack variaton (other than studded). I realy like how many custom armors are available for Oblivion but many of them break immersion. In short all sorts of items, weapons, apparel that expand variation without losing immersion would be awefully welcome.
  13. I have the same problem, I too have a load of other mods loaded but not the jump mod or centercam, also whenever I shoot now I get the red square on my char until I move again. Well I'll start with a clean data folder and see if I can get them to work if they're (type3 + conversions) the only mods installed.
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