I do agree the perfect, hentai, model, babe or pornstar body isn't the way to go here. Bethesda did a great job with the normals, which make the bodies look like they have a layer of fat, are inperfect. However I can't agree that the meshes are spot on, and I don't mean the breasts. But the chest, it's too barrel-shaped, to volumous wherever the weight slider goes. Variation is indeed what would spice Skyrim up, I'm all for making humanoids look less like clones. But just tweaking the vanilla mesh isn't going to cut it. In my understanding, this should be possible, the weight slider/option system needs to be extended, add a slider for body types, breasts, fat/muscularity. - Bodytypes: this would switch between a few bodymodels: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/1b/Bodyshapes.svg/525px-Bodyshapes.svg.png - Weight slider: does pretty much the same as it does now, but each bodytype (skelleton) behaves slightly differently - Breast slider: why not? - Fat/Muscularity: switches between several normal maps, ranging from lean, to bulky muscle and skinny to fat. If someone wants to make his character look like a double D hourglass figured pornstar, so be it, if you want a skinny lean muscled huntress, or an amazon warrioress, your choice. Add in preset and random settings for NPC's and mobs, do the same for male bodies, and realism is the user choice.